1.Use of Escitalopram for Treatment of Chronic Subjective Dizziness:A Report of 32 Cases
Tianyi YUAN ; Caobing ZHA ; Xiaoping CAO ; Chaolang TANG
Herald of Medicine 2016;(3):272-275
Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of escitalopram in the treatment of chronic subjec-tive dizziness ( CSD) . Methods A total of 90 CSD patients randomly divided into medication group ( n=32) ,vestibular reha-bilitation group (n=27) and psychological intervention group (n=31).Patients in the medication group treated with escitalopram (10-20 mg?d-1,PO),those in the vestibular rehabilitation group were underwent vestibular rehabilitation training and those in the psychological intervention group were given cognitive behavioral therapy. The treatment course lasted six weeks. All patients were evaluated by zDHI,HAMA and HAMD before and after the treatments. Results The total scores of HAMA,HAMD,DHI and the respective factor scores of DHI were significantly decreased in each group after 6-week treatment when compared with those before the treatment (P<0.01).The total scores of DHI was (30.45±15.84) in medication group and (36.15±13.07) in vestibular rehabilitation group,the physical factor score was (10.06±4.49) in medication group and (10.23±4.64) in vestibular rehabilitation group,and the functional factor score was (10.71±5.95) in medication group and (11.23±5.03) in vestibular reha-bilitation group,respectively.There were no significant differences in the three indices between medication group and vestibular re-habilitation group.But they were significantly lower than those in psychological intervention group [(43.86±12.48),(14.43± 4.37),and (17.57±4.37) for total scores of DHI,physical factor scores and functional factor scores,respectively] (P<0.05,or P<0.01).The emotional factor scores of DHI were (9.68±5.68) and (11.86±4.74),HAMA scores (9.97±4.72) and (12.18± 4.16),HAMD scores (10.26±4.91) and (12.32±4.53) in medication group and psychological intervention group(P>0.05),re-spectively.They were significantly lower in the two groups than in vestibular rehabilitation group [ (14.69±4.76),(14.96±4.77) and (14.88±4.65) for the emotional factor score,HAMA score and HAMD score,respectively,P<0.05 for all]. Conclusion Escitalopram can improve the symptoms of CSD involving the body,emotion and function.The vestibular rehabilitation training and cognitive behavioral therapy have their respective advantages.
2.Vestibular rehabilitation combined with cognitive behavioral therapy relieves chronic dizziness and the associ-ated anxiety
Tianyi YUAN ; Ling QIN ; Jianliang TANG ; Chaolang TANG ; Jinlong ZHAO
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2016;38(12):938-941
Objective To assess the efficacy of combining vestibular rehabilitation with cognitive behavioral therapy in treating chronic subjective dizziness ( CSD) and the associated anxiety. Methods A total of 98 anxious CSD patients were randomly divided into an experimental group ( n=50) and a control group ( n=48) . All of the pa-tients′scores on the Hamilton anxiety scale ( HAMA) were no less than 14 and their scores on the Hamilton depres-sion scale ( HAMD) were less than 18. Systematic vestibular rehabilitation was given to the patients in the control group, while this was combined with cognitive behavioral therapy for the patients in the experimental group. All pa-tients were evaluated using a dizziness handicap inventory ( DHI) and the HAMA before treatment and in the 4th and 8th week of the treatment. Results Before the treatment there was no significant difference between the 2 groups in any of the assessments. After 3 weeks of treatment, the average HAMA score, DHI total score and its factor scores had decreased significantly. Four weeks later, the average HAMA score, DHI total score and its factor scores for som-atization, emotion and function had improved significantly in both groups compared with before treatment and the scores after 3 weeks. After 3 and 7 weeks of treatment, the average HAMA score, DHI total score and its factor scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group. Conclusion Cognitive behavioral therapy amplifies the effects of vestibular rehabilitation in treating persons with CSD, in part by significantly relieving their anxiety.
