Expansion of the work of medical radiology technicians has made it possible for them to assist in interpreting medical images. Questionnaire surveys have reported that such assistance is particularly needed in emergency medical care. This paper describes the results of a computerized tomography (CT) image interpretation test that was administered to 45 medical radiology technicians working in Gifu Prefecture, to assess and identify factors that may improve their interpreting ability. The test results revealed that a relatively higher percentage of correct answers were obtained when reviewing CT images of critical cases, while a lower percentage was observed when reviewing less critical cases such as small tumors or tumors in the digestive tract. Also, the overall percentage of correct answers increased slightly with the number of years of experience, but interpreting scores dropped dramatically among radiology technicians with less than 3 years of experience. Statistical analysis further revealed that those radiologists who exhibited higher abilities in CT image interpretation were certified with various CT-related skills, had report writing skills, or were full-time CT staff. These are factors that can help improving CT image interpreting ability for medical radiology technicians.