1.Study on otitis media among people and related factors at Ca Mau Province
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;478(4):46-47
Adult persons of 16-70 years old at the age groups in 3 urban, rural areas and U Minh muddly jungle in Ca Mau province from August 2002 to October 2003 were investigated. The incidence of chronical otitis media with ear-drum membrane perforation reached 1.6% in general, 2.1% in U Minh jungle, 1.2% in urban and 1.6% in rural areas. Related factors and factory which increased the incidence were chronical similar rhinitis, amygdalitis indoor animals. The gender and smoking habits were not related.
Otitis Media/epidemiology
2.To learn some social-psychological factors relating to drug addiction of the teenage at Ba vi drug addiction rehabilitation center, Ha noi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;505(3):52-54
A study on 55 people aged from 15 to 20 years old (36 males and 19 females) were conducted at Ba Vi Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Center, Ha Noi and other 45 people (25 males and 20 females aged from 17-19 years) who are at grade 12 Dinh Tien Hoang High school, Dong Da district, Ha noi did not use drug addiction served as control group. The result showed that: they start using drug addiction since too young with reasons as: curiousness, mimic and attracted by friends. If they are drug addiction, they also are cigarette addiction. The abnormal behaviour often seen among them: parents’ opposition and leave home overnight. These teenage often live in the family which there is conflict between parents, lack of pay attention on their children, so crude on education method. Most of them have friends who are drug addiction and live in the area where a lot of drug addiction as well as drug addiction sellers were seen.
Substance-Related Disorders
3.Study on tonsillitis in adults and related factors at Ca Mau province
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;501(1):19-20
The study carried out on 2305 adults (from 16 to 70 years old) in three areas: in town, countryside and the U Minh indigo forest of Ca Mau province. The result showed that: the common chronic tonsilitis prevalence in the community was 8.4%, the town area 7.2%, the countryside 7.7% and the U Minh indigo forest 11.3%. Ratio of catching disease was highest in people working in forest (12%), and lowest in staffs (5.6%). People who smoking over one pack per day had highest morbidity (13.7%) and nonsmokers had lowest rate of catching disease (7.5%). People with chronic tonsilitis seek for periodical health check up reached 4.4%, lower than people do not (8.6%). People with chronic tonsilitis in poor families acquired 11.4%, higher than that in moderate income families (8% ). So, the dangerous factors leading to the risk for the chronic tonsilitis included: the career nature, smoking habit, periodical health check-ups, the family income and non-risking factors included the sex and living with smokers
4.Evaluation of some characteristics for diagnosis of placental abruption at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Journal of Medical Research 2008;59(6):34-38
Background: Placental abruption commonly occurrs in the last months of pregnancy. The current, diagnosis and treatment method of placental abruption is considerably more improved thanks to medical advances. This is still a dangerous emergency in obstetrics, however, causing severe complications for maternal and high neonatal mortality. Objective: Describe some clinical and para-clinical characteristics of placental abruption at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology from 01/01/2005 to 12/09/2006. Subject and methods: A retrospective cross sectional study is conducted on 30 patients with confirmed diagnosis of placental abruption after Cesarean section or delivery from 01/01/2005 to 12/09/2006. Results: Gestational age <34 weeks: 40%; 34-37 weeks: 40%; >37 weeks: 20%. Clinical signs: abdominal pain: 83.3%, vaginal bleeding: 60%, pre-eclampsia: 23.3%, shock: 3.3%, frequency of contractions: 74.1%, uterine hypertonus: 33.3%, uterine tetany: 36.7%, bloody amniotic fluid: 36.7%, fetal demise: 40%, fetal distress: 26.7%. Para-clinical signs: red blood cells <3 millions: 26.7%, heamoglobin <90g/l: 20.7%, fibrinogen <2g/l: 23.3%, retroplacental haematoma in ultrasound: 47.8%. Apoplexy lesions in the uterus: serious and extensive: 46.6%, mild: 26.7%, no lesion: 26.7%. Conclusions: Placental abruption often occurred in premature delivery, clinical signs have high diagnostic values, para-clinical signs have limited diagnostic values and in most of the cases have shown apoplexia lesions in the uterus.
