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Author:(Tianhai LIN)

1.Research advances of urinary cell-free DNA in the detection and therapy of bladder cancer

Jinze LI ; Dehong CAO ; Yin HUANG ; Tianhai LIN ; Qiao XIONG ; Daqing TAN ; Jianzhong AI ; Liangren LIU ; Qiang WEI

Chinese Journal of Urology 2022;43(6):469-472

2.Efficacy of the biopsy strategy combining 6-core systematic and 3-core MRI-targeted biopsy in the detection of prostate cancer

Xiang TU ; Xingyu XIONG ; Chichen ZHANG ; Diming CAI ; Shengjiang BAI ; Weitao ZHENG ; Tianhai LIN ; Zhenhua LIU ; Lu YANG ; Qiang WEI

Chinese Journal of Urology 2022;43(12):914-919

3.Cell softness reveals tumorigenic potential via ITGB8/AKT/glycolysis signaling in a mice model of orthotopic bladder cancer

Shi QIU ; Yaqi QIU ; Linghui DENG ; Ling NIE ; Liming GE ; Xiaonan ZHENG ; Di JIN ; Kun JIN ; Xianghong ZHOU ; Xingyang SU ; Boyu CAI ; Jiakun LI ; Xiang TU ; Lina GONG ; Liangren LIU ; Zhenhua LIU ; Yige BAO ; Jianzhong AI ; Tianhai LIN ; Lu YANG ; Qiang WEI

Chinese Medical Journal 2024;137(2):209-221

4.Application of kidney sparing surgery based on Thulium laser ablation and systemic therapy in localized high-risk UTUC

Bo TANG ; Zeyu CHEN ; Xiang TU ; Xinyang LIAO ; Tianhai LIN ; Peng ZHANG ; Jiyan LIU ; Yali SHEN ; Hao ZENG ; Xiang LI ; Qiang WEI ; Yige BAO

Chinese Journal of Urology 2024;45(7):502-507

5.Comparison of the survival outcomes between primary and secondary muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a propensity score-matched study.

Waichan LOK ; Jiapeng ZHANG ; Xiaonan ZHENG ; Tianhai LIN ; Hang XU ; Ping TAN ; Qiang WEI

Chinese Medical Journal 2023;136(9):1067-1073

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