1.One Case of Poikiodermatomyositis.
Yoon Kee PARK ; Wook Hwa BARK ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1971;9(3):71-75
The authers observed one case of typical poikilodermatomyositis who was 47 year old female. The poikiIodermatomyositis is a rare disease which is a variant of dermatomyositis and has never been reported in Korea. This patient complained of a weakness of left lower leg and tingling sensation of both fingers since one year ago, And she has a difficulty of both finger flexion since 20 days ago. The skin lesions revealed mottled dark brownish pigmentation, hardness, scattered atrophic patches and telangiectasia in the lesion on the left lower leg since one year ago. The same skin changes appeared on the thigh, lower abdomen and upper chest on 4 months ago. Histopathologically, a biopsy was performed from the skin of lower leg, the skin shows typical poikiloderma, i.e. the epidermis shows moderate atrophy of the stratum malpighii, flattened rete ridges and hydropic degeneration of the hasal cells. The dermis is edematous and a band like dense lymphocytic cellular infiltration. And the muscIe biopsy from gastrocnemius muscle shows dermatomyositis finding which the muscle bundles are edematous and degenerative. Many inflammatory cells present between muscle bundles but there is no suppurative change. Diagnosis was confirmed by clinical appearance, histopathologically and other laboratory studies. The patient was markedly improved by the prednisolone 80 mg and vasculat (vascular dilatator) 100 mg daily.
Middle Aged
Muscle, Skeletal
Rare Diseases
2.One Case of Poikiodermatomyositis.
Yoon Kee PARK ; Wook Hwa BARK ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1971;9(3):71-75
The authers observed one case of typical poikilodermatomyositis who was 47 year old female. The poikiIodermatomyositis is a rare disease which is a variant of dermatomyositis and has never been reported in Korea. This patient complained of a weakness of left lower leg and tingling sensation of both fingers since one year ago, And she has a difficulty of both finger flexion since 20 days ago. The skin lesions revealed mottled dark brownish pigmentation, hardness, scattered atrophic patches and telangiectasia in the lesion on the left lower leg since one year ago. The same skin changes appeared on the thigh, lower abdomen and upper chest on 4 months ago. Histopathologically, a biopsy was performed from the skin of lower leg, the skin shows typical poikiloderma, i.e. the epidermis shows moderate atrophy of the stratum malpighii, flattened rete ridges and hydropic degeneration of the hasal cells. The dermis is edematous and a band like dense lymphocytic cellular infiltration. And the muscIe biopsy from gastrocnemius muscle shows dermatomyositis finding which the muscle bundles are edematous and degenerative. Many inflammatory cells present between muscle bundles but there is no suppurative change. Diagnosis was confirmed by clinical appearance, histopathologically and other laboratory studies. The patient was markedly improved by the prednisolone 80 mg and vasculat (vascular dilatator) 100 mg daily.
Middle Aged
Muscle, Skeletal
Rare Diseases
3.Democidiosis in Rosacea Type.
Wook Hwa PARK ; Seung Ki PARK ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1970;8(1):85-87
The authors present seven cases of Democidiosis in rosacea type and the subject of human demodetic infestation has been reviewed. According to our experience, demodex folliculorum, although a normal inhabitant of the sebaceous glands in small numbers, when encouraged to multiply by the patients excessive use of facial cream and avoidance of soap, can produce democidiosis. The diagnosis was easily confirmed by characteristic clinical appearance and simple microscopy. The characteristie clinical appearances are indurated non-comedous papules and pustules with unique cherry pinkish red erythema. The response to treatment, consisting of daily soap and water cleansing of the face, followed by the local application of a suitable antiparasitic remedies is simple and gratifying. But the erythema was not respond to antiparasitic preparation.
Sebaceous Glands
4.Arthroscopic Treatment for Calcific Tendinitis of Origin of Long Head of Triceps.
