1.2. Objective development of a research question based on the passion in your educational field
Medical Education 2014;45(5):331-337
An overview is given of the process of developing a research question in medical education. Developing a question is the fundamental first step in research, regardless of whether the research is medical or educational. The medical researchers’ beliefs, emotions, and the changing trends in educational theory cannot be ignored when developing the educational research question. Therefore, educational researchers should reflect on their teaching and emotions to determine the subject of research. They must also consider whether the research question is appropriate through constructive brainstorming with peers, discussions with experts, and a broad literature review to acquire theoretical background information.
2.Master of Health Professions Education at Maastricht University, Netherlands
Medical Education 2009;40(4):251-254
1) Master of Health Professions Education at Maastricht University is the growing master program which aims at providing health professions educationalist as an opinion Leader.2)Problem Based Learning and a distant learning is the remarkable characteristics they challenges to practice.3) Graduates of this master program are expected to possess abilities to develop educational activities and its research for health professionals.
5.The teaching competence required for experts on medical education
Medical Education 2013;44(2):90-98
1)The paper reviewed the previous literature on teaching competencies in medical education required for medical educators. The competencies as well as its quality assurance were comprehensively proposed for both current medical teachers and trainers in faculty development programme in Japan.
2)Teaching competencies is not just a talent or a character of the physicians and can be aquired and developed through the learning. To clarify of its expertise will enable us to construct the outcome–based programme with appllying it as outcome of the medical educators. It also will enable us to evaluate the level of the teaching competencies and also assure the quality of medical educators which will contribute to the accreditation of medical education.
3)The domains of the teaching competencies on medical education are classified as, ability of practical teaching and learning facilitation, evaluation and assessment, desining a curriculum/programme, and management・leadership・development. Scholary activities as an continuing professional development is essential to continue to seek an excellence of teaching.
6.Methods for Effective Teaching and Meaningful Learning in Medical Education
Takuya Saiki ; Makoto Kikukawa
Medical Education 2013;44(3):133-141
We present an overview of effective teaching and meaningful learning. When selecting teaching methods or learning methods, medical educators must understand the integrity of such methodology with an educational taxonomy or idealized images of future physicians as learners. Adult learning theory, self-directed learning, metacognition, reflective practitioners, and collaborative learning are the key concept for understanding outcomes to achieve when physicians are learners. Cultural differences as well as flexiblity in learning beliefs must be taken into account when applying educational theories from Western countries. Whereas there is no single optimal learning strategy, an elaborate combination of lectures, small-group discussions, and one-to-one instruction enables medical educators to teach learners effectively. Adult learners generally prefer to use various learning methods and to learn in an appropriate safe learning environment.
7.Methods for Effective Teaching and Meaningful Learning in Medical EducationII
Makoto Kikukawa ; Takuya Saiki
Medical Education 2013;44(4):243-252
We describe popular learning methods in current medical education along with their bases in educational theory. Lectures have the advantage that teachers can provide students with a large amount of organized information. Problem-based learning is an active learning method using small-group discussions to motivate learning. Early clinical exposure is based on the theory of experiential learning. Simulation education has become more important from the point of view of patient safety. Participatory undergraduate clinical training and postgraduate clinical training should be understood as being based on the theories of cognitive apprenticeship and peripheral participation. Considering life-long learning, the reflective practitioner is a useful concept.
8.Assessment in Medical Education I. Basics
Medical Education 2013;44(5):345-357
In this manuscript, the basics of development, management, and usage of the results of assessment of learners are discussed.
●Formative assessment facilitates individual learning and is essential in the student-centered and outcome-based medical education. The purposes of high-stakes summative evaluations, which certify program completion or qualifications to be health professionals, is to judge whether the examinees possess the required level of competencies of health professionals.
●Measured scores are interpreted as the generalized ability of examinees. An adequate generalization process should be confirmed by obtaining validity evidence, including reliability and consequences of examination.
●To perform valid assessment, medical educators plan, manage, score, judge, use the results, and evaluate and improve the process of assessment according to the purpose of evaluation.
9.Assessment in Medical Education II: Detailed exposition
Hiroshi Nishigori ; Takuya Saiki
Medical Education 2013;44(6):429-438
In this manuscript, several approaches and methods of assessment based on Miller’s pyramid of competence are demonstrated.
●Deliberate assessment and its planning regulate a learner’s approach to learning and drives learning.
●In the design and conduct of assessments, the educational effect and the effect on learning should be taken into account.
● While knowing does not necessarily guarantee competence, competence does not necessarily guarantee knowing.
●It is important to design and perform an informative, continuing, comprehensive programmed assessment to maximize the benefits of outcome-based education.
●The importance of assessment should be understood by the members of an institution, and the assessment must be feasible with regards to the available educational resources.