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Author:(Than Viet Nguyen)

1.Some common mistakes in the study and use of pharmaceutical materials

Than Viet Nguyen

Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):5-23

2.Contribution to study on the form of the medicament named "Coix seed from China"

Than Viet Nguyen

Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):11-12

3.Examine survey of Rhizoma Cimicifugae by mioroscopic method

Than Viet Nguyen

Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):20-21

4.Indentification of the plant material of Polygonatums by microscopic investigation

Nguyen Viet Than

Pharmaceutical Journal 2003;0(6):187-189

5.Study on chemical compositions of essential oil extracted from leaves of Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC. in Vietnam

Nguyen Viet Than

Pharmaceutical Journal 2004;44(6):12-13

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