1.Effects of Concentration of Sea Water Components on Body Temperature by Bathing.
Tomihiro SHIMIZU ; Kazutaka FUJISHIMA ; Takeshi UEDA ; Yuko AGISHI
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 1998;61(4):195-201
In order to investigate the effects of the concentration of chemical components of sea water on thermoregulatory functions, rectal, skin and mean body temperatures were measured continuously before, during total body bathing as well as during recovery period on land.
Eight healthy young men were subjected in the experiment. Their physical characteristics were in average 19.8±1.0yrs in age, 169.2±5.0cm in height, 57.1±3.1kg in weight and 14.0±2.6% in body fat fraction, respectively. Each subject bathed in sea water or in tap water for 15 minutes in the long-sitting position at 38.5°C of water temperature during bathing and took recovery on land for 60 minutes. Water bathing was conducted in individual subject with the concentration of chemical components of sea water at 0, 1, 3.5 and 7%, respectively.
The rectal temperature increased during bathing and decreased gradually during recovery period on land. Statistically significant difference (p<.05) between 0 and 7% of the concentration of sea water was detected in the rectal temperature during bathing and recovery period. The mean skin temperature showed a continuous increase during bathing and showed a rapid decrease during 20 minutes in recovery, and a gradual decrease after then. Statistically significant difference (p<.05) between 0 and 7% of the concentration of sea water was detected in the mean skin temperatures during recovery period. The mean body temperature also showed a continuous increase during bathing and rapid decrease during the first 20 minutes in the recovery period, and decreased gradually thereafter. Statistically significant difference (p<.01) between 0 and 7% of the concentration of sea water was detected in the mean body temperature during bathing and recovery period.
2.The Emergency Medical Service System in the Chuno Area in Gifu Prefecture: Investigation by the Emergency Medical Center in Rural Area
Masatomo HAYASHI ; Norio UEDA ; Shigeru MORI ; Hajime MIKAMO ; Atsuko YAMADA ; Takeshi SHIMADA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2007;56(1):7-10
We investigated the system of emergency medical service in the Chuno area in Gifu prefecture.It was found that about 20,000 emergency cases were carried into the Emergency Medical Center (EMC) in Chuno Kosei Hospital annually. About 90% were patitents with mild disease or injury. During the past four years an increasing number of severely ill patients such as those acute myocardial infarction and cerebral apoplexy were transfered to our EMC from other hospitals in the Chuno area.We found that many emergency patients came to our EMC, which was not staffed with so many emergency care specialists nor equiped with so many beds for emergency patients. Therefore, we requested residents, family doctors, primary care clinics, common hospitals and administrators in the Chuno area, to contribute their share to emergency medical care together with EMC.In conclusion, we thought it necessary to build a better system of emergency medical care in this area promptly.
Bale out
medical care
3.Survey on the Status of Using an Internet-Based Pharmacy Educational Program
Masahiro Nakayama ; Yasunori Shin ; Hiroshi Ueda ; Hideya Sakurai ; Yuko Takasu ; Fumiaki Yamaguchi ; Takeshi Kimura ; Yasutake Hirano
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2013;15(2):78-82
Objective: The Hyogo Hospital Pharmaceutical Society has been conducting an original pharmacy postgraduate education program, “lifelong learning program (to nurture pharmacy specialists)”, since 2002 using the Internet. To understand the status of using this program, this study employed a questionnaire survey involving all registered members.
Methods: Subjects were all members (1,870) of the society. Questionnaires were distributed and collected by mail.
Results: Only 20.1% of the members had experience of using the program, and the frequency of using it was less than once per 6-12 months in 60% of the members. Their level of awareness concerning the acquisition of credits for lifelong learning was 36.9%. The program category they wished to take was an infection-related program in 26.1% of the members, which was the highest.
Conclusion: As reasons for only a small number of members using the program, the following are considered: loss of user’s ID and password required to login, and lack of awareness concerning the acquisition of credits for lifelong learning offered by the Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists. As future issues, we must encourage members to obtain a new password and be proactively involved in preparing new program categories that the members wish to take, in order to promote the continuous use of the program.
