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Author:(Thomason, Jane)

2.Public-private partnerships for health--what does the evidence say?

Thomason, Jane ; Rodney, Anna

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2009;52(3-4):166-78

3.Working together for a better future.

Whittaker, Maxine ; Thomason, Jane

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2009;52(3-4):179-86

4.Working together to get back to basics--finding health system solutions.

Thomason, Jane ; Kase, Pascoe ; Ndugwa, Nakazinga

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2009;52(3-4):114-29

5.Big tech,big data and the new world of digital health

Thomason JANE

Global Health Journal 2021;5(4):165-168

6.Metaverse,token economies,and non-communicable diseases

Thomason JANE

Global Health Journal 2022;6(3):164-167

7.Data,digital worlds,and the avatarization of health care

Thomason JANE

Global Health Journal 2024;8(1):1-3

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