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Author:(Timothy T BUI)

1.Impact of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the Pathogenesis and Outcome of Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme.

Winward CHOY ; Carlito LAGMAN ; Seung J LEE ; Timothy T BUI ; Michael SAFAEE ; Isaac YANG

Brain Tumor Research and Treatment 2016;4(2):77-86

2.Systematic Analysis of Clinical Outcomes Following Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Central Neurocytoma.

Timothy T BUI ; Carlito LAGMAN ; Lawrance K CHUNG ; Stephen TENN ; Percy LEE ; Robert K CHIN ; Tania KAPREALIAN ; Isaac YANG

Brain Tumor Research and Treatment 2017;5(1):10-15

3.Central Neurocytoma: A Review of Clinical Management and Histopathologic Features.

Seung J LEE ; Timothy T BUI ; Cheng Hao Jacky CHEN ; Carlito LAGMAN ; Lawrance K CHUNG ; Sabrin SIDHU ; David J SEO ; William H YONG ; Todd L SIEGAL ; Minsu KIM ; Isaac YANG

Brain Tumor Research and Treatment 2016;4(2):49-57

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