4.A Case of Enterovaginal Fistula After Ileoanal Canal Anastomosis for Ulcerative Colitis Successfully Treated with Kampo Medicine
Keigo UEDA ; Akio YAGI ; Takeshi OJI ; Cheolsun HAN ; Hideki OKAMOTO ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Takao NAMIKI
Kampo Medicine 2015;66(2):119-123
Enterovaginal fistula, which causes uncontrollable symptoms such as gas release, vaginal defecation, perineal erosion, and vaginitis, markedly reduces patients' quality of life. In this report, we present a case of successful treatment for enterovaginal fistula with Kampo medicine.
A 62 year-old female who had ileoanal canal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis developed symptoms of gas release and defecation from the vagina. Although these symptoms had disappeared with conventional medicine previously, they recurred 7 years later. There was no medical indication for surgery because the fistula could not be located by barium enema or endoscopic examination. She, therefore, visited our outpatient clinic 1 and a half years after all conventional management had ended in vain.
Her symptoms were slightly improved by the administration of ifutokaogi, a Kampo formula, although they persisted. Three months after switching her prescription to another Kampo formula, goreisan, her symptoms completely disappeared.
In recent years, there has been no report on goreisan for the successful treatment of enterovaginal fistulae. Our case suggests that Kampo medicine can be an option for the treatment of enterovaginal fistula refractory to conventional treatments.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2006;55(Supplement):S217-S222
The purpose of this study was to determine the age and habitual physical activity on re-oxygenation time in working muscles following maximal cycling exercise (CycEXmax). Twelve sedentary middle-aged (50±6), 13 sedentary elderly (66±3), 13 active middle-aged (53±5), and 20 active elderly (67±5) were evaluated the half re-oxygenation time (T1/2 reoxy) as an index of oxygen delivery, using near-infrared spectroscopy at the vastus lateralis (VL) and lateral head of the gastrocnemius (LG) after CycEXmax. T1/2 reoxys at VL and LG were significantly greater in the elderly subjects than in the middle-aged subjects in both sedentary and active groups. T1/2 reoxys at VL and LG of the active group were smaller than those of the sedentary group, regardless of age. The results of this study suggest that habitual physical activity may attenuate age-related prolongation in T1/2 reoxy in working muscles although ageing delay T1/2 reoxy in working muscles.
6.The Cases of Total Correction for Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries after the Reconstruction of the Left Pulmonary Artery Using Heterologous Pericardial Conduit.
Youichi Kawahira ; Hidefumi Kishimoto ; Masahiko Iio ; Seiichiro Ikawa ; Hideki Ueda ; Toshiya Maeno ; Futoshi Kayatani ; Noboru Inamura ; Takeshi Nakada
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1996;25(2):131-134
We report two surgical cases with corrected transposition of the great arteries associated with ventricular septal defect and pulmonary atresia undergoing total correction including reconstruction of the central pulmonary artery after reconstruction of the left pulmonary artery for non-confluent pulmonary arteries. Both patients underwent reconstruction of the left pulmonary artery using 13 or 12mm diameter heterologous pericardial conduit at age of 5 year, respectively. At surgery, after the left pulmonary artery was exposed between the upper and lower lobe of the left lung, the conduit was connected with the left pulmonary artery along the pericardium. Continuity between the conduit and the left subclavian artery or the ascending aorta was established with 5 or 6mm diameter Micronit grafts, respectively. Total correction was performed at 2 years and 10 months after the initial surgery, respectively. In a patient with {I, D, D} type corrected transposition of the great arteries, the central pulmonary artery was established with another 16mm diameter heterologous pericardial conduit, which ran in front of the left superior vena cava. The ventricular septal defect was closed via the right atrium. In another patient with {S, L, L}, the central pulmonary artery was established with the reconstructed conduit of the left pulmonary artery, which ran behind the left phrenic nerve. The ventricular septal defect was closed via the right atrium with the De Leval procedure. In both patients, continuities between the left ventricle and the central pulmonary artery were established with tricuspid valved porcine pericardial conduit and equine pericardial conduit. Postoperatively both patients had uneventful recovery with left ventricular/right ventricular systolic pressure ratios of 0.4 and 0.35, respectively.
