1.A study on the clinical, epidemiological features of cerebral hemorrhage in infant in the hospitals in Hanoi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;380(5):51-54
The morbidity rate of the cerebro- meningeal hemorrhage is high. From 1991 to 1998, the Institute of Pediatry, hospital Saint Paul and Bach Mai hospital admitted 1,325 pediatric patients with this disease in which 793 patients during 1991-1995 and 532 patients during 1996-1998. The morbidity rate in Hanoi and Ha Tay with population of 2 million was 110.5-124.15/1000.000 infant. The mortality rate was 17.2% of morbidity number. The highest morbidity occurred in the months of 9-12. Infant with 1-2 months accounted for 88.5% morbidity. Disease acquired infant with the normal history account for 91.5. The birth weight over 2.5 kg in the disease acquired infant account for 90.4%. The morbidity rate in female was higher 3 times than this in male. The infant received breast milk account for 95.7%.
Cerebral Hemorrhage
2.Cerebral and meningeal damages in cerebral-meningeal hemorrhage in infants via brain CT imaging
Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;378(4):39-41
During 2 years from 1998 to 1999, 76 pediatric patients underwent brain CT imaging at the Pediatric Institute. Patients aged 30-60 days and admitted with severe anemia (average of Hb 6.5+/-1.5g%). Some features of cerebral-meningeal damage in patients with cerebral-meningeal hemorrhage were showed. The most common types are subarachnoid hemorrhage (91.9%), subdural hemorrhage (74.3%), brain tissue hemorrhage (52.7%), cerebral ventricular enlargment (35.1%), lateral cerebral ventricular compression (72.4%), midle-way displacement (82.6%), cerebral oedema (96.5%). Cerebral- meningeal damage combinations included submeningeal hemorrhage alone (15.8%), subduralmeningeal hemorrhage 35.5%, submeningeal-cerebral tissue hemorrhage (48.7%).
Cerebral Hemorrhage
3.Surgical treatment of cardiac myxoma
Journal of Practical Medicine 1998;348(5):27-28
From 31/9/1995 to 31/2/1998, 3 patients (female) underwent surgery for cardiac myxoma at Military Hospital 108 Hanoi, 3 patients had a left atrial myxoma. One patient presented with progressive dyspnea, two with syncope. Three patients were diagnosed by two dimensional echocardiography. Cardiopulmonary bypass with mild to moderate systemic hypothermia was used for excision of the myxoma in all cases. Two had concomitant tricuspid valve repair and one with Mitral repair. There was no death.
Cardiovascular Diseases
4.Situation and need of the treatment of periodontal diseases in people with ages of 15- 64 in Hanoi
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;267(12):22-23
With CPITN, recommened by WHO 1998, 1,350 subjects, at four groups: 15-19; 20-29; 30-44 and 45-64 years old, were examined. The results of research showed that: - The percent of person affected by periodontal disease were 93.5% and it increased with age. The percent of male is higher than of female. The need of treatment of perodental deases is percent of persons were introduced oral hygiene is 93.5%; complex treatment is 3.6%.
Periodontal Diseases
5.Surgical treatment of periodontitis by decalcified cryopreservative bone allograft
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):72-74
This study evaluated the use of decalcified, freeze-dried bone allograft for repairing periodontal intrabony defects. 15 patients participated in the trial with 21 teeth. Following initial preparation and reevaluation, the bone defects were filled with decalcified, freeze dried bone. Patients were recalled after 1 week, 3 months and 6 months. After 6 months, significant clinical changes could be noted: mean probing pocket depth decreased from 6.2 mm to 3 mm, attachment loss decreased from 6.5 mm to 2.7mm, alveolar bone effect height increased by 2mm.
Surgery, Plastic
6.Primarily results of treatment of acute gingivitis and periodontitis by dentonin.
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;256(2):68-71
Dentonin is extracted from solanumi procumbens lour, achyranthes bidentata blunme and elutherine subaphylla gapnep. It is used in the study to treat 40 cases of acute gingivitis and periodontitis. After that, patients were asked to use dentonin as mouth rinse for 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a day. After conventional antibiotherapy was applied to the control group consiting of 40 subjects, 65% patients showed good results, 22% moderate results and 13% poor results. The material is easy to use because its low cost and so far, it does not show any side effects.
Pharmaceutical Preparations
drug therapy
7.Primarily survey on the oral-dental health status in provineces of northen Vietnam
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1998;230(11):7-10
The school-based dental preventive program has been developed strongly in many areas of the whole country. Especially, the program has been covered at level of province such as Ninh Binh and Nam Dinh. It is preventive results were very high. Dental carries were reduced and periodontal status is improved. Through the study of fluoride concentration in the natural water, we determine that the use of fluoride mouthwash for children at school is necessary to reduce dental carries.
Health Status
Oral Health
Dental Health Surveys
8.Comparision of the dental caries removal by hand instruments and ultrasound
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;267(12):62-63
This study compares the results of two calculating methods: used hand instruments and ultrasonic machine. Forty five patients, with periodontitis participated in this study. 45 incisors were calculated by hand instruments and other 45 teeth by ultrasonic machine, and all were polished. The smothness of the teeth surfaces were graphed.The study showed that after calculating by ultrasonic machine, the teeth surfaces were more smooth than by hand instruments
Dental Caries
9.2 cases of aortic - coronary arterial anastomosis by antilogous vein
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):31-32
Two patients have undergone to myocardial revasculairisation with venous segments, removed from the lower leg. In one patients, two anastomosis has been performed (left anterio-descending artery and first diagonal branch). In the another, the anastomosis has been completed by continuous over and over suture on the left anterior descending artery, obtuse marginal artery and left postero-lateral branch. There are no morbidity and operative mortality.
Anastomosis, Surgical
10.Study on influence of flavonoides from Oroxylum indicum Vent. towards alpha-chymotrypsine in relationship with the process of inflammation
Pharmaceutical Journal 2005;0(8):23-26
This study demonstrated that in vitro, flavonoids from Oroxylum indicum stimulated the hydrolyzing reaction of alpha-chymotrypsin on casein. The stimulative level was dependent on time exposure and concentration of the flavonoids. In vivo, Oroxylum indicum's flavonoids had anti-inflammatory effects in dextran-induced oedema of mouse paw. When Oroxylum indicum's flavonoids were combined with alpha-chymotrypsin, their anti-inflammatory activity was increased. The successful combination between flavonoids from Oroxylum indicum and alpha - CT contributed to study anti-inflammatory effect of flavonoid and alpha - CT. It may be necessary to further study on traditional and modern anti-inflammatory medication in combination with anti-inflammatory enzyme
Pharmaceutical Preparations