1.Field survey on the freshwater snails in Cheju Province(Quelpart lsland), Korea: Especially on presence or not of Parafossarulus manchouricus.
Suck Young KANG ; In Kyu LOH ; Yung Hoon PARK ; Byung Chan KIM ; Too Bong LIM
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1964;2(3):183-188
The question of infectivity and prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis in Cheju province (Quelpart Island) was arisen to authors since the several surveys on the endemic diseases were performed in this island. Therefore, authors decided to solute this question. Then the survey on the possible second intermediate host of Clonorchis sinensis was performed and reported already with negative finding. At present time, authors carried out the collection of all kinds of fresh-water snails through all areas of this island, to confirm the presence or not of Parafossarulus manchouricus, the only first intermediate host of Clonorchis sinensis in Korea . And the following results were obtained. The fresh-water snails collected in the survey were Semisulcospira libertina Gould and Lymnaea ollula Gould. Parafossarulus manchouricus Bourguigant was not collected in this island. It is confirmed that the Clonorchis sinensis can not be prevalent in this island.
parasitology-helminth-trematoda-Clonorchis sinensis
life cycle
Parafossarulus manchouricus
Semisulcospira libertina Gould
Lymnaea ollula Gould
2.The epidemiological studies on the filariasis in Korea I. Filariasis in Cheju-Do(Quelpart Island).
Byong Seol SEO ; Han Jong RIM ; Soo Hyun SEONG ; Yong Hoon PARK ; Byong Chan KIM ; Too Bong LIM
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1965;3(3):139-145
A night blood survey was carried out among inhabitants aged over 1 year from the fifteen villages throughout Cheju-Do (Quelpart Island). Blood films from 2,139 persons were examined and 183(8.6 percent) showed microfilariae, the incidences varying according to geographical sources are from 0.8 to 19.5 per cent. All the microfilariae found in this survey were of the nocturnal periodic Brugia malayi. The microfilarial density was 1.9 per cent of blood. The age and sex distributions of microfilaria rate in Cheju-Do were not distinctly different. On the other hand, the intradermal test using Dirofilaria antigen (FPT antigen) and clinical survey of filariasis were also undertaken in same areas of microfilaria survey. Out of 2,449 inhabitants examined 1,434(58.6 percent) persons showed positive reaction of skin test, 503(20.5 percent) persons have clinical manifestations and 112 (4.6 percent) persons showed elephantiasis . It is assumed that Aedes togoi may be the most probable vector of B. malayi in the areas of Cheju-Do.
Brugia malayi
intradermal test