Woo KIM ; Byung Wook SONG ; Tae Yon RHIE ; Jieun KWON
Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow 2016;19(4):245-248
A 55-year-old female experienced acute left shoulder pain without specific trauma. Radiography showed calcific deposits in the inferior part of the glenoid fossa. Magnetic resonance arthrography showed calcific deposits in the origin of the long head of triceps brachii muscle. Conservative treatment failed to resolve the symptoms; therefore, arthroscopic surgery was performed. The patient experienced immediate and dramatic pain relief, and normal shoulder motion was demonstrated 1 year after surgery. In conclusion, although rare, calcific tendinitis of the triceps brachii muscle, which causes shoulder pain, should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute shoulder pain. Arthroscopic surgery is a treatment option for chronic cases and those resistant to conservative treatment.
Diagnosis, Differential
Middle Aged
Shoulder Joint
Shoulder Pain
5.Recognizable koebner phemohomena in erythema multiforme:Report of Five cases.
Chul Wook KWON ; Young Tae KIM ; Chang Woo LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(4):581-585
The isomorphic response of Koebner is a well-known phenomenon commonly associated with psoriafsis, but it has been also descrilbed in conjunction with a host of other disordered. We described five cases of erythema multiforme showing lesions of easily recognizsble Koebnei phenomena. Traumas to the skin do not cause erythema multiforme, however when a patient is in an active stage of the disease, physieal factor such as traumas occuring in normsl daly-life may contribute to the distribution of skin lesions as have been seen in our patients ; clinicians should aware of this point for better understanding of clinical features in erythema multiforme.
Erythema Multiforme
6.Effects of DMSO on the Active Sodium Transport Across Frog Skin.
Tae Ha WOO ; Wook Hwa BARK ; Suk Ki HONG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1971;9(3):39-46
As an attempt to evaluate any possible effects of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on the phenomena of membrane transport, effects on the short-circuit current (SCC) and potential difference (PD) across the isolated frog skin were studied under the conditions of various bathing medium, Changes of SCC and PD were measured by the method described by Ussing and Zerahn. Addition of DMSO to the inside bathing medium resulted in an initial increase in SCC followed by a secondary decline to pre-DMSO level, while DMSO at outside medium was without effect. Dose-responses(SCC) relationship revealed a linear one from 30 to 60 mM. Substitution of chloride by sulfate ion from bathing medium caused no alteration in the basic pattern and magnitude of response, thus indicating the specificity of DMSO action on the Na transport. Hypertonic solutions of DMSO added to either outer or inner bathing medium evoked a prompt fall in SCC and PD consistently. By isotopic measurement of sodium fluxes with Na24, it was evident that increased sodium influx was entirely responsible for the initial increase in SCC induced by DMSO. Of various parameters concerned with transepithelial Na transport, outer membrane permeability to Na (PoNa) was shown to be the onIy parameter which was significantly elevated by DMSO administration. From these findings, it was postulated that DMSO-induced increment in sodium influx was mediated by its stimulating action on the sodium penctration through the outer permeability barricr after binding to a receptor site different from that for the antidiuretic hormone (ADH.)
Dimethyl Sulfoxide*
Hypertonic Solutions
Sensitivity and Specificity
7.Topical Treatment of Verrucae and Molluscum Contagiosum with Cantharidin.
Jung Bock LEE ; Wook Hwa BARK ; Joon Sik WOO ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1970;8(2):37-40
The pathologic changes of verrucae and molluscum contagiosum are limitted chiefly to epidermis, therefore treatment with cantharidin which forms acantholytic bulla is successful. Canthrides is dried, powdered blister beetle, and cantharidin is its purified active ingredient. Its primary cutaneous effect is acantholysis and death of epidermal cells. For topical treatment, catharidin was prepared as a 0.9% solution in mixture of 50% of acetone, 25% of ether and 25% flexibIe collodion U.S.P. The therapeutic efficacy of cantharidin was excellent to eliminate the lesions of verrucae and molluscum contagiosum, showing the complete recovery of 114 out of 117 lesions of verrucae, and 520 out of 550 lesions of molluscum contagiosum with 1 to 3 topical applications. From the above results, it should be pointed out that cantharidin has the several advantages at clinical uses for the treatment of verrucae and molluscum contagiosum: 1 No residual scarring. 2. No pain. 3. Excellent therapeut!c efficacy.
