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Author:(Tariq ISSA)

1.Utility of Seated Lateral Radiographs in the Diagnosis and Classification of Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis

Tariq Z. ISSA ; Yunsoo LEE ; Emily BERTHIAUME ; Mark J. LAMBRECHTS ; Caroline ZAWORSKI ; Qudratallah S. QADIRI ; Henley SPRACKLEN ; Richard PADOVANO ; Jackson WEBER ; John J. MANGAN ; Jose A. CANSECO ; Barrett I. WOODS ; I. David KAYE ; Alan S. HILIBRAND ; Christopher K. KEPLER ; Alexander R. VACCARO ; Gregory D. SCHROEDER ; Joseph K. LEE

Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(4):721-728

2.Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes of Incidental Durotomy during Lumbar Spine Decompression with or without Fusion

Gregory TOCI ; Mark James LAMBRECHTS ; Tariq ISSA ; Brian KARAMIAN ; Nicholas SIEGEL ; Nicholas D’ ANTONIO ; Jose CANSECO ; Mark KURD ; Barrett WOODS ; Ian David KAYE ; Alan HILIBRAND ; Christopher KEPLER ; Alexander VACCARO ; Gregory SCHROEDER

Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(4):647-655

3.How Does the Severity of Neuroforaminal Compression in Cervical Radiculopathy Affect Outcomes of Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion

Mark J. LAMBRECHTS ; Tariq Z. ISSA ; Yunsoo LEE ; Khoa S. TRAN ; Jeremy HEARD ; Caroline PURTILL ; Tristan B. FRIED ; Samuel OH ; Erin KIM ; John J. MANGAN ; Jose A. CANSECO ; I. David KAYE ; Jeffrey A. RIHN ; Alan S. HILIBRAND ; Alexander R. VACCARO ; Christopher K. KEPLER ; Gregory D. SCHROEDER

Asian Spine Journal 2023;17(6):1051-1058

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