3.Preliminary study on pharmacokinetics of DL0805-1:a novel Rho kinase inhibitor in rats
Yujie WU ; Subo WANG ; Tianyi YUAN ; Renze LI ; Xiaozhen JIAO ; Ping XIE ; Lianhua FANG ; Guanhua DU
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin 2014;(8):1171-1174
Aim ToestablishthemethodofHighper-formance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) for detecting plasma concentration of indazole compound DL0805-1 , a Rho kinase inhibitor, and to investigate its pharma-cokinetics in rats with intravenous injection. Methods ThedetectingsystemwasAgilent1200-DAD;chro-matographic column was Agilent TC-C18 ( 4. 6 mm × 250 mm, 5 μm); the ultraviolet detection wavelength was 235 nm; the column temperature was 35 ℃; the flow rate was 1 ml·min-1;the mobile phase was ace-tonitrile-0. 05% H3 PO4 gradient elute. Rat blood sam-ples were collected at different intervals after intrave-nous injection of a single dose of DL0805-1 , and the concentration of DL0805-1 in rat plasma were deter-mined by HPLC method for estimating pharmacokinetic parameters.Results Afterintravenousinjectionof DL0805-1 in rats, prototype and its metabolite were detected in plasma. T1/2 of DL0805-1=(2. 34 ± 1. 42) h, Cmax=(3. 51 ± 0. 44) mg·L-1, T1/2 of metabolite of DL0805-1 = ( 1. 27 ± 0. 45 ) h, Cmax = ( 3. 55 ± 0.22)mg·L-1.Conclusion Theseresultssuggest that DL0805-1 may be metabolized into another sub-stance in vivo and play biological functions. The meth-od is sensitive, simple, and accurate, and can be used for the determination of DL0805-1 in rat plasma and pharmacokinetic studies.
4.Vasorelaxant effect of Rho kinase inhibitor DL0805-0 on isolated rat aortic rings and its underlying mechanisms
Yu YAN ; Subo WANG ; Tianyi YUAN ; Xiaozhen JIAO ; Ping XIE ; Lianhua FANG ; Guanhua DU
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin 2014;(4):473-477
Aim To investigate the in vitro vasorelax-ant effect of DL0805-0, a Rho kinase inhibitor, on iso-lated rat thoracic aorta and explore its underlying mechanism. Methods Tension was measured to eval-uate the vasorelaxant effect of DL0805-0 on rat endo-thelium-intact and endothelium-denuded thoracic aorta rings. Rho kinase inhibitor fasudil, nitric oxide syn-thase inhibitor Nω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester ( L-NAME), guanylate cyclase inhibitor methylene blue, cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin, calcium-activa-ted potassium channel blocker tetraethyl ammonium ( TEA ) , ATP-sensitive potassium channel blocker glibenclamide and voltage-dependent potassium chan-nel blocker 4-aminopyridine ( 4-AP ) were used to il-lustrate the mechanisms of vasorelaxant effect of DL0805-0 . Results DL0805-0 exerted vasorelaxation in a dose-dependent manner in KCl (60 mmol·L-1 ) or NE ( 0. 1 μmol · L-1 ) -induced contraction. DL0805-0-induced vasorelaxation was significantly re-duced by L-NAME. However, methylene blue and in-domethacin did not significantly affect vasorelaxation of DL0805-0. In endothelium-denuded rings, TEA re-markably attenuated the vasorelaxant effect of DL0805-0 , while glibenclamide and 4-AP did not affect vasore laxation of DL0805-0 significantly. DL0805-0 also re-duced NE-induced transient contraction and inhibited contraction induced by increasing extracellular calci-um. Conclusion These results suggest that DL0805-0 induces vasorelaxation through an endothelium-depend-ent pathway. The opening of calcium-activated K+channels and blocking of Ca2+ channels in vascular smooth muscle cells may be one of the mechanisms of DL0805-0-induced vasorelaxation.
5.Vasorelaxant effect of novel Rho-kinase inhibitors on isolated thoracic aorta rings and underlying mechanisms
Tianyi YUAN ; Subo WANG ; Huifang ZHANG ; Yucai CHEN ; Xiaozhen JIAO ; Ping XIE ; Lianhua FANG ; Guanhua DU
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin 2016;32(10):1404-1410
Aim To evaluate the vasorelaxant effect of two new chemical entities, J35242 and J35243, on iso-lated rat thoracic aorta rings as Rho-kinase inhibitors, and further to explore the underlying mechanisms of these two compounds. Methods Isolated rat thoracic aorta rings pre-contracted by KCl or norepinephrine ( NE) were used to evaluate the vasodilatory effect of J35242 and J35243 . Through the interventions of sev-eral tool drugs, the mechanisms of compounds concern-ing endothelium, K+ channels and Ca2+ were studied. Results J35242 and J35243 showed potent relaxant effect on both KCl and NE pre-contracted vessels, and exhibited partial endothelium dependency. L-NAME and Methylene Blue( MB) could influence the relaxant effect of these compounds. Meanwhile, the compounds could inhibit intracellular Ca2+ release and extracellu-lar Ca2+ influx, which indicated that the compounds might block the calcium channels to relax the vessels. In addition, the two compounds probably did not dilate the aorta rings through opening potassium channels. Conclusions J35242 and J35243 have vasorelaxant effects on vessels in vitro and the potency of J35242 is stronger than that of J35243 . The underlying mecha-nisms might be endothelium-dependent. Also the com-pounds might block Ca2+ channels, lowering intracel-lular Ca2+ concentration to relax the vessels.
