1.Primarily results of percutaneous laser disc decompression in Center for Biomedical Physics in Ho Chi Minh
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):5-7
The disc herniation occurs in 1/3 population in the world but 3% of this population had clinical symptoms that need a treatment. 87 patients received the method of percutaneous laser disc decompression has show that the successful rate was 80%. There had no major complications. There was only case suffering from the small abscess at the back of spine
Angioplasty, Balloon, Laser-Assisted
2.Percutaneous laser for lumbar disc decompression
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):42-44
There are several advantages of percutaneous laser. Candidates for this technique are patients who have CT or MRI imaging findings showed that the spinal disc(s) were displaced but remained to be intact, with correlative pain symptoms and received conservative treatment for at least three months without success. The patients have only to suffered regional anesthesia, have not to hospitalize, free from scar, have not any spinal problem, time of immobilization and activity limitation was shorter
Angioplasty, Balloon, Laser-Assisted
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
3.Study on some clinical features and treatment of thermal burn of mesoderina (grade III) and whole skin (grade IV) of upper extremity
Journal of Practical Medicine 1999;361(2):14-16
Study on 27 patients with thermal burn in upper extremities has shown that deep burn with severe edema changed hand into claw picture in the deep burn of whole hand (6,98%). The maximal edema occurs within 48 -72 hours after burn. The syndrome of hamper of extremities occurred in deep burn including perimeter of wrist. The deep injury in back of the hand (97,67%). Treatment of 3thgrade burn: clean the hand; everyday bandage distribution; self split of necrosis. Treatment of 4th grade burn: cut the necrosis as average linear method in day of 6,6+/- 1,3 of burn.
4.The affects of hot microclimate environment at work to pilots and technicians at some airports
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;12(1):72-74
A study on some pilots and technicians at some airports from the center to the South showed that: during the studying days of May - June /1996, the temperature burden of hot microclimate environment according to the Yaglow general index rose to 32%, the tension of the temperature regulatory mechanism of the body expressed the raising of body temperature, increasing the pulse and excretion of sweats. Suitability to the hot climate of pilots and technitians through training themselves maintained the temperature balance at standard level.
5.Environmental pollution by latrines in some military units
Journal of Preventive Medicine 1998;8(4):58-64
Examination of soil samples in some military units revealed a high degree of parasitic infestation and bacterial contamination. The incidence of parasitic disease among the staff of these units was recorded as following: ascaridiasis 71.5%, trichiurasis 33.3% and ankylostomiasis 10.7%. Authors strongly urged the need to improve the existing latrine system of these military units.
Refuse Disposal
6.Z-reconstruction of muscular membrane of nasal vestibule for repair of secondary cleft lip nose deformity
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):26-27
From 1998 to 1999, 25 patients were operated to repair the secondary nasal deformity after initial congenital cleft lip and palate reconstruction. Age of patients ranged from 11 to 23, 6 males, 19 females, inwhich 11 patients have upper cleft lip alon and 14 patients have cleft lip with cleft palate. This is an adjunctive surgery for nasal deformity recontruction using cartilage interventions. Criteria of evaluation: good: the vestibular membrane disappeared, nasal ventilation is good. Moderate: the vestibular membrane is still, nasal ventilation is good. Poor: there was not improvement. Result: good result was achieved in 11 patients (44%), moderate in 8 patients (32%) and poor result in 24%
Muscle Contraction
7.40 years of development neurology
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;263(9):21-25
The neurology profession was established after the completed liberation of the North of Vietnam. The psychological and neurological department of Bach Mai hospital was established in the 2 nd December 1956, currently the psychological and neurological faculty of Hanoi medical University also was founded. Up to now, the neurology profession has been undergoing over 40 years of the development and has surpassing progressed both proffession level, facilities and the human resource
Models, Psychological
8.Some remarks on the quality of malaria parasite examination in Thanh Hoa province in 2002
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):60-63
In 2002, 99.807 blood slides were taken and examined in Thanh Hoa province, of which 33.464 slides were taken from fever patients (33.52%). 196 positive cases were detected. 52 microscopic points were checked, of which 10 microscopic points were very good functioning (19.23%), 27 points were good (59.9%), 12 were average and 3 were not good (5.76%). The quality of slides taken by the commune and village health workers was not so good, the slides were too thick or too thin with blood. In some villages, the slides were taken massively in order to fulfill the target. Checking the quality of microscopy showed that the mistake rate of microscopy was 13.16% as compared with the total slides sent for rechecking. In some microscopic points, the mistake rate was high (the provincial hospital had the mistake of 6/19 positive slides)
Quality Control
9.The role of traditional medicine in the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents
Journal Reasearch of Vietnam Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy 2005;15():0-0
Cerebrovascular accident is the most common cause of death and disabled over the world. The combination of modern medicine and traditional medicine of Vietnamese medicine and pharmacology has brought many satisfactory results. In application of traditional medicine into treatment of cerebrovascular diseases in general and cerebrovascular accident in particular, the cooperation between clinical and paraclinical features, between modern medicine and traditional medicine, and between doctors and patients is extremely important. Most of the patients are treated by electricity acupuncture according to formal applicable therapies; some are combined with traditional remedies
Medicine, Traditional
10.Preliminary results of assessment on overweight and obesity status among military officials in airforces 2002
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2003;288(9):17-24
Among military officials aged > 30 years in air force and air defence army, the rate of overweight and obesity are high relatively according to IDI and WPRO 2000 classification with a general overweight of 35.2%, of them pre-obesity 24.2%, 1st grade obesity 11%, 2nd grade 0.1%. According to WHO 1998, classification 11%, pre-obesity 10.9%, 1st grade obesity 0.21% and 2nd grade none; especially in fly-troop, the rate is very high 67.5% (according to IDI and WPRO 2000) and 20% (according to WHO 1998). Energy intake is 4645-5162 Kcalo/capita daily and P:L:G ratio is 16:22:62