1.On occasion of 3 cases of the feminized testicle
Journal of Medical Research 1999;9(1):32-35
The classification, diagnosis and management of the feminized testicle were implemented in the institute of mother and infant protection and care during 1998-1999 showed that the feminized testicle only found after the puberty age with the reasons of the primary menostasis or abnormality of the external genitalia. The clinical condition of 3 patients were typical. The hormone replacement therapy was used after the removal of testicle and reconstruction of the external genitalia.
Case Reports [Publication Type]
2.Evaluation on the effects of LP4 in the treatment of blood lipid disorders in 52 patients in Hospital of traditional medicine, Tuyen Quang province
Journal Reasearch of Vietnam Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy 2003;0(9):33-36
From January 2000 to July 2002, in Tuyen Quang Hospital of Traditional Medicine, 52 patients (32 male, 20 female) aged 30-37, with the syndrome of hyperlipidemia, having clinical signs of pain and weary limbs, dim sight, deteriorated memory, high blood presure and headache… A 30 days course of LP4 formula in combining with proper diet (a decoction daily). Good results reported on 27 patients, satisfied on 21, medium 2 and bad on 2. No side effect is notified
Lipid Metabolism Disorders
3.Malaria situation of unorganized people in a vilillage of the highland province in EaRot, Cu Pui, Khong Bong, DakLak province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2004;0(3):25-30
Studies of 805 samples until 10/2004 show that the malaria prevalence was high in the first 5 months in 2003, among 7 deaths were unorganized migrants. They contract malaria all year round, especially in the beginning of the year with the highest of 11.96% in February. The density of maralia parasite (+) was high in months at the beginning and end of the year such as January, April and October with the density in the first month of 2.92%. Spleenomegaly was mostly seen in age 5-14 with 3.17% and mostly in grade I and II (97.8%). Spleenomegaly grade III and IV is predominated in over 14 years old group (60%). Vectors at the first three months of the year were high and various in species in accordance with the malaria prevalence. An. dirus and An. minimus as the two main vectors of transmitting were present in almost of the year both house inside and outside, which is the cause for the transmission
4.Study complication of aplastic anemia following chemotherapy of acute myelogenous leukemia
Journal of Medical Research 2007;51(4):9-13
Background: Aplastic anemia following chemotherapy of acute leukemia is a common complication, which may lead to severe consequences. Objective: To study characteristics of aplastic anemia occurred in ccute myelogenous leukemia (AML) patients, following chemotherapy. Subjects and methods: A prospective study was carried out in 50 AML patients treated at National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion from Aug 2005 to Dec 2006. These patients were treated by induction chemotherapy with "3+7" regime. Result: Aplastic anemia had been seen in 100% patients. Characteristics of this condition were poor marrow cells (average marrow cell count was 15.1\xb112.6 G/l) and strongly decreased counts of hemoglobin, white blood cells and platelets. Hemoglobin, white blood cell and platelet counts at the lowest level were 83.32 g/l; 0.96 G/l; 30.18 G/l; respectively. This situation prolonged for 3-4 weeks and changed into the most severe condition at the end of second week after chemotherapy. Infection frequency was 92%. Conclusion: Aplastic anemia following chemotherapy of AML patients is a common complication with severe consequences such as significant decrease of WBC and platelet counts, which may lead to opportunistic infection. Hence, this complication must be monitored, detected and treated promptly. \r\n', u'\r\n', u'
Acute/ pathology
prevention &
drug therapy
Aplastic/ blood
5.Clinical characteristics of poststroke dementia patients with age of 60 years and older
Van Thanh Nguyen ; Thang -- Pham ; Cuong Quang Le ; Van Thanh Ta
Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(2):79-85
Background: Dementia is one of the major causes of dependency after stroke. The prevalence of poststroke dementia (PSD)defined as any dementia occurring after stroke is likely to increase in the future.Objectives: This study have two purposes: 1) Clinical study of MCI and dementia after the first stroke of patients with age of 60 years and older; 2) Overview on clinical characteristics of memory disorders. Subjects and method: 30 patients with were diagnosed with the first ischemic stroke in Huu nghi hospital together with the same number in the control group were involved in this study. The subjects in the two groups were all satisfied with included/excluded criteria diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis of new - onset dementia or other mental disorders was determined using neuropsychological tests. Results: Many functions of the brain were impaired including: logical memory, visiospatial skills, executive function were statistically reduced in the research group compared to the control. However, language function was also impacted but not as much as others. The frequency of the poststrocke dementia in this study was 12.3% while the poststrocke mild cognitive impairment rate was 47%. Conclusions: Global cognitive functioning together with memory state was significantly declined in the ischemic stroke compared to the control group.
