1.Polymer Menbranes for Blood Purifications.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(4):435-443
No abstract available.
2.Whistling Face Syndrome 5 Cases Report in 3 Generation
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1987;22(1):321-324
The “whistling face” syndrome is a dominantly inherited disorder involving the face and musculoskeletal system. Sjnce its first description in 1938 by Freeman and Sheldon, sporadic case reports have appeared in the literature under various syndromes, cranio-carpo-tarsal dystrophy, cranio-facio-corporal syndrome, cranio-carpo-tarsal dysplasia, whistling face-Windmill Vane Hand syndrome and the chirocheilo-podalic syndrome. This report reviews the clinical manifestation of 5 cases of whistling face syndrome in 3 generation in one family.
Musculoskeletal System
3.Combined Procedure of Open Reduction and Shortening of the Femur in Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of the Hips in Older Children
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1989;24(2):437-442
Combined procedue of open reduction and shortening of femur for treatment of congenital hip dislocation in the older child is known to minmize the incidence of avascular necrosis, redislocation and stiffness. Thirty six hips in thirty three children were operated upon in the past six years with combined procedue of open reduction and shortening of femur. And twenty eight hips in twenty five children who were followed up more than one year were analysed. By the results, we obtained excellent in twenty nine percent, good in fifty three percent, fair in fourteen percent and poor in four percent.
Hip Dislocation, Congenital
4.Transfer of the Medial Hamstring or Biceps Femoris to the Patella
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1989;24(6):1585-1589
Two hundred and thirty-seven patients who had paresis or paralysis of the quadriceps muscles underwent a transfer of the biceps femoris by Caldwell's method or medial hamstring to the patella. Seventy-six legs of seventy-two patients who had followed-up more than one year were reviewed and analysed. The results showed there was an overall improvement measured by decreased extension lag in all age groups and relatively uniform good results in young age group. Again we reviewed the forty-six patients chronologically to eliminate the outer factors who were transfered normal biceps femoris or medial hamstring power to absent quadriceps. By that we found the extension power of the knee joint after muscle transfer had been decreased by age.
Knee Joint
Quadriceps Muscle
5.Pulse Transmission Times in Hyperthyroidism.
Korean Circulation Journal 1977;7(1):23-32
The pulse transmission times measured from polygraphic recordings of cardiac events were studied in 52 cases of female hyperthyroidism and 60 cases of normal females. The pulse transmission times measured in this study were M1-S, R-S and C-S intervals, i.e., the time intervals from the mitral first sound, the R wave of an electrocardiogram and the onset of the upstroke of the ventricular contraction in an apexcariogram to the finger tip, respectively, and the A2-C interval, and interval from the aortic second sound to the finer tip. The M1-S, R-S and C-S intervals, which were measured during systole, were significantly shortened in proportion to the severity of the disease, whereas the A2-C interval, which was a measurement during diastole, was well within normal limits. By correcting these observed values for the heart rate, the A2-C interval became significantly longer than in the control, apparently in proportion ot the severity of the disease. The M1-S, R-S and C-S intervals, however, were normalized by the correction. In the analysis of the correlation of these observed values to the age and the various hemodynamic parameters, it was noted that the A2-C interval was negatively correlated to the diastolic and mean blood pressure, which tended to be low in this condition, and was positively correlated to the age, but had no correlation to the heart rate or the systolic blood pressure. The A2-C interval also showed positive and negative correlation to left ventricular ejection time/isovolumic contraction time ratio and preejection period/left ventricular ejection time ratio, respectively. On the contrary, there was a tendency for the remaining intervals measured during systolic to be negatively correlated to the systolic blood pressure, which tended to be high, heart rate and age, as well as systolic time intervals. These facts suggested that the shortening of the M1-S, R-S and C-S intervals was caused primarily by the rapid heart rate and also by the systolic hypertension. It was strongly felt that the A2-C interval was of a limited value as an index of the pulse transmission in hyperthyroidism.
