Forty-five cases of paralyses resulted from cranio-cerabral and spinal cord war wound are analysed.The most prominent troubles of these pattients were found to be as follows: 25 cases had dysfunctionof sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system; all of the patients suffered from wound infectionor decubiti and various degrees of dyskinesia of upper and/or lower limbs; three cases complicated withurinary or bowel incontinence. ultrashort wave and ultraviolet therapy were used to treat infected wound and decubiti: acupuncture,massage. drugs. and audiofrequency therapy were applied to accommodate the function of sympatheticand parasympathetic nervous system: and various forms of active and passive gymnastics, heating. andmassage were utilized to rehabilitate the athletic function or reconsttruct the athletic compensatorypower. The treatments continued for 2--6 months. All of the infections and decubiti cured completely; urinary and bowel incontinence was generallycontrolled; the athletic function was rehabilitated with various degrees depending upon the severity of thewar wound. 21 cases of these patients were cured perfectly. 5 cases improved markedly. 5 cases improvedslightly. and 14 cases showed no apperent change.