Stroke/ pathology
Dementia/ pathology
6.Application of neuropsychological battery tests in post-stroke dementia diagnosis among patients over 60 years old
Van Thanh Nguyen ; Thang -- Pham ; Cuong Quang Le ; Van Thanh Ta
Journal of Medical Research 2008;54(2):56-62
Background: In Vascular Dementia (VaD) patients, the causes of blood vessels were common, and preventable and treatable, so that it is very important to detect and diagnose in the early stages of the disease. Diagnosis of dementia is based on clinical symptoms, and neuropsychological tests are useful tools. Objectives: (1) To evaluate the severity of VaD and Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI) after the 1st ischemic stroke in patients over 60 years old. (2) To make observations on the clinical features of post stroke dementia in these patient groups using neuropsychological battery. Subjects: 94 patients with 1st acute ischemic stroke, who were over 60 years old, conscious and literate, and cooperated well with physicians. A standard evaluation protocol was conducted at one month after an ischemic stroke for all the patients. Method: Prospective study. Data was analyzed by using SPSS software version 13.0. Results and conclusions: The rates of VCI and VaD after the first ischemic stroke were 21.3% and 25.5%, respectively. Clinical determinants of dementia were: visuoconstruction (65% patients), visual motor speed (50%), memory disorders (more than 40%, in which visual memory 45.8% and verbal memory 41.6%), executive function (37.5%), and language skill (37.5%). The attention and language functions were less affected (only 25% of the patients). Mini mental state examination score can be used to evaluate and classify clearly 3 groups: VaD, VCI patients and normal people.
Ischemic stroke
Neuropsychological test
7.Symptoms of human cysticercosis for diagnosis
De Van Nguyen ; Trieu Si Ho ; Hoa Thanh Le
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(3):29-34
Background: People were infected with Cysticercus by either eating Taenia solium eggs from the environment or from proglottids in intestines. These eggs hatched to larvae in muscular and cerebral tissue, which causes specific symptoms. \r\n', u'Objectives: To determine symptoms of human cysticercosis. \r\n', u'Subjects and methods: Clinical and para-clinical processes were conducted on 30 cysticercosis patients, of which 21 were male (70%) and 9 female (30%).\r\n', u'Results and conclusion: The main symptoms were headache in 29 patients (96.7%), subcutaneous cysts in 28 patients (93.3%), epilepsy in 14 patients (46.7%), positive ELISA (antigen of T.solium) with samples in 28 (93.3%) and positive ELISA with CSF samples (73.3%), living cysts in the brain were discovered in 25 patients (83.3%) by CT scanner and eosinophylia in 24 patients (80%). Cysticercus nodules were collected from 28 patients in this study; the species were identified by molecular method. A portion of 652 bp of mitochondrial-encoded cytochrome oxidase b (cob) and 217 amino-acid was amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence was comparatively aligned with the known corresponding sequences of Taenia solium Chinese (TsoCN1). Molecular-based analysis revealed that the Cysticercus from the patients in this study was identified as Taenia solium. There is absolute nucleotide and amino-acid similarity between Taenia solium Chinese (hemogeny 99.1-99.8% of nucleotide and 100% of amino acid).\r\n', u'
8.Research the epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the population of Bac Giang city
Anh Van Le ; Chau Quy Ngo ; Hoi Thanh Nguyen ; Ngoc Thi Ngo ; Giap Van Vu
Journal of Medical Research 2007;53(5):87-93
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remains a major public health problem. It is the fourth leading cause of chronic morbidity and mortality in the United States, and is projected to rank fifth in 2020 in burden of disease caused worldwide. Objective: To research the epidemiology of COPD in the population of Bac Giang city and finding out the risk factors of COPD. Subjects and method: Cross-sectional survey of general population sample of 2,104 men and women with the age \ufffd?0 years in 30 wards of 11 communes of Bac Giang city. Data on respiratory symptoms, diseases, and risk factors were collected. Lung function tests were performed with Spiroanalyzer snoo, Japan. Results and conclusions: The incidence of COPD was 2.3%; in men 3.0% and in women 1.7%. The incidence of simple chronic bronchitis was 6.4%. People who smoked had higher rate of COPD than the others (OR = 2.8). The incidence of smoking in COPD was 55.9%. The three most important risk factors of COPD was the age \ufffd?0; smoking >15 pack/year and medical history of asthma.
Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Obstructive/ epidemiology
9.Laparoscopic surgery in Quang Tri General Hospital
Thanh Van Le ; Viet Khanh Phan ; Hung Nam Tran ; Dung Xuan Nguyen ; Quang Phuoc Hoang
Journal of Surgery 2007;57(1):24-29
Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the first laparoscopic surgery that was performed at Cho Ray hospital in September 1992. In 2005, Quang Tri general hospital has performed successfully the first case of laparoscopic appendectomy. Objectives: To access the preliminary results of application on endoscopic surgery in Quang Tri general hospital. Subjects and method: A prospective study was conducted on 140 patients with laparoscopic surgery or retroperitoneal surgery, was performed in Quang Tri general hospital from September, 2005 to April, 2006. Results:Among 140 patients was operated, there was only one case of postoperative intestinal obstructive complication (accounted for 0.7%), no case of death. Operative aged was between 11 and 70 years old. The average surgical time was 65 minutes for cholecystectomy, 35 minutes for appendectomy, 85 minutes for ureterolithotomy, 80 minutes for gynecological diseases. 2 cases of cholecystectomy and appendectomy changed open surgery. Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery is a safe and effective method. It can be developed in provincial hospitals. Quang Tri general hospital has successful preliminary developed the new technique.
10.Preliminary results of streptokinase in the treatment of exudative \r\n', u'pleural effusions and empyema \r\n', u'
Chau Quy Ngo ; Anh Thi Van Le ; Huyen Thi Thanh Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2007;53(5):65-72
Background: Standard treatment for pleural infection includes of drainage and antibiotics. Chest tube drainage often fails if the fluid is loculated by fibrinous adhesions. Intrapleural fibrinolysis may facilitate pleural drainage. Objective: To evaluate the role of Streptokinase (STK) in the treatment of empyema and exudative pleural effusions. Subjects and method: A study included 34 patients (21 patients with exudative pleural effusions, 13 patients with empyema), aged 15-77 years. All patients received intrapleural STK daily with dose of 300.0000-500.000 UI for empyema and 300.000 UI for exudative pleural effusions. Response was assessed by clinical outcome, pleural fluid drainage, chest radiography, pleural ultrasound. Results: Mean pleural fluid drainage after STK instillation was higher in all patients. Pleural fluid drainage was 640 \xb1 494 ml before STK instillation and 823 \xb1 755 ml after STK instillation for empyema; 765 \xb1 691 ml before STK instillation and 1,033 \xb1 757 ml after STK instillation for exudative pleural effusions. The success rate of clinical outcome was 100%. Only 2 patients required decortications. Fever occurred in 3 patients (8.8%) and allergy in 1 patient (3%). Conclusions: Intrapleural STK was safe and effective in the treatment of empyema and exudative pleural effusions. STK prevents pleural adhesions and reduces the risks for surgery.
Streptokinase/ therapeutic use
Pleural Effusion/ therapy