Blood Pressure
Heart Rate
6.Superoxide Anion Generation of Neutrophils in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1990;28(6):669-676
Atopic dermatitis is characterized by many signs of immunodeficiency. We have performed this experiment to know whether there are reduced respiratoty burst of neutrophils in patients with atopic dermatitis in response to stimulants such as zymosan activated serum(ZAS), phorbol myristate cetate(PMA) and for- mylmethionylleucylphenylalanine(FMLP). The atopic derrqatitis group consisted of 27 patients(5 are severe, 22 are mild) and the control group consisted of 10 persons. Superoxide anion generation of neutrophils in response to stimulants was measured as nmol of reriuced cytochrome C by spectrophotometer(at 550nm, molar extinction coefficient of cytochrome C=21.lmM 1cm ). We compared the superoxide anion generation according to the severity of atopie dermatitis, total serum IgE level and eosinophil count. Results were as follows. 1. After stimulation by PMA and FMLP, superoxide anion generation in severe atopic dermatitis group decreased compared with the control and mild atopic dermatitis group. After stimulation by ZAS there was a decreasing tendency in severe atopic dermatitis group, however it was not statistically significant. 2. Superoxide anion generation had no correlation with the total serum IgE level. 3. Superoxide anion generation had no correlation with the eosinophil count. Our data suggested that some physiologic stimulants of respiratory hurst may be generated during the course of atopic dermatitis. Possible physiologic stimulants include C5a, bacterial chemotactic factors, certain arachidonate metabolites such as leukotriene B4, as well as phagocytosis. We think that these physiologic stimulants can desensitize neutrophils of atopic dermatitis in vivo specifically or onspecifically so that superoxide anion generation may be reduced in response tostimulants in vitro.
Chemotactic Factors
Cytochromes c
Dermatitis, Atopic*
Immunoglobulin E
Leukotriene B4
Myristic Acid
7.A Clinical Study on Topical Vitamin A Acid In Acne Vulgaris.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1976;14(4):305-313
In 1932, Harris, et al., reported that vitamin A had an anti-keratinizing effect on acne vulgaris, and in 1948, Straumfjord, somewhat over-enthusiastically reported that oral use of vitamin A also had a beneficial effect on acne. In spite of studies by Lynch and Cook (1947), and Andrew and Stokoe (1963), which questioned its effectiveness, the original enthusiasm for this regimen has not been completely dampened. Kligman (1969) reported that vitamin A acid (VAA), a metabolic end-product of vitamin A metabolism, produced a peeling effect and when applied topical was effective in tbe treatment of acne. The mechanism of action of VAA is incompletely understood, however, it is observed to cause, arnong other things, an increase in the speed of proliferation of the cells of the epidermis; dissolution of the intracellular lysosomes; increase in the rate of keratin formation and the conversion of hard keratin to soft keratin; and an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The effect of VAA in acne treatment is due to the increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands which prevents the formation of comedones. It is believed that the increased spced of cell division, increased keratinization and softening of the keratin cause a weakening of the intercellular adhesion. These processes cause an acceleration of the flow of cells out of the sebaceoua glands which prevents the formation of comed.ones and forces existing comedones to the surface of the skin. For this study, thirty eight patients with acne vulgaris were selected from among the outpatients of Severance Hospital. They were divided into two groups. The first group was treated with application of vitamin A acid alone. The second group was treated concurrently with topical vitamin A acid and oral tetracycline. The results were a.s folIows: l. The group treated for three weeks with VAA alone showed significant improvement in up to 70 of the cases. 2. The group treated with VAA and oral tetracycline showed results which were sirnilar to the group on VAA alone. 3. In both groups. closed cornedones and papules gradually disappeared, however, the number of open com.dones increased in the first week, but decreased threafter, In combined therapy, pustules disappeared grad.ually just like the papules, but in therapy with VAA alone, the number of pustules increased during tbe first week and decreasd. thereafter. 4. In the group which was treated with VAA alone, undesirable side effects such as scaling, erythema, tightness, itching and burning sensation were seen, and also occasionally fissures, edema, pain and oozing were noted. In the group treated with combined therapy, similar findings were recorded.
