1.Caecal Volvulus after a dental procedure – not just constipation!
Tan Jih Huei ; Ng Zi Qin ; Henry Chor Lip Tan
Malaysian Family Physician 2019;14(2):32-35
Caecal volvulus has been reported to be associated with various abdominal and pelvic pathologies.
Its signs and symptoms are usually non-specific and maybe overlooked in favour of benign causes,
such as constipation. A high degree of suspicion is required for prompt diagnosis. Herein, we
report on an unusual case of caecal volvulus after a dental procedure that was managed initially as
2.Rockall risk score in predicting 30 days non-variceal upper gastrointestinal rebleeding in a Malaysian population
Henry Tan Chor Lip ; Heah Hsin Tak ; Tan Jih Huei ; Premaa Supramaniam ; Sarojah A/P Arulanantham
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2016;71(5):225-230
Objective: the aim of this study was to determine the
usefulness of Rockall score in predicting outcomes of 30
days rebleeding, mortality and need for surgical intervention
of bleeding gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Methods: this is a retrospective cohort study of all the
emergency endoscopies performed in Hospital sultan Ismail
from January 2009 to October 2014 for indications of upper
gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIb). Data was extracted from
hospital's electronic database and only non-variceal bleeds
were included. Rockall score was calculated and outcomes
of 30 days rebleeding, mortality and need for surgery was
recorded. For each outcome, calibration was done using the
Goodness-of-fit tests and discriminative ability was
reflected by area under the receiver operating characteristic
curve (AUROc).
Results: A total of 1323 patients were included with a male
preponderance of 64%. the overall rates of rebleeding were
11.2%, mortality rate of 8.7% and need for surgery was 2%.
Low AUROc values for rebleeding (0.63), mortality (0.58) and
surgery (0.67) showed poor discriminative ability of Rockall
score. the Goodness-of-fit test also revealed that the
scoring system was poorly calibrated in outcomes of
rebleeding (p <0.001), mortality (p = 0.001) and surgery (p =
0.038) with p-value <0.05. Patients with high risk (scores ≥8)
displayed highest rebleeding and mortality rates of 20%
respectively in comparison to the moderate (score 3-7) and
low (score ≤2) risk groups.
conclusion: Rockall score has a poor discriminative ability
and is poorly calibrated for rebleeding, mortality and need
for surgery in upper gastrointestinal bleeding. However, it is
the best tool we have now to stratify patients into risk
3.Large adrenal leiomyoma presented as adrenal incidentaloma in an AIDS patient: A rare entity
Tan Jih Huei ; Henry Tan Chor Lip ; Maizatul Rahman ; Sarojah Arulanantham
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2017;72(1):65-67
The literature on adrenal gland tumour in HIV-infected
patients is scarce. We report a 46-year-old Malay man with
HIV and Hepatitis C infection presenting with a large nonfunctioning
adrenal tumour. Computed tomography showed
a large right adrenal tumour with heterogeneous
enhancement and central necrosis. A high index of
suspicion of a malignant tumour or pheochromocytoma led
us to surgical removal of the adrenal gland. In this case
report, we highlight important features to look for during
pre-op evaluation of a large adrenal mass. Appropriate
action should be taken when there is a suspicion of a
pheochromocytoma or malignancy.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
4.Intrauterine contraceptive device embedded in bladder wall with calculus formation removed successfully with open surgery
Tan Jih Huei ; Henry Tan Chor Lip ; William Ong Lay Keat ; Shamsuddin Omar
Malaysian Family Physician 2019;14(2):29-31
An Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCD) is commonly inserted by the primary health care
physician. It can migrate into pelvic or abdominal organs. When a pregnancy occurs following an
insertion of an IUCD, there should be a high suspicion of uterine perforation or possible migration.
A radiograph can be done in the primary health care clinic to search for a missing IUCD. Early
referral to the urology service is warranted when a patient presents with recurrent urinary tract
infections. Removal of an intravesical IUCD can be managed with cystoscopy, laparoscopy or open
surgery. Herein, we report a case of IUCD migration into the bladder. This case will highlight the
importance of proper technique, careful insertion and the role of ultrasound.
5.A rare presentation of chronic myeloid leukaemia with priapism treated with corporoglandular shunting
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2018;73(6):420-422
Priapism is a rare clinical presentation of a patient with
chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). Herein, we present a
young Nepalese man that presented to the emergency
department with an acute and painful penile erection for two
days. Clinically, he was pale and abdominal examination
revealed hepatomegaly. Combined oncologic and initial
urological intervention with carvernosal aspiration and
intracavernosal phenylephrine failed to achieve
detumescence. The patient underwent an emergency
corporoglandular shunting eventually. In this case report,
we discuss the management compared with previously
reported cases.
