1.A Clinical Study on the Effect of Topical Eudyna (Retinic acid) on Acne Vulgaris.
Young Tae KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(4):431-435
The effect of retinoic acid. on hyperkeratotic diseases and. Acne as being published. To confirm the effect of topical retinoic acid, vre subjected 50 patients with mild to severe Acne vulgaris of the face, The patients chosen were not previously treated. with any remedy at least for the past 2 weeks. Eudyna' cream or gel were applied. once or twice a day to the face keeping some distance from the mucous membrane. We checked the number of closed comedones, open comedones, papules, pustules and scara before the treatment and every week for 14 wks during the treatment, The result were as follows: l. 42 patients began to improve in 2 to 8 wks and markedly improved in 6 to 8 wks. 3 patients dropped out because of severe side effects. Very good: 13 patients(26%) Good: 14 patinets(28%) Satisfactory: 15 patients(80%) None: 5 patients(10%) 2. The side effects: Most of patients suffered from mild to severe erythema, scaling and buming sensation in 2 to 3 days after the initiation of application. In severe cases developed severe erythema, vesicles, pustules, edema and exudation within a week.
Acne Vulgaris*
Mucous Membrane
2.A Case of Cutaneous Angiitis.
Young Tae KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1975;13(4):315-319
A cutaneous angiitis showing evidence of leukocytoclastic angiitis in a 17 year old girl is presented. The patient showed multiple pinhead to pea sized erythematoue papular lesions on both legs, right axillary region, left upper chest, palms and especially around the ankles, The lesions did not fade on diascopy and caused mild pruritus and were slightly tender. The lesions had been present for about six months. The definition, classification, pathogenesis and therapeutic aspects of cutan- eous angiitis are reviewd.
3.A Case of Gout Accompanied by Tophi.
Young Tae KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1978;16(4):325-329
Gout is not very rare disorder in high economic countries and it is seldom observed in our country and is hard to find its report in Korean dermatologic literature. Gout is a disease of inbom metabolic and/or acquired form of the disease chara-cterized by hyperuricemia, tophaceous deposits of sodium urate and recurrent attacks of arthrit.is which dramatically responds to Colchine. A case of tophaceous gout in a 56 year old Korean male is reported. The patient showed pea to waInut size, yellowish tender subcutaneous masses on right great toe and both solee of 15 year duration which are adherented to the overIying skin. The hiatology of the lesion revealed variously sized, sharply demarcated aggregates of needle shaped urate crystals in bund.his and sheaves which are surrounded by fibrous connective tissue which are in tum surrounded by granulomatous infiltrate containing small round cells and foreign body glant cells. The urate crystals have a brownish color and are doubly refractile on polariscopic examination. The use of colchine, in a initial dose of 1mg foIIowed by 0. 5mg every hour for 6 hours. The patient failed to attend the clinic regularly and was lost for folIow up.
Connective Tissue
Foreign Bodies
Middle Aged
Uric Acid
4.Three Cases of Giant Hydronephrosis Diagnosed by Percutaneous Antegrade Pyelography.
Moon Tae JEONG ; Yeo Joong KIM
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(2):97-102
No abstract available.
5.Bone Mineral Density in Epileptic Children Who Received Long-term Anticonvulsant Drugs.
Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society 1997;5(1):52-58
OBJECTIVE : Bone mineral density is influenced by genetic, hormonal and exogenous factor that adversely affect peak mineral density include cigarette smoking, physical disability, poor calcium intake and certain medication include steroid and anticonvulsant drugs. We studied epileptic children receiving 6months above, to document change of bone mineral density by anticonvulsant drugs. METHODS: From July 1, 1996 to September 1, 1996 lumbar bone mineral density was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 27 children treated with anticonvulsant drugs 6months above (age ranged : 4-13 year) in Soonchunghyang University hospital. The subjects were classified into 3 groups : treated with carbamazepine alone, valproate alone and combined group. RESULTS: 1) Mean age of carbamazepine group was 10.2+/-2.42yrs(6-l4yr), duration of therapy was 22.1+/-13.9 months(6-44 months), mean value of bone mineral densities were 0.668+/-0.128g/cm2(0.548-0.927). Though it was lower than control group in 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 year, had not statistical significance. 2) Mean age of valproate group was 9.8+/-2.92yrs(6-l3yr), duration of therapy was 40.5 +/-22.2months(17-79month), mean value of bone mineral densities were 0.618+/-0.097g/cm2(0.516-0.788). Though it was lower than control group in 7, 10, 13 year, had not statistical significance. 3) Mean age of combined group was 7.9+/-3.2yrs(4-l4yr), duration of therapy was 37.5 +/-24.7months(12-88month), mean value of bone mineral densities were 0.602+/-0.109 g/cm2(0.552-0.807). Though it was lower than control group in 7, 8, 10 year, had not statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Because growing children is more sensitive than adult, in case of receiving long-term anticonvulsant therapy, it is important that early detection and prevention of abnormal bone mineralization by appropriate monitoring.
Absorptiometry, Photon
Bone Density*
Calcification, Physiologic
Valproic Acid
6.Tetracycline versus combination of terracycline and metronidazole in the treatment of male patients with nogonococcal urethriris.
