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Author:(Toshihide TAMURA)

2.Serum Mineral Levels among Nepalese Living in the Southern Agricultural Terai Region

Yoshimi OHNO ; Kazuko HIRAI ; Kumiko NAGATA ; Toshihide TAMURA ; Mathura P. SHRESTHA

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2000;5(1):1-5

3.Serum protein and immunoglobulin levels among nepalese living in southern Nepal.

Yoshimi OHNO ; Kazuko HIRAI ; Mamoru NAKANISHI ; Kumiko NAGATA ; Toshihide TAMURA ; Mathura P SHRESTHA

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2002;7(3):119-122

4.Serum nutritional status of tocopherol and retinol normalized to lipids of persons living in the southern rural Terai region in Nepal.

Kazuko HIRAI ; Yoshimi OHNO ; Mayumi JINDAI ; Yoko AOKI ; Eriko HAYASHI ; Hisa HIGUCHI ; Seiko MIZUNO ; Kumiko NAGATA ; Toshihide TAMURA ; Shiva K RAI ; Mathura P SHRESTHA

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2004;9(1):13-21

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