1.Using G banding technique to determine karyotyp for patients with suspected genetic disorders
Journal of Medical Research 1998;6(2):47-52
In 1997 (1/1997-10/1997) with lymphocytes culture technique, technique for preparing chromosome slides, and Barr body technique (giemsa + trypsin). We determined Karyotyp for 60 patients with suspected genetic disorders. The result showed determined sex for 40 patients (Karyotyp 46,XX or 46,XY). 2 interrex with Karyotyp 46,XX/46,XY. 2 intersex with Karyotyp 46,XX. Determining Karyotyp for 8 patients with suspected Turner Syndrome. One of them: 45,X/46, X, r(X). Determining Karyotyp for 2 patients with suspected Down Syndrome. (1 case: 46,XX; another: 47,XX, +21). Determining Karyotyp for another patients: suspected: panconi; 47,XYY; Sterility..
Chromosome Aberrations
2.Parasite infection of Ede ethnic people at 3 villages of DakLak province in 1996
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;12(1):51-54
A total of 238 stool samples were taken from Ede ethnic people at three villages of DakLak province. The results showed that: the rate of common parasite infection was 81.5%. The highest rate was ankylostomiasis (61.5%) and the lowest was trichuriasis 6.7%. No difference of rate was recorded in sex and age groups of habitants. It was also found that 87% of the households have no latrine.
Ethnic Groups
3.Study on situation of training methods at Hµ Néi Medical University
Journal of Medical Research 1998;7(3):63-69
143 lecturers and 1360 students in basic, biomedical, clinical and community departments of Ha Noi Medical University were interviewed on the current situation of training methods. The results showed that 38.4% teachers applied active training methods and there is a dramatic change in comparison to prior 1995 in biomedical group (p<0.05), more than 70% lecturers had syllabus, gave questionnaires and assessment after lesson. 60% lecturers reported that traditional training methods made students become negative while active method made students more active. 54.2% of students read references that related to clinical subjects. 96.5% of students read the bulletin of basic medical departments. 61.2% students like the active methods in training
4.Situation on colour vision deficiencies because recessives in chromosome X of first year students at Hai Phong Medical College from 2000 to 2002
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2004;304(11):116-119
In 409 students were tested with Ishihasa chromatic plates for distinguishing subjects with color vision deficiencies (CVD) at Hai Phong Medical College from 2000 to 2002. 57.7% male and 42.3% female. Frequency of CVD: 8.05 ± 0.25% male, female 0%. All people with CVD, among them deuteranopia was 68.42%, frequency: 5.51 ± 0.19. All people with CVD, among them red - green were 21.05%, frequency: 1.70 ± 0.11%. All people with CVD, among them red and total color was 5.26%, frequency of red: 0.37 ± 0.05%, frequency of total color: 0.37 ± 0.05%
Chromosomes, Human, X
Students, Medical
5.Congenital torticolis treated by physiotherapy: report of a clinical case
Ho Chi Minh city Medical Association 2004;0(3):145-146
An one year old girl with congenital torticolis was subjected to study. At birth, an oval neck mass was persisted at the right side, which made the head tilted. The patient was treated by massage to reduce the contraction of clavicle muscle. Infra-red was irradiated during 10 minutes in the neck and the left side lumbar regions. Exercises were practised to rotate the neck and the trunk, and to stretch the neck. Mother was trained for holding and carrying the child at home. 4 months of treatment gave good results
Physical Therapy (Specialty)
6.The relation between physical illness and suicidal thoughts in general population in DongDa district, Hanoi city
Journal of Medical Research 2003;25(5):80-85
2.280 people living in DongDa district, Hanoi city were randomly selected and interviewed concerning the health status, the physical illness the emotional troubles as well as the habit of use of alcohol, sleeping medication, pain medication, and their suicidal thought in whole life. The results showed that there is an association between the suicidal thoughts and cancer, asthma. Anxiety, depression and fear were considered predictors for these thoughts, the habit for using sleeping and pain relief medications were associated statistic significantly with the suicidal thoughts but there was not an association with the use of alcohol.
Sick Role
7.A proposal of a case of Basedow disease typical in clinical symtoms but normal in FT4 and TSH examinations
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;454(6):38-40
20 years old female patients with completed clinical symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, palpitation, tachycardia, hot feeling, tremor, hyperdefecation … However, FT4 and TSH tests gave normal results, therefore basal metabolism measurement and I131 concentration examination had been done to confirm the diagnosis.
Graves Disease
8.Using the Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization technique for prenatal diagnosis of Down’s syndrome
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;530(11):9-11
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) is cytogenetics - molecular technique. FISH is the rapid detection technique of chromosomal aberration by chromosome specific probes applied to interphase cells. In this study, the authors used Kit duple DNA probe for chromosome 13, 21, X, Y to prenatal diagnosis of Down’s syndrome. With 6 amniotic fluid samples, the authors obtained the results as follows: 2 samples were Down’s syndrome trisomy; 1 sample was Patau syndrome trisomy; 3 samples were normal; 1 sample male foetus died without clear causes. Cytogenetic result: 46, XX but FISH result: 46, XY; PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) result: TDF (Testis Determining Factor): (+). These results were confirmed by chrosome analysis.
Down Syndrome
Prenatal Diagnosis
9.Studying clinical manifestations of acute exacerbation \r\n', u"of 150 patients with COPD by Anthonisen's classification in \r\n", u'Department of Respiratory of Bach Mai Hospital \r\n', u'
Thanh Hoang Tran ; Huyen Thi Thai
Journal of Medical Research 2007;53(5):100-103
Background: Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the common complication of COPD and sometimes is lethal cause of patients. Objective: To study clinical manifestations of exacerbation of 150 patients with COPD by Anthonisen's classification at the Department of Respiratory of Bach Mai hospital. Subjects and method: A retrospective, prospective, descriptive study included 150 patients in Department of Respiratory of Bach Mai hospital, from February 2005 to March 2006. Retrospective study included 100 patients and prospective study included 50 patients. Results and conclusions: The male - to - female ratio is 6:1. The average age of patients was 68.85 \xb1 9.45 years. The most of age group was 61 - 70 years. 73.33% patients hospitalized were belonged to type I - this was serious type and similarity of III-IV stage according to GOLD 2003' classification of COPD. 100% of cases hospitalized with dyspnea, 90.6% cough with purulent sputum, 58.7% fever.
Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Obstructive/ diagnosis
10.Effects of an IEC intervention on food safety handling practices among staffs of canteens surrounding Hanoi medical university in 2007
Boa Thi Do ; Boa Thi Do ; Thanh Kim Tran ; Thanh Kim Tran ; Bach Xuan Tran ; Bach Xuan Tran
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;0(3):18-26
Background: Many studies showed that food safety handling practice is limited in many subjects, especially employees of public canteens and street restaurants. Objective: Strengthen the knowledge on food safety handling practices for staffs of canteens surrounding Hanoi medical university. Subject and Method: An IEC intervention was carried out from December, 2006 to June, 2007 in order to improve food safety handling practices among the personnel of 7 canteens surrounding Hanoi Medical University. The sample size of 34 employees was collected and interviewed with regards to their handing practice on food by using a checklist and a structured questionnaire. The utensils hygiene was assessed by a quick biochemical test. Result and Conclusion: There were significant changes in food handling practices among staffs after the intervention which proved by the regular medical examination, the improvement in hand-washing habits; dish cleaning; ways of picking up cooked-foods; however, almost all of the observed canteens did not follow the rules of food sources management and daily storage sample of foods. \r\n', u'\r\n', u'
IEC intervention
Food safety