Han Joong KIM ; Jae Hong KIM ; Young Tae KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(6):937-943
BACKGROUND: The number of nongonococcal urethritis(NGU) cases is exceeding more and more that of Gonorrhea in developeing nations and some of the developing countr es such as Korea. The best evidence for an etiologic role for Trichomonas Vaginalis is in nongonococcal urethritis. OBJECTIVE: We compared the effects of Tetracycline to Tetracycine and Metronidazole in the treatment of male patients with nongonococcal urethritis and wished to find out the incidence of Trichomon-as Vaginalis in male patients with nongonocaccal urethritis indirectly. METHOD: From January, ],989 to December, 1992, three hundred male patients with nongococcal urethritis(NGU) at the Venreal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Publi Health Center in Seoul were allocated randomly into one of two treatment regimens. and one hundred sixty eight patients were followed. RESULTS: Eighty(83.4%) of ninty six patients treated with Tetrac; cline, 500mg, PO, q.i.d. for 14 days were cured. Sixty two(86.2%) of seventy two patients treatec with Tetracycline, 500mg, PO, q.i. d. for 14 days and Metronidaole. 2.0gm, PO, for 1 day were cured. There is no significant different between the 2 groups in treated rates(P<0.05). CONCLUSION: It suggests that male patients with nongonococcal ure1hritis due to trichomoniasis are rare in Korea. This may be die to the fact that the incidence of trichorioniasis has been declining since the 1960s. It also suggests not only the need for further studies on tool is disease but also more studies on other causes of nongonocoqeal urethritis, its treatment and epidernio.ogical study.
Trichomonas vaginalis
7.A case of apocrine hidrocystoma.
Han Joong KIM ; Young Tae KIM ; Jae Hong KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1992;30(3):407-410
A 26 year old female presented complaining of a pea-sized nodule on her left lower eyelid for 10 years duration. Histopathological study showed several cysts in the dermis surrounded by secretory cells. The cysts were filled with decapitatory secretions. Positive staining with carcinoembrynic an tigen(CEA) was detected by immunoperoxidase technique. These clinical and histopathological findings suggest apocrine hidrocystoma developed on the left lower eyelid.
Immunoenzyme Techniques
8.Adiposis Dolorosa (Dercum's diease).
Hwan HERR ; Young Tae KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1987;25(1):126-129
The patient was a sixty-year-old obese woman with the long history of hypertension, amenorrhea and occasional psychic disturbances. She had eigbt, thumb to adult-fist sized, slightly movable, relatively soft, and painful subcutaneous nodules with tenderness and paresthcsia, of which overlying skin appeared to be normal except senile changes, on the abdomen and both upper extremities for 10 years. There was no evidence of inheritance in her family. Laboratory data revealed no abnormalities in lipid metabolism or in a variety of endocrinological functions. Microscopically, an excised mass from the forearm showed thin connective tissue capsule encircling numerous lobules cornposed entirely of the mature fat. cells vith minimal focal capillary proliferatios.
Adiposis Dolorosa*
Connective Tissue
Lipid Metabolism
Upper Extremity
9.A Case of Marjllin's Ulcer.
Jong Min KIM ; Tae Joong NAM ; Hong Sik KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(1):81-87
Marjolin is ulcer may be defined briefly as a cancer arising in a bum scar. A 41-year-old female had a Marjolin is ulcer(12x10x3cm) on her right lower leg. This ulcerated tumor has been present for two and half months and the induction period sinnc her bum was 29 years. The pathologic diagn.osis was squamous cell carcinoma, grade 2. Roentgenograms of her right lower leg revealed several soft tissue masses densities which, in part, horizontally connected with the periosteum of the tibia. So she was treated by above-knee amputation with dissection of several, unenlarged inguinal nodes which showed no evidence of metastases. She developed large, single, fixed metastatic node in right inguinal area one month after amputation and dissection was done.
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Neoplasm Metastasis
10.Treatment of Gonorrhoea.
Joong Hwan KIM ; Hong Yoon YANG ; Young Tae KIM
Annals of Dermatology 1989;1(2):69-72
Because of increasing resistance of circulating N. gonorrhoeae and frequent failures in the treatment of gonorrhoea, intensive work on gonorrhoea has become of paramount importance. During January 1980-April 1984, at the Choong-Ku VD Clinic in Seoul, 3,340 male patients with uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis were treated with various treatment regimens. Diagnosis of gonorrhoea and declaration of a treatment failure were made on the basis of positive urethral culture. In 1984, the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing N. gonorrhoeae (PPNG) was about 30%, The pretreatment minimun inhibitory concentration of various antibiotics were quite high. Even for non-PPNG urethritis standard penicillin regimens gave unsatisfactory results. For PPNG urethritis, only spectinomycin, cefoperazone and cefotaxim-probenecid regimens gave satisfactory results. No spectmomycin resistant strain of N. gonorrhoeae has been found since 1982 at the Choong-Ku VD Clinic. As an agent of single drug therapy, spectinomycin seems to be one of the most cost effective drugs in the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhoea in men.
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Drug Therapy
Treatment Failure