placental abruption
clinical signs
para-clinical signs
5.MB2 canal detection using dental loupe and ultrasonic tip
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2004;0(1):24-27
Background: In Vietnam, using dental loupe and ultrasonic tip to detect MB2 canal in mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molars is appropriate and necessary. Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of magnification and dentine removal when locating the second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molars. Subject and methods: 49 mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molars were collected and studied. Conventional access of the cavity was prepared. After that, the MB1 and 2 canals in mesiobuccal roots were located in three stages. Stage 1: canals were located with no magnification. Stage 2: additional canals in the same teeth were located under magnification with a dental loupe. Stage 3: additional canals in the same teeth were located by removing dentine from the pulp chamber floor within 3mm from the MB1 canal towards the palatal canal in a groove 2 mm deep using ultrasonic tip (P5, Salatec). Result: The frequency of MB2 canal detection for an ultrasonic tip, dental loupes, and no magnification groups was 77.6%, 59.2% and 24.5%, respectively. Conclusion: Based on these results, more emphasis should be placed on the importance of using magnification dental ultrasonic tip to locate the MB2 canal.
MB2 canal
Dental loupe
Ultrasonic tip
6.Accidents and complications of the surgical treatment of gastric cancer.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):24-26
A retrospeclive study was performed in 455 (282 males and 173 females) cases of gastric cancer presenting between 1990 and 1999. The average age of the patient was 52.17; a range of 16 to 80 years. 143 of these patients underwent subtotal gastrectomy. The postoperative morbidity and mortality common rates were 25/455 (5.4%) and 4/455 (0.8%). The morbidity and mortality rates were 11/143 (7.69%) and 1/143 (0.69%) for total gastrectomy cases. The morbidity and mortality rates were 14/312 (4.48%) and 3/312 (0.96%) for subtotal gastrectomy cases. The rate of anastigmatic leakage, stump of duodenum leakage, pancreatitis acute was 5/455 (1.09%), 2/455 (0.43%) and 2/455 (0.43%). They are main mortality causes.
Stomach Neoplasms
7.Study on the size of bile duck in patient without gallbladder stone by ultrasound
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):6-8
30 patients with abdominal operation without pathology of gallbladder stone participated to the study. The size of bile duck out liver is measured during operation. This size was compared with this measured by ultrasound. Results: The wide of gallbladder: 2.48+/-0.2cm; the depth of wall of gallbladder: 2.38+/-0.28mm; diameter of OMC: 5.38+/-0.39cm. The ultrasound can not measure the bile duck in liver. The diameter of portal vein: 1.05+/-0.06cm
Bladder Calculi
8.Approach to children: the clef of success for dental care in children
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(6):19-21
To get a better dental care in children, the dentist needs to approach with the dentist who treats for them. This responsibility is belonging to both society and the dentist. A child’s parent knows how to persuade her/his to see the dentist, don’t let them terrify. The parents also should spend more time for their children to help the dentist can give them the better dental care. The dentist must learn more about the children’ psychology and understand their behaviour. Each child has own character and behaviours and they effect from different environment so it is necessary to have the combination of the dentist and other health workers in the dentist’s clinic for a better dental care in children
Dental Care
9.To evaluate the recovering threshold of the pathological mast blastocyte in the case of serum beta-hCG < 5 IU/l.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;454(6):2-5
Blastomeres; Serum; Pathological Conditions, Anatomical; Chorionic Gonadotropin
The group 1 of 75 cases of post molar evacuation and the group 2 of 292 cases of gestational trophoblastic tumors (GTT) were followed up until beta-hCG level serum, determined by IMX, reaches the threshold of < 5 IU/l, there was not any complication after 2 years. There were 7.5% recurrents cases in GTT group, in some cases, beta-hCG reaches 0 UI/l. In the recurrent group, the rate of resistance to the treatment got to 40%, and the rate of resistance to single chemotherapy by MTX got to 30%. 50% of recurrent patients have had uterine histological exams with 36% choriocarcinoma, 4.5% invasive molar
Pathological Conditions, Anatomical
Chorionic Gonadotropin
10.Some comments about monitoring serum beta hCG level at pre-evacuatin and after evacuation of molar pregnancy in the Institue for the protection of Mothers and Newborns Ha Noi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;456(7):46-52
94 women with hydraform mole pregnancy were studied in the Institute of Protection of Mother and Newborn from March 1999 to March 2001. Their beta-hCG levels were evaluated weekly before and after abolition of hydatoform mole, the results were dramatically different. After abolition, the monitoring of beta-hCG curve to detect the mast blastocyte tumors reached a sensivity of 79% and a specificity of 100%. Among the group having complications, the bleeding more prolonged than the groups of no complication of mast blastocyte tumor. Beta-hCG blood level was in safe threshold.
Pregnant Women
Chorionic Gonadotropin