Molluscum Contagiosum*
8.Clinical Study on Open Fractures of the Tibial Shaft
Woo Koo CHUNG ; Yak Woo ROH ; Tae Wook KIM ; Chang Sae BYUN ; Kyoo Seag SHIN
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1984;19(3):569-577
Open fractures of the shaft of the tibia occur frequently because of the progression of industrialization, Different methods of treatment have been advocated as regards the care of the open wound and the method of stabilization of the fracture fragments. The reports, published until recently, have differed with respect to rates of morbidity and end results. With this in mind, we reviewed a consecutive series of 30 open fractures of the tibia at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of the Eulji General Hospital between 1981 and 1983 by a variety of methods. The following results were obtained. 1. The highest incidence of fractures was encountered in 3rd decades(43.3%) and male to female ratio was 4: 1. 2. The most common cause of fractures was traffic accident(66.6%). 3. The most common anatomical level of fractures was middle third of the shaft(46.7%). 4. The severity of injury was classified according to the Ellis classification as follows. Minor group, 8 cases(40%), Moderate group, 8 cases(26.7%,), Major group, 10 cases(33.3%). 5. The most common associated injury was ipsilateral fibular fracture. 6. Of 30 cases, 11 patients(36.6%) had an open wound more than 5cm in length, 10(33.3%.) between 2.5 and Scm and 4(13.4%) below 2.5cm, and primary closure after thorough debridement and copious irrigation was done in 17 cases(56.7%). 7. Pin and plaster method was applied in 3 cases of minor group and 3 of moderate group, intramedullary nailing was applied in 9 of minor group and 5 of moderate group, and Hoffmann device was applied in 10 of major group. 8. The majority of cases(66.7%) were operated on within 1 week after injury, 9(30%) between 1 and 2 weeks and 1(3.3%) between 2 and 3 weeks. 9. The fractures in middle third of the shaft of the tibia treated with intramedullary nailing revea.ed the shortest healing time(average 13 weeks). 10. Complications such as delayed union, infection and disabled joint shiffness were encountered mainly in cases with severe soft tissue injuries.
Clinical Study
Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary
Fractures, Open
Hospitals, General
Soft Tissue Injuries
Wounds and Injuries
9.Malignanr Acanthosis Nigricans: Report of a Case.
Young Lae KIM ; Wook Hwa PARK ; Bong Chan YOON ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1969;7(1):37-41
One case of malignant acanthosis nigricans associated with internal malignancy has been presented and the suhject of malignant acanthosis nigricans has been revieived. The patient who was 50 year old man had been affected generalized hyperpigmentation with pnpillomatosis especially on forehead, neck, axilla, umbilical area, anogenital area, palm and soles and associated with highly malignant adenocarcinoma of stomach. Diagnosis was confirmed by characteristic clinical appearance, explorative laparatomy and histopathologically
Acanthosis Nigricans*
Middle Aged
10.Cases with Endometrial Polyp and Endocervical Polyp Associated With Tamoxifen Use.
Byung Hoon CHOE ; Eun Kyoung CHOI ; Young Tae KIM ; Jae Wook KIM ; Byung Woo PARK
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000;43(4):725-730
Tamoxifen is a nonsteroidal triphenylethylene delivative that has been widely used in the treatment of breast cancer. tamoxifen is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer in women following total mastectomy or segmental mastectomy, breast irradiation and chemotherapy. tamoxifen has been shown to have significant benificial effect in the treatment of breast cancer patient as hormonal therapy. However ,there is mounting evidence that tamoxifen may affect other hormon sensitive organs, including the uterus and ovaries. An increased risk of endometrial polyps, endometrial hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma has been reported in tamoxifen treated women. We have met cases of endometrial polyp and endocervical polyp which were associated with tamoxifen use, after modified radical mastectomy for infilterating ductal carcinoma of breast . So we report these cases with the brief review of literatures.
Breast Neoplasms
Carcinoma, Ductal
Drug Therapy
Endometrial Hyperplasia
Mastectomy, Modified Radical
Mastectomy, Segmental
Mastectomy, Simple