1.Application of the analytical method by variance of 12 factors for evaluation of the process of alkaloid extraction from dichroa febrifuge Lour.
Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;279(7):10-13
In this study, we have used two methods: Anova: two factor without replication and anova: two factors with replication to investigate and estimate the extraction and the collection of the total alkaloid from dichroa febrifuge lour.
Plants, Medicinal
Medicine, Traditional
2.Study on screening of alkaloids from residues of extract of leaves of Dichroa febrifuga Lour
Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):14-16
We have extracted and colleced the alkaloid from Dichroa febrifuga Lour, by Sohxlet (1,2). The total alkaloid in the rest of extracted solutions was seperated by the paper chromatography. We have obtained the solvent systems fit for the split extraction.
Plants, Medicinal
3.Study on isolation and purification of total alkaloid extract from Dichroa febrifuga Lour
Pharmaceutical Journal 2001;298(2):17-19
We have extracted and collected the Alkaloid from Dichroa febrifuga Lour by the diffirent methods: extracted by Sohxlet and soak with the ethanol. The rest of extracted solutions was qualitative analysis by the paper chromatography
Plants, Medicinal
Medicine, Traditional