7.A Case of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, Which Occurred after CABG and Was Complicated with Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Stenosis and Mitral Regurgitation
Naoki Kanemitsu ; Kazuo Yamanaka ; Takeshi Nishina ; Keiichi Hirose ; Akihiro Mizuno ; Daisuke Nakatsuka ; Jin Ikarashi ; Yuki Hori ; Daisuke Yasumizu ; Yuich Ueda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2014;43(1):9-14
We report a case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy that developed after elective coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in an 80-year-old woman. She had been given a diagnosis of unstable angina complicated with mild hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM). Her cardiac index began to fall 7 h postoperatively, and we needed to infuse fluids and increase dopamine dose (up to 5 µg/kg/min) to maintain cardiac index and blood pressure. CPK-MB level increased up to 140 IU/l at 12 h postoperatively. Transthoracic echocardiography showed akinesis and ballooning of the apex and hyperkinesis of the base with accelerated left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) flow and increased mitral regurgitation (MR). Emergency coronary artery angiography showed good patency of all bypass grafts and no new coronary lesion. We diagnosed Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. To improve the hemodynamic status, we started intra-aortic balloon pumping (IABP) instead of adding catecholamines. Blood pressure and cardiac index had improved temporarily, but became unstable again because of increased LVOT pressure gradient and moderate-to-severe MR. LV wall motion gradually improved, but the hemodynamic status stayed unstable, but improved after removal of IABP. In general, the prognosis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is favorable with supportive care. However, when it is associated with LVOT stenosis and significant MR, low cardiac output syndrome can become intractable, thus we should manage critical conditions with extreme caution.
8.A Case of Prolonged Lumbago with Severe Cold Intolerance Successfully Treated with Keppuchikuoto and Uzushakusekishigan
Cheolsun HAN ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Hideki OKAMOTO ; Keigo UEDA ; Akio YAGI ; Hirobumi SHIMADA ; Takeshi OJI ; Koichi NAGAMINE ; Takao NAMIKI
Kampo Medicine 2015;66(2):112-118
We report a case of prolonged lumbago with severe cold intolerance successfully treated with keppuchikuoto and uzushakusekishigan. The patient was a 71-year-old female with lumbar spinal canal stenosis which was refractory to several nerve and intervertebral disc block therapies and oral medications. She had been also suffering from constipation, leg cramps, intermittent chest pains, and severe cold intolerance. We prescribed keppuchikuoto for chronic blood stagnation and deficiency and uzushakusekishigan for intermittent chest pains in order to improve those symptoms all together. The severity of her lumbago and severe cold intolerance were remarkably reduced after the administration of the two formulas. This case suggests that the two formulas exerted their effectiveness by ameliorating chronic severe cold intolerance, blood stagnation, and blood deficiency and resulted in remarkable improvement in lumbago.
9.Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration for gallstone and common bile duct stone in a patient with a left-sided gallbladder:a case report
Takeshi UEDA ; Tetsuya TANAKA ; Yuki KIRIHATAYA ; Chisato HARA ; Atsushi YOSHIMURA
Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery 2023;26(4):218-221
Left-sided gallbladder is a rare finding that is mostly discovered incidentally during surgery and is often associated with anatomic anomalies. We herein report a case in which laparoscopic cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration were achieved for an 89-year-old female patient with left-sided gallbladder. Surgery was carried out using our usual trocar position.Calot triangle was covered by the body of the gallbladder and could not be detected. We dissected the gallbladder from the fundus towards the neck. The cystic duct joined the common bile duct from the right side, and common bile duct exploration was performed routinely without perioperative comorbidities. Although the preoperative diagnosis rate is low and the risk of intraoperative bile duct injuries in patients with left-sided gallbladder is high, laparoscopic cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration can be safely performed by understanding the location and bifurcation of the cystic duct.
10.Bicycle Ergometer Exercise prolonged walking distance for Patients with Intermittent Claudication — Evaluated by Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Norio Murase ; Shiro Ichimura ; Aya Kitahara ; Takeshi Nagasawa ; Chihoko Ueda ; Toshiyuki Homma ; Ryotaro Kime ; Takuya Osada ; Tsuneyuki Nagae ; Shin Ishimaru ; Toshihito Katsumura
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2005;54(1):75-75