3.Relationship between katakori (shoulder stiffness) and shoulder hardness
Hiroshi OKUNO ; Taro TAKEDA ; Tomoko SASAOKA ; Fumihiko FUKUDA ; Naoto ISHIZAKI ; Hiroshi KITAKOJI ; Tadashi YANO ; Yoshiharu YAMAMURA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2009;59(1):30-38
[Objective]The present study investigated the relationship between subjective symptoms of katakori (shoulder stiffness) and shoulder hardness which was examined both with clinical palpation and a mechanical device, as well as the correlation between these two measurements.
[Methods]Subjects were enrolled to the study if they had a stiff shoulder on the day of the visit (katakori group, n = 60) or if they had no experience of katakori in their lifetime (non-katakori group, n = 10). The intensity of the katakori was evaluated with a visual analogue scale (VAS). Shoulder hardness was evaluated at acupoint Jianjing (GB21) and at the point where the subject felt the most intensive symptom by both palpation of experienced acupuncturists who were unaware of the allocation and a hardness meter. The method of acupuncture treatment was decided by acupuncturists who were not an evaluator of the hardness.
[Results and Discussion]There was no significant relationship in the hardness measured with the device and palpation between the katakori group and non-katakori group. Also, the intensity of katakori (VAS) and the changes after treatment showed no significant correlation with the hardness and its changes. These results support the validity of our clinical experience that patients who complain of severe shoulder stiffness do not always have a hard shoulder.
4.A case of pneumonia; cough and accompanying body pain by the cough were effectively treated with acupuncture
Miki KONISHI ; SUZUKI Masao ; Taro TAKEDA ; Fumihiko FUKUDA ; Naoto ISHIZAKI ; Tomoki DOUUE ; Hiroshi KITAKOUJI ; Yoshiharu YAMAMURA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2010;60(1):84-90
Pneumonia is one of major causes of cough, which sometimes resists medication and remarkably deteriorates QOL of the patient. We report a case of pneumonia in a person suffering from severe cough and pain in the general body accompanied by cough for which conventional medication did not work but was improved by acupuncture treatment.
A 47-year-old woman was diagnosed by her physician with pneumonia on August 2, 200X. Although antibiotics were administered, her symptoms were not improved. She visited Meiji University of Integrative Medicine Hospital and was hospitalized on the same day. Despite strict medication with antibiotics, antitussive agent and expectorant during hospitalization, her severe cough and body pain remained unchanged.
Acupuncture treatment was then started on August 7. The basic meridian points used were LU1 (Zhongfu), LU5 (Chize), BL13(Feishu), LU7 (Leique), LI4 (Hegu), GB20 (Fengchi), GB14 (Danzhui), ST12 (Quepen), ST11 (Qishe), and CV22 (Tiantu). The acupuncture needles were retained for ten minutes at these points in each session. After ten acupuncture treatments for over seven days, the VAS for body pain accompanied by cough showed a remarkable improvement. Also, significant relief in cough was observed every time immediately after treatment.
We suggested that acupuncture treatment might be useful for cough and/or pain in the body accompanied by cough in a patient with pneumonia.
5.A Case of depression that was successfully managed with acupuncture after discontinuation, due to liver dysfunction, of antidepressants
Taiga FURUTA ; Masao SUZUKI ; Taro TAKEDA ; Fumihiko FUKUDA ; Naoto ISHIZAKI ; Kenji NAMURA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2013;63(2):115-122
[Introduction]Insomnia and anxiety are major symptoms of depression and severely limit the daily activities of depressed patients. We report the case of a depressed patient who had developed liver dysfunction caused by medication and whose depression was successfully managed by acupuncture after discontinuation of antidepressants.
[Case]A 37 years-old male had been taking noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA) and Chai Fu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Jia Wei Gui pi Tang for insomnia and anxiety due to depression. Although his symptoms had improved by the medication, abnormalities in his liver functions were found after 3months of medication. After he was diagnosed as having drug-induced liver damage, he was admitted to Meiji University's Integrative Medicine Hospital and all medication was replaced by Glycyrrhizin and Glutathione. Consequently his depression and symptoms returned. We then tried to relieve his symptoms by applying acupuncture, which was prescribed according to traditional Chinese medical diagnosis (TCM diagnosis, Heart Yin Deficiency , Liver Qi Stagnation , and Kidney Yin Deficiency ).
[Results]After 4 acupuncture treatments, the patient's duration and depth of sleep considerably improved compared with that before the acupuncture sessions, and comparable results were maintained until discharge. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores were also markedly improved from 'moderate depression'(24 points) at the beginning of treatment to 'minimal depression'(8 points) at the end (9th treatment, 16 days from the first session).
[Conclusion]The results of this case suggest that acupuncture treatment may be an effective alternative for anti-depressants when there is a limitation to administer those drugs.
6.Effects of Acupuncture Electrotherapy to Lower Limbs on Hie Symptom (Vasomotor Dysfunction)
Shunji Sakaguchi ; Hiroshi Kuge ; Yoshihisa Kojima ; Taro Takeda ; Junji Miyazaki ; Kazuro Sasaki ; Hidetoshi Mori
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 2010;73(4):231-240
We examined the effects of acupuncture electrotherapy in young women with hie symptoms (excessive sensitivity to cold), presented in conjunction with vasomotor dysfunction as determined by the postural change test.
