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Author:(Torun OZER)

1.Cone-beam computed tomography assessment of mandibular asymmetry in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients.

Ilknur VELI ; Tancan UYSAL ; Faruk Izzet UCAR ; Murat ERUZ ; Torun OZER

Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2011;41(6):431-439

2.Alveolar bone thickness and lower incisor position in skeletal Class I and Class II malocclusions assessed with cone-beam computed tomography.

Asli BAYSAL ; Faruk Izzet UCAR ; Suleyman Kutalmis BUYUK ; Torun OZER ; Tancan UYSAL

The Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2013;43(3):134-140

3.Evaluation of alveolar bone loss following rapid maxillary expansion using cone-beam computed tomography.

Asli BAYSAL ; Tancan UYSAL ; Ilknur VELI ; Torun OZER ; Irfan KARADEDE ; Seyit HEKIMOGLU

The Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2013;43(2):83-95

4.Changes in mandibular transversal arch dimensions after rapid maxillary expansion procedure assessed through cone-beam computed tomography.

Asli BAYSAL ; Ilknur VELI ; Faruk Izzet UCAR ; Murat ERUZ ; Torun OZER ; Tancan UYSAL

Korean Journal of Orthodontics 2011;41(3):200-210

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