Introduction: The career support system was introduced in Okayama University Hospital in 2008, and the number of users has exceeded 150. Methods: To examine changes in perceptions of the system and its users, we conducted a questionnaire survey of supervisors and the colleagues of system users in FY2011 and FY2018. Results: Compared to 2011, the following items were significantly higher in FY2018: "I have experience working with users of the support system", "I think this system is useful for the medical office", and "This system makes the medical office more appealing". In the analysis of the colleagues of system users only, in addition to the aforementioned three items, the item "Users of the system are able to do their jobs to the degree expected" was significantly higher in FY2018. Conclusion: The effectiveness of the career support system is becoming more recognized, and the evaluation of the work content of the system's users has improved.