1.A Clinical Report on an Operation for chronic Subdural Hematoma Under Acupuncture Anesthesia
Takakage SAITO ; Takashi KONDOH ; Akira TAKAKU
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1982;32(1):44-47
In elderly patients, chronic subdural hematoma is often associated with such complications as cardiac disease, asthma and bronchiectasis. Acupuncture anesthesia was given to a group of such patients instead of endotracheal anesthesia.
Anesthesia was applied to acupoints of chinese acupuncture anesthesia from ante to just post operation. Patients were four men and one woman ranging from 64 to 73 years old who had not only fundamental disorders such as right bundle-branch block, atrial fibrillation, myocardiopathy, asthma and bronchiectasis, but also had comparatively disturbed levels of consciousness. One of them was incompatible with endotracheal anesthesia. Another patient received acupuncture anesthesia together with an injection of diazepan (10mg) and pentazocine (30mg).
The postoperative course in these five cases was uneventful and all of them left the hospital unassisted.
2.Advanced Aging of the Population and Emergency Hospital Care in Akita
Takashi SAITO ; Masaru SAKUSABE ; Naoyuki KUWAHARA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2016;65(2):178-183
Akita has the fastest aging community in Japan. Increasing demand for emergency care and subsequent hospital care for elderly patients is placing excessive pressure on community hospitals because of the chronic shortage of doctors and other medical staff. The characteristic features of these patients are comorbidities, high incidence of cognitive disorders of varying degrees, and physical frailty. To address these urgent problems in a comprehensive manner, the creation of a special department, the ER and GP (general practitioners) department, might be an effective solution. The absence of a GP section in the hospital and lack of family physicians is a major problem in the Japanese medical system. In this context, Akita prefectural government established a training institute for general practitioners and family physicians in Akita Kousei Medical Center in 2012. Only 6 trainees have joined the program in 4 years, so major problems remain. One is the limited human resources available: young doctors and students are still not familiar with the specific area of GP. This is because of the long history of Japanese postgraduate training that is focused on cultivating specialist physicians. The second major problem is the differences that often exist between these doctors─generalists include both hospitalists and family physicians─and these two groups sometimes have completely different mentalities. More time is needed to establish a new style of hospital medicine.
3.Drinking of Tamagawa Spa Water, Akita Prefecture and Gastrointestinal Impairment
Terunobu Saito ; Takashi Sugiyama ; Taro Okazaki ; Toshio Mitomo ; Atsuhiko Adachi
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 1971;34(3-4):79-86
It has been widely recognized that the drinking of strongly acid hot spring water often causes gastrointestinal symptoms. However, the research in this subject has been distinctly sporadic.
Fundamental and clinical experiments were undertaken to ascertain the effect of the drinking of Tamagawa Spa on the gastrointestinal mucosa. The property of Tamagawa Spa, Akita prefecture, is acid vitriol spring whose pH value is 1.2, and it contains a large amount of hydrochloric acid and hydrogen sulfide.
1. Studies in Man
The changes of gastric mucosa in 36 subjects after the drinking of hot spring water were observed by gastrocamera or gastrofiberscope.
Varying degrees of hyperaemia were found in all subjects administered non-diluted hot spring water, whereas these change were markedly reduced in subjects administered two times and over diluted hot spring water.
No instances of erosion or ulceration were seen in any of the subjects.
2. Experiments in Animals
Twenty three healthy rabbits, orally administered non-diluted or diluted hot spring water for seven days were autopsied.
The changes of gastric mucosa were similar to those in man, and no significant influence on the jejunal mucosa was seen. Microscopically the affected mucosa revealed degeneration of the epithelial cells of gastric gland and edema of the submucosa.
Based on the critical review of former studies, several important factors were suggested to explain the occurrence of gastric impairment after the drinking of Tamagawa Spa water.
4.Pooling System for Multiple-Choice Questions for the National Examination for Medical Practitioners. Results of a Field Study in Japan.
