1.Hepatotoxic Alterations Induced by Inhalation of Trichloroethylene (TCE) in Rats
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2001;14(4):325-332
Objective Trichloroethylene (TCE) is one of the most potent organic unsaturated solvents being used in dry cleaning, metal degreasing, thinner for paints varnishes and electroplating, etc. and has been reported to be a hepatotoxicant through oral and dermal exposure. However, its inhalation toxicity data is very limited in the literature due to the fact that the exposure levels associated with these effects were usually not reported. Hence, inhalation toxicity study was carried out for hepatotoxic studies. Method Inhalation toxicity studies was carried out by exposing rats to TCE for 8, 12 and 24 weeks in a dynamically operated whole body inhalation chamber. Sham treated control rats were exposed to compressed air in the inhalation chamber for the same period. Results Significant increase in liver weight (liver enlargement) appearance of necrotic lesions with fatty changes and marked necrosis were observed after longer duration (12 and 24 weeks) of TCE exposure. The lysosomal rupture resulted in increased activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase alongwith reduced glutathione content and total increased sulfhydryl content in liver tissue. Conclusion TCE exposure through Inhalation route induces hepatotoxicity in terms of marked necrosis with fatty changes and by modulating the lysosomal enzymes.
2.Pulmonary Toxicity of a Formulated Preparation of Fenvalerate in Rats Subchronically Exposed by Nose Only Inhalation for 90 Days
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2001;14(4):333-340
Objective The pulmonary toxicity of a commercially available formulated preparation of Fenvalerate (Fen), a synthetic pyrethroid has been studied in rats following subchronic nose only inhalation exposure route. Method Adult male rats were exposed to Fen for 4h/day, 5 days a week for 90 days by using Flow Past Dynamic Nose only Inhalation Chamber. Results Fen exposed rats showed a significant increase in enzymatic activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and γ-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) which are considered as biochemical indicators of pulmonary damage. The concomitant histopathological examination of Fen exposed rats' lung revealed inflammatory changes viz., influx of mononuclear cells admixed with a few giant cells in alveolar lumen, hypetrophied bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial lining cells and presence of edematous fluid in alveolar lumen alongwith congested parenchymatous blood vessels. Conclusion These results for the first time indicate the pulmonary toxic effects of a commonly used formulated Fen preparation by using rat model and nose only inhalation as the route of exposure.
3.Hepatotoxic Alterations Induced by Subchronic Exposure of Rats to Formulated Fenvalerate (20% EC) by Nose Only Inhalation
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2004;17(3):309-314
Fenvalerate (20% EC) is a synthetic pyrethroid, which is commonly used in India by farmers for the protection of many food and vegetable crops against a wide variety of insects. However, its inhalation toxicity data is very limited in the literature due to the fact that the exposure levels associated with these effects were usually not reported. Hence, inhalation exposure was carried out to investigate the hepatotoxic effects. Method Adult male rats were exposed to fen for 4 h/day, 5 days a week for 90 days by using Flow Past Nose Only Inhalation Chamber. Sham treated control rats were exposed to compressed air in the inhalation chamber for the same period. Results The results indicated hepatomegaly, increased activities of serum clinical enzymes (indicative of liver damage/dysfunction) along with pronounced histopathological damage of liver. Conclusion The hepatotoxic potential of formulated Fen (20% EC) in rats exposed by nose only inhalation is being reported for the first time and warrant adequate safety measures for human beings exposed to this insecticide, particularly by inhalation route.