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Author:(Thang NGUYEN)

1.A study on the clinical, epidemiological features of cerebral hemorrhage in infant in the hospitals in Hanoi

Thang Van Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;380(5):51-54

2.Cerebral and meningeal damages in cerebral-meningeal hemorrhage in infants via brain CT imaging

Thang Van Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;378(4):39-41

3.Surgical treatment of cardiac myxoma

Thang Ngoc Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 1998;348(5):27-28

4.Situation and need of the treatment of periodontal diseases in people with ages of 15- 64 in Hanoi

Thang Dinh Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;267(12):22-23

5.Surgical treatment of periodontitis by decalcified cryopreservative bone allograft

Thang Duc Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):72-74

6.Primarily results of treatment of acute gingivitis and periodontitis by dentonin.

Thang Duc Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;256(2):68-71

7.Primarily survey on the oral-dental health status in provineces of northen Vietnam

Thang Duc Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1998;230(11):7-10

8.Comparision of the dental caries removal by hand instruments and ultrasound

Thang Duc Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;267(12):62-63

9.2 cases of aortic - coronary arterial anastomosis by antilogous vein

Thang Ngoc Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):31-32

10.Study on influence of flavonoides from Oroxylum indicum Vent. towards alpha-chymotrypsine in relationship with the process of inflammation

Nguyen Xuan Thang

Pharmaceutical Journal 2005;0(8):23-26

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