Toshikazu SAITO ; Kazuo MURAI ; Hiroshi INOUE ; Hideaki YOKOYAMA ; Kenichiro YOSHIDA ; Hiroaki MATSUOKA ; Takashi HORIE ; Takumi ARAMAKI ; Takashi DANBARA ; Hiroshi NIHEI ; Kazue TAKANO ; Yasuo ITO ; Jiro TAKAHARA ; Atsushi SAITO
Medical Education 2001;32(1):13-18
The Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan is planning a pooling system for multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for the national examination for medical practitioners. To clarify possible problems of such a system, a field study was performed by 10 medical schools in Japan using 90 MCQs from previous examinations. Nine hundred twenty-four 6th-year students participated in the field test. For each MCQ, the correct-response rates at the originating school and those obtained in the field test were significantly correlated. Thus, the correct-response rates to questions on the field test could be predicted from the rates at the originating schools. However, for each question the correct-response rate was significantly higher for students of the originating school than for students of other schools. In the national examination, care should be taken to prevent differences in scores on the basis of question sources.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2011;60(4):443-451
Background: Although previous reports have shown a lower proportion of the ACTN3 XX genotype (R577X nonsense polymorphism) in sprint/power athletes compared with controls, possibly attributed to the importance of skeletal muscle function associated with alpha-actinin-3 deficiency, the findings on association between endurance athlete status and R577X genotype are equivocal. Purpose: The present study was undertaken to examine association of ACTN3 R577X genotype with elite Japanese endurance athlete status. Subjects and Methods: Subjects comprised 79 elite Japanese endurance runners (E) who participated in competition at national level and 96 Japanese controls (C). We divided endurance runners into two groups, i.e., 42 national level runners (E-N) and 37 international level runners (E-I) who had represented Japan in international competition. R577X genotype (rs1815739) was analyzed by direct sequencing. Frequency differences of polymorphisms between athletes and controls were examined by Chi-square tests. Result: The R allele frequency tended to be higher in E group than in C group (P=0.066). When we divided E into two groups, the R allele frequency in E-I group was significantly higher than that in C group (P=0.046); whereas there were no significant differences between E-N and C groups (p=0.316). Then, the three genetic models were tested. In the additive genetic model (RR>RX>XX), there were significantly differences between E-I and C (P=0.038), but not the dominant (RR vs. RX+XX) and the recessive (RR+RX vs. XX) genetic models. Conclusion: R allele of the R577X genotype in the ACTN3 gene was associated with elite Japanese endurance athlete status.
6.A Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising from Branchial Cleft Cyst
Takashi Saito ; Touru Sato ; Hiroyuki Usui ; Kouki Hirashita ; Kouichi Asada ; Katsunori Ishibashi
Oral Science International 2008;5(2):135-140
Carcinoma arising from the remnant of branchial epithelium or branchial cleft cyst is known as branchiogenic carcinoma. It is very rare, and its existence is a matter of controversy. We report a case of cystic carcinoma of the upper neck that fully met Martin's criteria for branchiogenic carcinoma. A 53-year-old male visited Tsurumi University Dental Hospital with a swelling on the left side of the neck. Three tumors were excised from the neck, and histopathology revealed squamous cell carcinoma in a cystic lesion. As metastatic carcinoma of the cervical lymph nodes was suspected, the appropriate clinical tests and imaging were performed to determine the possible presence of a primary tumor. However, no primary carcinoma was found. These findings suggest that this was a case of branchiogenic carcinoma. The patient was treated with radiotherapy and followed up over an 8-year period. No evidence of recurrence was found.
7.Characteristic Lifestyles in 6-year-old Children with Obese Parents: Results of the Toyama Birth Cohort Study
Michikazu SEKINE ; Takashi YAMAGAMI ; Tomohiro SAITO ; Seiichiro NANRI ; Katsuhiko KAWAMINAMI ; Noritaka TOKUI ; Katsumi YOSHIDA ; Sadanobu KAGAMIMORI
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2001;6(2):104-108
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify characteristic lifestyles in children with obese parents. Methods: 8,030 children (4,072 males and 3,958 females) aged 6 to 7 years were investigated. A questionnaire relating to the lifestyles of children was distributed through elementary schools for completion by parents. The heights and weights of parents were self-reported. A parent with a body mass index (weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters) greater than the 90th percentile for gender (26.7 kg/m2 for fathers and 24.3 kg/m2 for mothers) was defined as an obese parent. A chi-square test for each trend was applied to evaluate an increasing trend in the frequency or level of each lifestyle in children with obese parents. Results: Children with obese parents were significantly associated with increasing trends in the proportions categorized by irregular intake of breakfast, faster eating, longer TV watching, and shorter sleeping hours. Conclusions: These lifestyles are considered to be possible risk factors for the development of obesity. These characteristic lifestyles observed in children with obese parents could strengthen the relationship between child and parental body compositions, in addition to the genetic predisposition to obesity in children with obese parents. These findings indicate that education with lifestyle modification for obese parents will be required to prevent further weight gain in children with obese parents.