6.Research progress in biological markers of perinatal depression
Liuxiao ZHANG ; Nathan OBORE ; Tianyi YU ; Huiqin QIAN ; Yuan ZHANG ; Hong YU
Journal of China Pharmaceutical University 2022;53(1):120-124
Perinatal depression, one of the most common complications in the perinatal period, has a significant impact on the physical and mental health of mothers and children.At present, it is difficult to diagnose perinatal depression at an early stage, so objective and effective biomarkers are of great significance for the early detection and treatment of perinatal depression. In recent years, the exploration of biomarkers for early diagnosis of perinatal depression has become a hot research topic, mainly in sex hormones, neuroendocrine-related hormones, immuno-inflammatory molecules, genetics, and epigenetics.This article reviews the research progress of the biomarkers of perinatal depression in recent years.
7.Assessment of Changes in the Cesarean Scar and Uterus Between One and Two Years after Cesarean Section Using 3D T2w SPACE MRI
Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 2022;37(2):151-158
Objective To evaluate changes in morphology of the cesarean scar and uterus between one and two years after cesarean section using high-resolution, three dimensional T2-weighted sampling perfection with application optimized contrast using different flip angle evolutions Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3D T2w SPACE MRI). Methods This prospective study was performed to investigate morphological changes in the cesarean scars and uterus from one to two years after cesarean section using high-resolution, 3D T2w SPACE MRI. The healthy volunteers having no childbearing history were recruited as the controls. All data were measured by two experienced radiologists. All data with normal distribution between the one-year and two-year groups were compared using a paired-sample t test or independent t test. Results Finally, 46 women took a pelvic MR examination one year after cesarean section, and a subset of 15 completed the same examination again after two years of cesarean section. Both the uterine length and the anterior wall thickness after two years of cesarean section (5.75 ± 0.46 and 1.45 ± 0.35 cm) were significantly greater than those measured at one year (5.33 ± 0.59 and 1.25 ± 0.27 cm) (t = -2.363 and -2.175, P= 0.033 and 0.048). No significant difference was shown in myometrial thickness two years after cesarean section (1.45 ± 0.35 cm) with respect to the control group (1.58 ± 0.21 cm, P = 0.170). Nine women who underwent MRI twice were considered to have scar diverticula one year after cesarean section, and still had diverticula two years after cesarean section. The thickness, height, and width of the uterine scar showed no significant change from one to two years (all P > 0.05). Conclusions 3D T2w SPACE MRI provides overall morphologic details and shows dynamic changes in the scar and the uterus between one and two years after cesarean section. Scar morphology after cesarean section reached relatively stable one year after cesarean section, and uterine morphology was closer to normal two years after cesarean section.
8.Association of oxytocin with insulin resistance and highly sensitive C-reactive protein in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes
Guoyue YUAN ; Weiyun QIAN ; Su WANG ; Dan JIANG ; Qichao YANG ; Yuanxin LIU ; Shuqin YU ; Hao HU ; Wenjun SUN ; Tianyi ZHU ; Bingqian TANG
Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2015;(6):481-485
Objective To detect serum oxytocin and highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels in obese and type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) subjects and investigate the relationships between serum oxytocin levels and hs-CRP, glycolipid metabolism, insulin resistance and pancreas β cell function. Methods A total of 176 subjects were enrolled in the study, including 88 patients with newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetes ( T2DM) and 88 subjects with normal glucose tolerance(NGT). NGT and T2DM groups were further divided each into normal weight (NW) and obese(OB) subgroups. Obesity was defined as body mass index(BMI)≥25 kg/ m2 according to the WHO-Western Pacific Region diagnostic criteria (2000). 75g oral glucose tolerance test ( OGTT) was performed in all subjects. Fasting plasma glucose ( FPG), 2 h postprandial plasma glucose (2hPG), fasting insulin ( FINS), 2h postprandial serum insulin(2hINS), HbA1C and lipids were also determined. Insulin resistance and pancreas β-cell function were determined by homeostasis model assessment ( HOMA-IR, HOMA-β). Highly sensitive C-reactive protein(hs-CRP) level was determined by chemiluminescence immunoassay and fasting serum oxytocin level was determined by ELISA. Results Serum oxytocin level was lower in T2DM group than that in NGT group(P<0. 01), while serum hs-CRP level was higher in T2DM group than that in NGT group(P<0. 01). The level of serum oxytocin in subjects with obesity was also lower than that in subjects with NW in both NGT and T2DM groups [7. 16(6. 45-8. 82) vs 7. 98(7. 03-9. 17) ng/ L and 9. 23(8. 16-10. 36) vs 9. 86(8. 77-12. 06) ng/ L, P<0. 05]. The level of serum hs-CRP in subjects with obesity was higher than that in subjects with NW in both NGT and T2DM groups [0. 99(0. 25-1. 97) vs 0. 54(0. 19-0. 91) mg/ L and 3. 47(1. 63-6. 20) vs 1. 65(0. 81-3. 81) mg/ L, P<0. 05]. Serum oxytocin level was negatively correlated with hs-CRP, BMI, WC, WHR, HbA1C , FPG, 2hPG, FINS, 2hINS, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C and HOMA-IR, while was positively correlated with HOMA-β(P<0. 05). Subjects within the upper serum hs-CRP tertile had lower level of oxytocin when compared to subjects in the middle or lower serum hs-CRP tertiles(P<0. 05 ). Conclusion Serum oxytocin level was decreased in subjects with type 2 diabetes as well as with obesity. Serum oxytocin level was closely correlated with inflammation, glycolipid metabolism, insulin resistance, and pancreas β cell function. It may play an important role in the pathogenesis of obesity and T2DM.
