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Author:(Torkel SNELLINGEN)

1.Association of C(-106)T Polymorphism in Aldose Reductase Gene with Diabetic Retinopathy in Chinese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Deng YU ; Yang XIU-FEN ; Gu HONG ; Lim APIRADEE ; Ulziibat MUNKHTULGA ; Snellingen TORKEL ; Xu JUN ; Ma KAI ; Liu NING-PU

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 2014;(1):1-6

2.Clinical features and linkage analysis for a Chinese family with autosomal dominant central areolar choroidal dystrophy.

Kai MA ; Xiu-fen YANG ; Cui HAN ; Ning ZHANG ; Jun XU ; Shou-bin LIU ; Hai LU ; Torkel SNELLINGEN ; Ning-li WANG ; Ning-pu LIU

Chinese Medical Journal 2009;122(22):2686-2690

3.Use of cataract surgery in urban Beijing: a post screening follow-up of the elderly with visual impairment due to age-related cataract.

Xue-tao REN ; Torkel SNELLINGEN ; Hong GU ; Sawitri ASSANANGKORNCHAI ; Yan-hong ZOU ; Virasakdi CHONGSUVIVATWONG ; Apiradee LIM ; Wei JIA ; Xi-pu LIU ; Ning-pu LIU ;

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 2015;30(1):1-6

4.Association of C(-106)T polymorphism in aldose reductase gene with diabetic retinopathy in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Yu DENG ; Xiu-fen YANG ; Hong GU ; Apiradee LIM ; Munkhtulga ULZIIBAT ; Torkel SNELLINGEN ; Jun XU ; Kai MA ; Ning-pu LIU

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 2014;29(1):1-6

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