Life Style
9.Characteristics of inpatients with four major non-communicable diseases receiving rehabilitation services in a Pacific island country, Papua New Guinea: a subanalysis of a retrospective observational study
Takashi Saito ; Angelberth Bai ; Nobuko Matsui ; Kazuhiro P. Izawa ; Shuichiro Watanabe ; Alfred Malagisa
Papua New Guinea medical journal 2019;62(3-4):144-154
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the Pacific island countries facing a noncommunicable disease (NCD) crisis. Little has been reported about rehabilitation services for them. This study aimed to describe the characteristics of inpatients with the four major NCDs receiving rehabilitation services in PNG: cardiovascular disease (CVD) (divided into cerebrovascular disease and ischaemic heart disease), diabetes, cancer and respiratory disease. We conducted a subanalysis of our previous study. We reviewed the inpatient records of all inpatients (12,241 records, Total group) and those of inpatients receiving rehabilitation services by physical therapy (PT) (350 records, PT group). After extracting the records of patients with NCDs, we investigated the demographic data, diagnostic data and gait function. We calculated the percentages of inpatients’ characteristics and the ratio of the number of inpatients in the PT group to that in the Total group by diagnosis (PT ratio). The final analysis included 442 records in the Total group and 68 records in the PT group. Diagnoses and percentages in the PT group were cerebrovascular disease (65%), diabetes (22%), cancer (9%), respiratory disease (4%) and ischaemic heart disease (0%). The PT ratio was the highest in cerebrovascular disease (0.88), followed by diabetes (0.16) and other diagnosis (≤0.05). The inpatients with cerebrovascular disease and diabetes were more likely to have poor gait function than those with other NCDs. Our findings suggested that the provision of rehabilitation services for inpatients with the four NCDs was limited and biased for specific conditions. For development of rehabilitation services for patients with NCDs in PNG, scaling up the service provision and expanding its scope would be a possible way forward
10. Rehabilitation services for inpatients with stroke in a provincial hospital in Papua New Guinea: a retrospective observational study
Takashi Saito ; Angelberth Bai ; Nobuko Matsui ; Kazuhiro P. Izawa ; Shuichiro Watanabe ; Alfred Malagisa
Papua New Guinea medical journal 2019;62(3-4):155-163
Objective: Papua New Guinea (PNG) is the largest of the Pacific Island countries that is facing challenges related to the burden of cerebrovascular disease. There are few reports on rehabilitation services for inpatients with cerebrovascular disease, including stroke. This study aimed to examine the provision of rehabilitation services, physical therapy (PT) and service outcomes in PNG.
Methods: A sub analysis of our previous retrospective observational study at a single provincial hospital in PNG was conducted in which patient records of all inpatients (Total group, n = 12,241) and those of inpatients receiving rehabilitation services (PT group, n = 350) were reviewed, and the records of inpatients with cerebrovascular disease were extracted for analysis. For descriptive purposes, demographic data, service provision statistics (length of hospital stay and duration and frequency of PT services provided) and gait function were summarized.
Results: The final analysis comprised 50 of 12,241 records in the Total group and 34 of 350 records in the PT group. All of these studied patients suffered a stroke. The dominant age in both groups was ≥40 years. The median length of stay in hospital was 9 days in the Total group. The median frequency and duration of PT services were 4 times and 8.5 days, respectively. Of the 34 inpatients in the PT group, 32 (94%) were discharged with poor gait function defined as ‘dependent or no walking function’. Conclusions: The results implied that stroke patients who were discharged with poor gait function and restarted their life in the community would confront significant barriers and challenges in PNG. This first report, to our knowledge, on rehabilitation services for stroke in PNG may provide a reference point for further clinical research.