9.Bulk-like endocytosis plays an important role in the recycling of insulin granules in pancreatic beta cells.
Du WEN ; Yanhong XUE ; Kuo LIANG ; Tianyi YUAN ; Jingze LU ; Wei ZHAO ; Tao XU ; Liangyi CHEN
Protein & Cell 2012;3(8):618-626
Although bulk endocytosis has been found in a number of neuronal and endocrine cells, the molecular mechanism and physiological function of bulk endocytosis remain elusive. In pancreatic beta cells, we have observed bulk-like endocytosis evoked both by flash photolysis and trains of depolarization. Bulk-like endocytosis is a clathrin-independent process that is facilitated by enhanced extracellular Ca(2+) entry and suppressed by the inhibition of dynamin function. Moreover, defects in bulk-like endocytosis are accompanied by hyperinsulinemia in primary beta cells dissociated from diabetic KKAy mice, which suggests that bulk-like endocytosis plays an important role in maintaining the exo-endocytosis balance and beta cell secretory capability.
Cytoplasmic Granules
Diabetes Mellitus
Disease Models, Animal
Electric Capacitance
Insulin-Secreting Cells
Mice, Inbred C57BL
Patch-Clamp Techniques
Primary Cell Culture
10.Association of chronic hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with transforming growth factor-β1 levels and other risk factors.
Fei LIU ; Wen YUAN ; DaGuang LIAO ; Tianyi ZHANG ; Zhifei WANG
Journal of Southern Medical University 2013;33(3):382-385
OBJECTIVETo study the role of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) levels and other risk factors in the occurrence of chronic hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH).
METHODSPatients treated for aSAH in our hospital between January, 2007 and June, 2012 were divided into non-hydrocephalus group and hydrocephalus group. TGF-β1 levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were compared between the two groups at different time points. A retrospective analysis was conducted to identify the potential risk factors for chronic hydrocephalus, which were subsequently confirmed by Logistic regression analysis.
RESULTSOf the 129 patients enrolled, 16 (12.4%) developed chronic hydrocephalic with an average diagnosis time of 31.6∓17.0 days. In patients with chronic hydrocephalus, TGF-β1 level in the CSF increased significantly on the 13th day following aSAH (P<0.05). Retrospective analysis showed that the patients with hydrocephalus and those without had significant differences in history of hypertension, times of SAH, Hunt-Hess classification, ventricular expansion, aneurysm position, Fisher classification, ventricular hemorrhage score and intracranial infections (P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis identified ventricular expansion, aneurysm position, Fisher classification, ventricular hemorrhage score and postoperative intracranial infections as significant risk factors for the occurrence of chronic hydrocephalus (P<0.05).
CONCLUSIONSIn adult patients with aSAH, the risk factors for chronic hydrocephalus include ventricular expansion, aneurysm position, Fisher classification, ventricular hemorrhage score and postoperative intracranial infections. These risk factors can have greater clinical value than TGF-β1 levels in the CSF in predicting the occurrence of chronic hydrocephalus following aSAH.
Adult ; Aged ; Aged, 80 and over ; Female ; Humans ; Hydrocephalus ; etiology ; Logistic Models ; Male ; Middle Aged ; Retrospective Studies ; Risk Factors ; Subarachnoid Hemorrhage ; cerebrospinal fluid ; complications ; Transforming Growth Factor beta1 ; cerebrospinal fluid