Subjects and Methods
Subjects comprised 20 women (mean age, 20.6 years; range, 18-26 years) who exhibited symptoms of hie, evaluated as toe skin temperature after standing for 5 mins or a temperature difference between the right and left toes as compared to before standing. A stainless steel acupuncture needle (length, 40 mm; diameter, 0.2 mm) was inserted approximately 15 mm in SP6 (Shangqui). Acupuncture electrotherapy connected an acupuncture electrode to SP6 and a non-feeling electrode to lateral of the tibial tuberosity, and was undertaken at a frequency of 1 Hz for 20 mins. Therapy was provided as a total of 5 sessions, with 1 session each week, and the postural change test was performed before and after therapy. Thermal images from the medial aspect of the foot to the tibial aspect of the lower leg were captured using a medical thermography device, and mean skin temperature was calculated in selected regions of the toes, metatarsals, ankle, and tibial aspect of the lower leg. Therapy was evaluated using a questionnaire with two originally designed scales: a categorical scale of 14 symptoms including hie; and degree of hie on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Subjects completed the questionnaire every day during a period from 1 week before therapy sessions began until 1 week after completion of all 5 sessions. Scores for hie symptoms were calculated as mean values from the total score of the 14 symptoms and VAS each week. Changes in health-related quality of life with acupuncture were evaluated using the SF-8 Standard Edition.
Toe skin temperature just after standing was not significantly increased by therapy as compared to before standing. Skin temperature on the tibial aspect of the lower leg 20 mins after standing was significantly increased as compared to the adaptation period. In terms of hie, VAS and SF-8, no significant changes were seen before and after therapy, but total score for the 14 symptoms decreased significantly.
Acupuncture electrotherapy to SP 6 did not appear to exacerbate hie symptoms after reductions in air temperature, while normalizing the postural vascular reflex and improving hie-related symptoms.
7.Relationship between improvement of katakori (shoulder stiffness) and number of acupuncture points treated.
Taro TAKEDA ; Hiroshi OKUNO ; Tomoko SASAOKA ; Fumihiko FUKUDA ; Naoto ISHIZAKI ; Hiroshi KITAKOJI ; Tadashi YANO ; Yoshiharu YAMAMURA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2009;59(5):503-504
8.Review of the Auricular Acupuncture Effects
Akihiro OZAKI ; Kenji IMAI ; Kazunori ITO ; Yoshito MUKAINO ; Takemasa SHIRAISHI ; Naoto ISHIZAKI ; Taro TAKEDA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2006;56(5):779-792
A seminar was held with “the development of research on auricular acupuncture” as the main theme. In this seminar, the recent development of auricular acupuncture in Japan and abroad, its action mechanism, and clinical effects were reviewed, and the findings were comprehensively evaluated.
Concerning basic research on the effects of auricular acupuncture on obesity, the relationship between the auricle and hypothalamo-autonomic system and individual variation associated with differences in the condition of patients receiving the treatment were reported. As for the action mechanism, leptin expressed in white adi-pose tissue (WAT) due to acupuncture stimulation of the auricle was reported to bind to leptin receptors (Ob-R) in both peripheries and the center and suppress food intake.
Concerning clinical effects of auricular acupuncture, the results reported in Japan indicating its effectiveness for the treatment of obesity were presented. However, no overall conclusion was reached, because papers published abroad were not consistent in the therapeutic procedure or evaluation parameters. Auricular acupuncture appeared to be clinically effective for analgesia and the treatment of drug addiction but ineffective as an anti-smoking treatment.
9.Acupuncture for functional abdominal pain syndrome: a case report
Takumi KAYO ; Masao SUZUKI ; Taro TAKEDA ; Fumihiko FUKUDA ; Naoto ISHIZAKI ; Hiroshi KITAKOJI ; Hisato KATO ; Yoshiharu YAMAMURA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2010;60(4):744-751
[Background]Functional abdominal pain syndrome (FAPS) represents a chronic pain disorder localized in the abdomen and the symptoms largely are unrelated to food intake and defecation, which differ from other painful functional gastrointestinal disorders.
We report a case of FAPS whose symptom was successfully improved by acupuncture.
[Case Report]A 75-year-old female had been hospitalized at Meiji University of Integrative Medicine Hospital because of left lower abdominal pain from which she had repeatedly suffered for more than 2 years. Despite strict medication, her symptom had not been improved. After admission to the hospital, according to recommendation by her physician, acupuncture treatment was started. The patient received TCM-based acupuncture treatments five times a week over 13weeks. Primary acupuncture points used for the patient were LV3(Taichong), SP6 (Sanyinjiao), ST36 (Zusanli) and PC6 (Neiguan). Evaluation of the left lower abdominal pain was carried out with a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) was used to evaluate QOL related to the digestive symptoms. VAS for the left lower abdominal pain showed a remarkable decrease immediately after the initial acupuncture session. The symptom disappeared within 4 weeks after commencement of the treatment and never appeared during her hospitalization. GSRS was also improved and it was maintained during hospitalization.
[Conclusion]We suggested that acupuncture treatment might be one of the useful, non-pharmacological alternatives for symptoms of FAPS.
10.Research of HBs-antigen for acpupuncturists by Tokyo acpupunctur association.
Makio NAKAMURA ; Masaru IZUMIZAWA ; Etstaka SOMA ; Hisashi HOSIMITSU ; Masayoshi OZAWA ; Kiichiro KOSUGI ; Kazuya YOKOYAMA ; Nobumasa TAKEDA ; Kazuo HUCHI ; Haruhisa HONDA ; Makito ARAI ; Taro ONO
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1990;40(4):393-397