Acne Vulgaris*
Cell Division
Sebaceous Glands
Vitamin A*
8.Incontinentia Pigmenti Achromians ( Ito ): Report of two cases.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1976;14(1):81-85
Incontinentia pigmenti acb.romians(Ito) is characterized by progressive bizarre or whorl-like hypopigmentation on trunk and extrementies during childhood. It is similar to a negative picture of incontinentia pigmenti(Blocb-Sulzberger) and not infrequently associated with mental, bony and ocular defects. The incidence of this disease is predominent in femaIe without hereditary background. Case 1. Two years old female was visited to our clinic because of mottled depigmented patches on right thigh for about 8 months. Case 2. 14 months oId female was visited to our clinic because of linear and. mottled depigmented natches on their limbs for about 7 months. Histopathological findings of both cases shows the focal depigmentation on basal layer. They are treated with steroid ointment with moderate to good effects.
Incontinentia Pigmenti*
Pigmentation Disorders*
9.An Analysis of Deaths Caused by Cancer in Metropolitan Areas of Korea: Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Incheon.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1987;20(1):84-96
For the purpose of preparing the basic data for further cancer epidemiologic study and cancer patients control, we conducted the analysis on the degree and structure of deaths from cancer in metropolitan areas of Korea with 7,934 certified cancer deaths records of Seoul, Pusan, Taegu and Incheon in 1982. The analyzed results were as follows : 1) The total number of cancer deaths in metropolitan areas were 7,934 (male: 4,749, female: 3,185) as 14.1% of deaths from all causes in the same area. 2) The rate of physician's certification on cancer deaths was 77.4% and most of cancer deaths (84.4%) occurred at their home. 3) Cancer specific death rate was 51.7 per 100,000 population (male: 62.9, female: 41.9) and age-adjusted cancer death rate was 82.4 in male and 51.6 in female per 100,000 population. And the difference was statistically significant (p<0.01). 4) Age-specific cancer death rate was generally increased with age and most of cancer deaths (male: 75%, female: 65%) occurred from 45 to 74 years old. 5) The first three orders of cancer site were stomach (32.7%), liver (28.8%), lung (11.7%) in male and stomach (30.6%), uterus (18.4%), liver (13.8%) in female. And the relative frequency of these three cancer sites among total cancer deaths was corresponded to 73.2% in male and 62.8% in female. 6) The ratio of male to female cancer death rate was 1.5:1. And the ratio was above 3.0 in esophagus, liver, larynx, bladder cancer and the ratio was similar to 1.0 in stomach, pancreas, leukemia, brain, colon cancer, but the ratio was reversed in gall bladder and bile duct, and thyroid cancer.
Bile Ducts
Colonic Neoplasms
Epidemiologic Studies
Thyroid Neoplasms
Urinary Bladder
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms
10.Non-Union of Greater Trochanter Following Low Friction Torque Arthroplasly (LFTA)
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1973;8(3):217-223
This paper is intended to draw attention to the cases of non-union of reattached greater trochanter after LFTA for hip disorders with an our short experience of this subject. Previous information on this subject is scanty. Charnley mentioned on his paper of the long time result of LFTA of the hip for non-union of the great trochanter was reported in 4.2% of 379 hips followed for a minium of four years. Of these, a quarter went on to separation of the bony fragment. With his report, wire breakage occured in 28 cases in the presence of a united trochanter, a phenmenon which results from loops of the wire passing through soft tissues, out side the bone, and becoming fatigued by repeated bending movements. However, he pointed that the clinical result does not seems to be impaired althrough such patients occasionally complain of a feeling of insecurity when weight bearing. Among our series, two cases of non-union of the greater trochanter, after LFTA, is reported. Those of two patient were bilateral hip disorders who has indicated both hip total hip replacement. But we have done only one hip each because of inevitable patients physical conditions during the surgery. Presumably, the principal cause of non-union appeared to be excessive force on the operated one hip. The type of internal fixation for reattachment of the greater trochanter was investigated, six types which we used in this series, two separate knots for security of wire breakage after Bechtol resulted satisfactory union of the detached greater trochanter. A case of detached trochanter for revision which we used original Charnley technique with additional figure of eight wire fixation for re-enforcement. Eventually, we agree that advantage of bilateral total hip replacement at the same operative session.
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip