1.Forensic Investigation of GoldeneyeTM DNA ID 22NC Kit
Yuan LIN ; Tingzhi QUE ; Zhenmin ZHAO ; Suhua ZHANG
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2015;(4):280-283
Objective To investigate the genetic data of 21 autosom al STR included in G oldeneyeTM DNA ID 22N CK it in Chinese H an nationality and to evaluate the forensic application. Methods B y detected 500 unrelated healthy individuals in Chinese H an nationality of East China w ith G oldeneyeTM DNA ID 22N CK it, allele frequencies, population genetics param eters and linkage disequilibrium inform ation of the 21 autosom al STR w ere statistically analyzed. Results In the 21 autosom al STR , no deviations from H ardy-W einberg equilibrium w ere detected and all loci w ere independent form each other. D P values of 21 au-tosom al STR w ere all above 0.85, and the com bined discrim ination pow er w as 1-3.616 5×10-26. Com bined m ean exclusion chance of this system in duo cases w as 1-2.786 81×10-6, in trio cases w as 1-8.545 82× 10-10. Conclusion Tw enty-one autosom al STR included in G oldeneyeTM DNA ID 22N CK it are highly polym orphic in the H an nationality. Com bined w ith G oldeneyeTM DNA ID 20A K it, the kit can satisfy the needs for full-sibling testing and facilitate the solution of this kind of case tools.
2.Forensic Validation of Goldeneye?DNA ID 26Y System
Tingzhi QUE ; Yuan LIN ; Zhenmin ZHAO ; Yan LIU ; Suhua ZHANG
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2014;(6):446-451,455
Objective To perform the validation and analysis of forensic param eters of G oldeneye?DNA ID 26Y system . Methods B ased on the validation rules of Scientific W orking G roup on DNA A nalysis M ethods (SW G D A M ),the kitwas assessed from several parts, as test of PCR system, reproducibility, ac-curacy, and sensitivity, etc. A nd Y-STR loci of 517 unrelated healthy individuals from E astern C hina were genotypes by this kit. The distribution and frequency of haplotype were calculated and forensic param e-ters of the kit were assessed. Results The com plete profiles can be obtained even when the PC R reac-tion volum e with 6.25μL . A nd correct profile was obtained with DNA down to 125 pg.No reproducible peaks were detected with the DNA of com m on anim als and m icroorganism with the kit. For the m ale-m ale m ixture testing, average 70% of the m inor alleles were obtained when the ratios of 1∶19 and 19∶1. For the m ale-fem ale m ixture testing, results showed that the sensitivity of the kit was no compromised with the addition of fem ale sam ples. Conclusion The validation studies dem onstrated that G oldeneye?DNA ID 26Y system has good sensitivity and specificity, and suitable for m ixture testing. The polym orphism of 26 Y-STR loci included in this kit are good for forensic application.
3.The detectable time limit of intact STR profile for human tissues in unbuffered formalin
Yan LIU ; Li LI ; Zhenmin ZHAO ; Yuan LIN ; Tingzhi QUE
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine 2010;25(1):1-5
Objective To evaluate the STR profiling availability of formalin-fixed tissues and the detectable time limit of intact STR profile.Methods The different human tissues were fixed with 10-fold diluted commercial 40%formalin fixative for different duration under 15~20℃,and then DNA was extracted using the method of QIAamp~(R)DNA and IQ~(TM) DNA System.The extracted DNA was quantified with QuantifilerTM kit and amplified by both AmpFSTR identifiler kit and AmpFSTR MiniFiler kit.The STR profile was analyzed by GeneMapper ID v3.2 on 3100-Avant.Resuls The STR profiling availability of formalin-fixed tissues was relevant to the formalin fixing duration mainly.as well as the type of tissues and the template concentration and protocol of DNA extracting.The optimal ranges of template concentration is 1~3ng/μL and the QIAamp extracting method was preferable.There are differences in the degradation rate between various types of tissues in the unbuffered formalin fixative,and the lung tissue showed the slowest rate and liver and intestine tissues the fastest.Intact miniSTR profile of all the tissues detected could be obtained within 15 days duration of formalin fixing while intact STR profile could be obtained within 4 days.Conclusion The major factor that impact the availability of STR profiling of formalin-fixed tissues is the fixing duration in unbuffered formalin,as well as the type of tissues,method of extraction,concentration of PCR template and the kinds of STR loci.
4.ABO genotyping by duplex amplification and oligonucleotide arrays assay.
Li LI ; Cheng-tao LI ; Rong-yu LI ; Meiqian SUN ; Yan LIU ; Yao LI ; Yuan LIN ; Tingzhi QUE ; Dalin CHENG ; Pinhua YAN ; Jianxin FANG ; Zhenmin ZHAO ; Min SHEN ; Zhichun DU
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2004;20(4):193-196
ABO genotyping for forensic identification by oligonucleotide chip.
Oligonucleotide microarrays which could detect 3 different SNPs in exon 6 and exon 7 for ABO genotyping were used. Population studies on ABO was carried out in a sample of 115 unrelated Chinese Han individuals. The method was also applied to cases.
The technique could identify 6 genotypes of ABO system. According to the results of population studies, no significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium could be found. The observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.591 and 0.616 respectively. The polymorphic information content was 0.544. The average exclusion probabilities in buos and trios was 0.188 and 0.344 respectively. The discrimination power is 0.777.
The data and case application demonstrated that ABO typing by oligonucleotide probe arrays was a useful technique for paternity testing and individual identification.
ABO Blood-Group System/genetics*
Blood Stains
DNA Primers
Forensic Medicine
Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis