1.Efficacy of the traditional medication for treatment of the Hepatitis B (sirupe Hebovera) which support the production of antibody against surface antigen Hepatitis B (anti HBs) in the chronic HBsAg carriers
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;(4):19-21
In Vietnamese indigenous medicine, the leaves of Artocarpus tonkinensis A-chev are used for treatment of lumbago and myoasthenia. Our study finds the flavonoid fraction from leaves of Artocarpus tonkinensis A-chev, is a potential antioxidant agent - Kaemferol in the total flavonoid fraction and it has an inhibitory effect against the lipid peroxydation of liver
Plants, Medicinal
Medicine, Traditional
2.The cerebral protective effect of a medicinal formula in mice with ischemia/reperfusion induced brain injuries
Journal of Medicinal Materials - Hanoi 2005;10(3):96-98
The experimental trials was conducted on Swiss white mice of 7 weeks of age, both sexes, and weight of 20-22g. Results: SOD activity in mice with ischemia/reperfusion was significantly statistical lower than those in the control group, p<0.05. In the group treated by “activating the blood and clearing the obstruction” formula with dose of 200 mg/kg, SOD activity was lower than those in the research group (89.5%) and was 73.7% compared to control group. In the group treated by this formula with dose of 300 mg/kg, SOD content was still lower than those in the research group (96%) and was 79.5% compared to control group. In the group treated by the dose of 500 mg/kg, SOD activity was higher significantly than those in the research group (113.6%) and was 96% compared to control group. The result showed that with appropriate dose, this medicinal formula has antioxidant effects
Brain Injuries
3.Superoxide dismutase activity in mice with carrageenan – induced inflammation and influence of some medicinal plants
Journal of Medicinal Materials - Hanoi 2005;10(5):146-149
Study on oxidant stress status in rat with carrageenan-induced inflammation and intervention’s ability with Artocarpus tonkinensis extract and the aqueous extract (unidentified scientific name), collected in Phu Tho. Results: carragenin 1% injection into sole of the foot of white mice that caused paw edema in mice after 4 hours. The edema status gained medium value of 118.98±15.94mg in sole of the foot. Mivce was preventively administrated by oral diclofenac. Flavonoid extract from Artocarpus tonkinensis leaves and the aqueous extract in studying doses had reduced clearly edema. There were significantly decreases in SOD activities of inflammation mice and increases of MDA level - an indicator of lipid superoxide reaction - in correlation with inflammation status of different mice groups. There was a positive correlation between edema level of mice groups and MDA levels
Plants, medicinal
Superoxide Dismutase
4.The in vitro and in vitro antioxidant activities of the ethyl acetate extracted from Radix Polygoni multiflori
Journal of Medicinal Materials - Hanoi 2005;10(2):59-63
Radix Polygoni multiflori has been used Vietnamese traditional medicine for a long time. This paper presented the remarkable antioxidant effects of the AcOET extract from Radix Polygoni multiflori with evidences obtained from various antioxidant tests: inhibition of lipid peroxidation in cell hemogenates, of anion superoxide production, stimulation of SOD activity using Ransod kits. The extract protected the splenocytes from H20¬2- induced injuries and protected brain cells from oxidative stress caused by an ischemia/reperfusion course. These results suggested that application of Radix Polygoni multiflori as antioxidant agent will be beneficial in prevention and treatment of diseases of the elderly
5.Application of MTT technique in assessment of splenocyte protective effects of the extracts from Polygonum multiflorum and Chrysanthemum indicum
Journal of Medicinal Materials - Hanoi 2005;10(1):23-26
Oxidative stress plays a role in pathogenesis of series of diseases, particularly in induction of cell membrane injuries and modification of DNA of lymphocytes, leading to the cell's loss. In this paper we presented the results obtained from the application of MTT technique in cell culture to assess the antioxidative activities of the extracts from Polygonum multiflorum and Chrysanthemum indicum on cultured murines splenocytes
Plants, medicinal
Oxidative Stress
6.The intraoperative complications in 353 cases of operation for renal calculi
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2005;0(12):60-64
353 patients with renal calculi were underwent open operation in Military Hospital No.4 from 2004 to 2005. Out of them, coralliform calculi and pseudo-coralliform calculi: 138 cases (39.1%), multi calculi: 90 cases (25.5%), pyelo calculi: 109 cases (30.0%), calix calculi: 16 cases (4.5%). 62 cases (17.6%) had intraoperative complications, including peritoneal tear 36 cases (10.2%), lung membrane tearing 1case (0.3%), bleeding: 18 cases (5.1%), unremovable stone 1 case (0.3%), pyelo tearing: 2 cases (0.6%), residual stone: 4 cases (1.1%)
Kidney Calculi
7.Study of production of inactivated influenza vaccine for human on egg-grown from reassortants NIBRG-14 at vaccine institute.