6.Major tracheobronchial injuries: Management of two rare cases
Tan Jih HUEI ; Henry Tan Chor Lip ; Rahmat OTHMAN
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2018;73(3):177-179
suspicion is needed for immediate diagnosis and prompttreatment. In this case series, two rare cases oftracheobronchial injuries is described showing variableclinical presentations with different levels of injury. Our firstcase was seen in a 20 years old male whom had a directimpact on the neck and presented with upper tracheal injury.On arrival, this patient was in respiratory distress and hadbilateral pneumothorax. Bilateral chest tube was insertedwith subsequent neck exploration. During the neckexploration, anastomosis of the injured trachea wasperformed. The second case was represented by a 35 yearsold man with right main bronchial injury. Upon initialpresentation, this patient appeared well and wascomfortable under room air. However he graduallydeteriorated one week after the trauma requiring surgicalintervention. Eventually a thoracotomy with primaryanastomosis of the bronchial tear was performed. Details ofboth cases including clinical presentation, imaging andprocedures done will be discussed in this article.
7.An Unusual Complication of Colonic Perforation Following Percutaneous Nephrostomy in a Grade IV Blunt Renal Injury Patient
Joan Gan Cheau YAN ; Tan Jih HUEI ; Henry Tan Chor LIP ; Yuzaidi MOHAMAD ; Rizal Imran ALWI
Journal of the Korean Society of Traumatology 2019;32(2):118-121
Percutaneous nephrostomy is relatively safe for temporary urinary diversion. However, colonic perforation due to percutaneous nephrostomy can happen with an incidence of 0.2% as reported in the English literatures. To our knowledge, this is the first case being reported as a complication following treatment for traumatic renal injury. This paper is to share our treatment approach which differs from the usual approach according to existing literatures. We report on a young man who sustained grade IV renal injury due to blunt trauma and was managed conservatively. The treatment of traumatic renal injury via urinary diversion was complicated with an iatrogenic colonic perforation. The management and subsequent treatment of this patient is discussed in this case report.
8.First Feasibility Study and Short-term Outcomes of Laparoscopic-Assisted Anterior Resection in Colorectal Cancer in Malaysia
Henry Chor Lip TAN ; Jih Huei TAN ; Nur Akmalrudin NUR DZAINUDDIN ; Koon Khee CHAN
Annals of Coloproctology 2020;36(2):94-101
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic-assisted anterior resection (LAAR) for colorectal cancer in a local Asian population.
This is a retrospective review of all patients with colorectal cancer operated from November 2017 to October 2018. Main variables of interest were demography, type and surgery, length of stay (LOS), and the involvement of proximal and distal doughnut. Postoperative complications were analysed using chi-square or Fisher exact and Mann-Whitney tests.
There were 23 patients with a mean age of 62.5 ± 12.2 years. The mean time from diagnosis to surgery was 97.1 ± 154.84 days. There were 12 patients in the LAAR group and 11 in the open anterior resection (OAR) group. Duration of surgery was shorter in OAR (129.58 ± 51.38 minutes) compared to LAAR (147.91 ± 39.37 minutes). Mean LOS was shorter in the LAAR group with 5±1.5 days compared to the OAR group of 7.42 ± 4.25 days. However, there was no significant P-value for both duration of surgery (P = 0.322) or LOS (P = 0.87). A total of 3 complications were recorded after OAR and 2 after LAAR. Both groups had clear proximal and distal margins with 16 (12–18.5) harvested lymph nodes in LAAR and 18 (16–22) in OAR, which were equal (P = 0.155).
This study reports a shorter LOS in the minimally invasive group of 2 days with similar oncologic resection outcomes. This shows that LAAR is feasible in Malaysia and has potential outcome benefits.
9.Isolated blunt iliac artery injury successfully treated with endovascular stent
Peng Ee LEE ; Jih Tan HUEI ; Henry Tan Chor Lip ; Bakin SALINAWATI ; Mohamad YUZAIDI ; Alwi Imran RIZAL
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2022;25(4):242-244
Common or external iliac artery injury due to blunt trauma is unusual without an associated pelvic fracture. Here we report on a 62 years old man that sustained left external iliac artery thrombosis due to blunt trauma following fall from motorbike. There was no immediate circulatory compromise. Contrasted CT of abdomen revealed an associated left lower abdominal wall traumatic hernia. The iliac artery was intervened with an endovascular stent to restore luminal flow and the hernia was repaired electively. The entire clinical course and management dilemma are described in this article.
10.Case series of retained rectal foreign body. A Malaysian experience.
Tan Jih Huei ; Pang Wei Soon ; Henry Tan Chor Lip ; Jonathan Tan Khee Ghee
Malaysian Family Physician 2021;16(2):78-82
Retained rectal foreign body, with its associated social stigma, is a medical condition that is infrequently reported in Malaysia. We report the surgical management of five cases of retained foreign objects in the rectum seen over a one-year period. There were three young and two elderly male patients. One of the elderly patients presented with altered bowel habits and an abdominal mass that mimicked a symptomatic colonic tumor. All patients had an abdominal radiograph which clinched the diagnosis of a retained foreign rectal body. Successfully retrieved objects included two bottles, one bidet device, and two sex toys. Open surgery for retrieval of the impacted rectal foreign body was required in one patient. All underwent successful retrievals without any adverse postoperative complications. In our case series, retained rectal foreign bodies were observed only in the male gender. The age presentation was bimodal, with age groups in the twenties and sixties. The treatment options used for the retrieval of these impacted foreign bodies included transanal extraction or explorative laparotomy. Proximal migration and delayed presentation are possible indications for the latter approach.