Background: Bacterial vaginosis is a very common vaginal infection. It occurs when bacteria that normally exist in small numbers in the vagina multiply rapidly. With the purpose of early diagnosis and timely treatment infection of vaginalis tract. Objectives: The study was conducted with 2 purposes: Firstly, identification of bacterial and fungical causa is of the vaginalis. Secondly, comparison of the cause among 2 groups of women with clinical symptoms and group came for health examination. Subjects and method:A cross-sectional study was carried out in sampled groups: 325 women with ginecological symptom and 385 women came for health examination at the clinic of the Institute of mother and Newborn protection. Both 2 groups were clinical examined and microbiological testing. Results: The results were showed: The prevalence of vaginalis of the group with ginecological symptoms was found 76.92% and in the other group was 56.1%. The was not any disparity in clinical and testing results. The microbiological causes were found: 22.15% candida in group with clinical symptom and 18.96% in the other group. Streptococcal group D was taken second place 20.61% in group with clinical symptom and 13.25%in group with health examination and folioing are S. aureus, E.coli, C.trachomatis, G.vaginalis. Conclusion: There\u2019s no significant difference in the prevalence of infection of vaginalis tract between some age groups in this study.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Bacterial/ pathology Female