Hiep Van Le ; Hien Thi Minh Nguyen ; Be Van Le ; Phuong Thi Lan Nguyen ; Nhon Ngoc Tran ; Van Thi Hong Dang
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;17(5):52-57
Background: A/H5N1 influenza virus spreads from birds to humans and cause influenza diseases with high mortality rate. Vaccination is the most effective way to protect communities from pandemic, reduce morbidity and mortality. The study of creating A/H5N1 influenza vaccines in conformity with Vietnam was the urgent need. Institute of Vaccine\u2019s Achievement (IVAC) studied production of inactivated influenza vaccine for human on egg-grown from reassortants NIBRG-14. Objectives: In order to produce experimentally A/H5N1 influenza vaccine for human in accordance with WHO requirements and set up a viable process for production of the vaccines. Subjects and method: 10 days embryonated eggs and NIBRG-14 strains were served to the study with LAL method to check endotoxin, Kijehdal method to test total protein. Results: IVAC had produced successfully 5 lots of absorbed vaccine A/H5N1 (FLUVAC) using NIBRG-14 strains and embryonated eggs. Initially, production and quality control processes had been set up at IVAC by applying the recommendations of WHO. Conclusion: The success of the study was a basis of the approval of the government to establish a influenza vaccine manufacturing facilities.
Influenza A Virus
H5N1 Subtype
Influenza Vaccines
8.Morbidity and mortality of acute respiratory infections in Thai Binh province, Vietnam, 2002-2005
Hien Tran Nguyen ; Dinh Ngoc Pham ; Dung Chi Tham ; Hoa Thuy Nguyen ; Dung Kim Thanh ; Chung Thanh Nguyen ; Diu Van Pham ; Kiyosu Taniguchi
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;96(4):5-12
Background: Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is a common disease in developing countries. Morbidity and mortality of ARI are high, especially among children under 15 years old. Objectives: To describe socio-graphic factors, seasonal patterns, risky areas and determine the morbidity and mortality rates of acute respiratory infections in Thai Binh province. Subjects and method: This retrospective study reviewed the medical records of 4,585 hospital admitted patients who were diagnosed with ARI including upper and lower respiratory infections such as sore throat, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchitis-pneumonia at 8 district hospitals and 1 provincial hospital in Thai Binh province during 2002-2005. The selected medical records were based on the available check list and two standard screening tests. Results:Morbidity and mortality of ARI in Thai Binh province were 61.6 and 0.52, respectively. ARI mainly occurred among children under 5 years old, of which the highest mortality was among those under 12 months of age. Male children were at higher risk of acquiring ARI, but less prone to death than female. Occupation did not significantly associate with the risk of ARI. The morbidity increased sharply during inter-season, e.g. March and October. Thai Binh city, Kien Xuong and Tien Hai district were reported with the highest morbidity in accompany of the high mortality as consequences. Conclusion: The prevention and control methods were recommended to annually focus on the male children aged less than 5 years old during March and October in Thai Binh city, Kien Xuong and Tien Hai district.
acute respiratory infections
9.Epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhea in the National Pediatric Hospital
Hien Dang Nguyen ; Huong Thu Ngo ; Luan Thi Le ; Man Van Nguyen ; Dung Trung Le ; Ha Thi Ngan Dang ; Huong Thi Mai Nguyen ; Hanh Bich Tran
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;18(6):12-16
Background: Rotavirus type A is the most common cause of acute gastrointestinal inflammatory in children under 5 years old, especially in age groups 6 and 36 months. Some rotavirus strains are common; seen recently in Vietnam are G1, G2, G3, G4 and G9, P4, P6 and P8. Objective: Surveillance of epidemiological characteristics of rotavirus induced diarrhea in the National Pediatric Hospital from September, 2007 to March, 2008. Subject and methods: Collection of 322 stool specimens of pediatric patients with acute diarrhea (including 213 specimens from male, 109 specimens from female), who were treated in the National Pediatric Hospital. All of these specimens were determined for causes of rotavirus with the enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Results and Conclusion: Among these 322 stool specimens, there were 195 rotavirus positive specimens, accounted for 60.56%. The rate of monthly distribution of rotavirus diarrhea from September, 2007 to March, 2008 were 76%, 56%, 62%, 61%, 64%, 56% and 44%, respectively. Number of rotavirus positive cases in male and female was 56 (26.29%) and 79 (72.48%), respectively. The rate of rotavirus positive children compared to total number of specimens with the age 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-24 months, 24-36 months and over 36 months was 7.69%, 15.9%, 41.54%, 32.82%, 1.54% and 0.51%, respectively. The results of type identification indicated that phenotypes of 37 among 40 specimens were identified (92.5%) in which there were 5 specimens of G1P8 (12.5%), 20 specimens of G3P8 (50%), 1 specimen of G9P8 (2.5%), 2 specimens of G1Pmixed (5%), 9 specimens of G3Pmixed (22.5%), 1 specimen of G unidentified-type P8 (2.5%) and 2 specimens of G3 P unidentified-type (5%).
10.Epidemiology of ROTA virus diarrhea in Ho Chi Minh city from 12/2006-11/2007
Hien Dang Nguyen ; Huong Thu Ngo ; Luan Thi Le ; Man Van Nguyen ; Dung Trung Le ; Ha Thi Ngan Dang ; Huong Thi Mai Nguyen ; Hanh Bich Tran ; Tu Van Phan ; Thao Thi Thanh Nguyen ; Phuc Le Hoang
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;97(5):46-51
Background: Acute gastroenterophathy usually caused by the Rota virus for children under 5 years old. Objectives: To present various types of data on epidemiology of ROTA virus diarrhea in Ho Chi Minh city from 12/2006-11/2007. Material and method: The data were collected from 500 stool specimens of diarrhea diagnosed chilren hosptalised at Thuy Dien Pediatric hospital 1, Ho Chi Minh city from December/2006 to November /2007. Results:There were 322 rotavirus-positive specimens, representing 64.4%. The proportions of monthly distribution of cases with diarrhea due to rotavirus were 90.1%, 54.39%, 85.37%, 74.51%, 72.92%, 41.67%, 26.67%, 58.33%, 79.31%, 52.63%, 69.05% and 57.78%, respectively. The numbers of rotavirus-positive cases in male and female were 216 (65.26%) and 106 (62.72%), respectively. The proportions of Rota virus positive children compared to total number of diarrheal cases with age 0-3, 3-6, 6-12, 12-24, 24-36 and over 36 months were 2.80%, 7.76%, 40.06%, 40.68%, 5.28% and 3.42%, respectively.\r\n', u'The results of typing identification indicated that the phenotypes of 98 among 100 specimens were identified (98%) in which there were sixty-one specimens of G1P8 (61%), one specimen of G2P8 (1%), fourteen specimens of G3P8 (14%), four of specimens of G4P8 (4%), eighteen specimens of GmixedP8 (18%). There were only two specimens of GnontypeableP8 (2%). Conclusion: Further studies should be carried out to clear this issue.\r\n', u'
gel type.