1.Oldest Reported Surviving Patient with a Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Shock: Expertly Coordinated and Trained Medical Teams Save a 96-Year-Old Patient
Takuya Matsumoto ; Atsushi Fukuda ; Yoshihiko Maehara ; Kenichiro Okadome
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(6):337-341
We report possibly the oldest patient in the world with both a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and shock who was saved by accurate diagnosis and immediate treatment by trained medical teams specializing in emergency medicine, radiology, vascular surgery, anesthesiology, and internal medicine. The 96-year-old patient was transferred to our hospital because of sudden left lateral abdominal pain and hypotension that resulted in periods of unconsciousness and shock. An enhanced CT scan showed that the ruptured infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm was surrounded by hematoma that was located mainly in the left lateral abdomen, extended above the renal arteries (Fitzgerald type III), and was 7cm at its maximum diameter. Y-graft replacement was successfully performed after a rapid decrease in the patient's blood pressure was quickly restored by clamping the aortic neck by hand. Following the operation the patient developed ischemic colitis and cholecystitis, which were cured by conservative treatment. The patient was discharged 20 days after the operation. We were able to save this nonagenarian patient with both a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and shock by immediate treatment provided by medical teams that are trained and coordinated.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2008;57(3):315-326
PURPOSE : The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of prolonged expiration (PE) on respiratory and cardiovascular responses and autonomic nervous activity during the exercise.METHODS : Twenty-five healthy men (22±1years) were classified according to the breathing mode during the exercise : 2-second inspiration and 4-second expiration in 1 : 2 group, 3-second inspiration and 3-second expiration in 1 : 1 group and normal breathing in control group. The 6-minute exercise was performed at anaerobic threshold (AT) and 60%AT using a cycle ergometer as an exercise protocol. Respiratory rate (RR) and tidal volume (TV) were measured by the expired gas analysis. The power of low- (LF) and high-frequency components (HF) was analyzed from a Holter electrocardiogram to assess the heart rate variability. RESULTS : RR and LF/HF were significantly lower, TV and HF were significantly higher during the exercise of 60%AT and AT in the 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 groups than in the control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The increase of HR was significantly lower and that of HF was significantly higher during the exercise at 60%AT in the 1 : 2 group than in the 1 : 1 group (P<0.05). CONCLUSION : PE activated the parasympathetic nervous activity and consequently restrained an excessive increase of HR during the exercise at 60%AT.
3.Effectiveness of a group seminar on opioids for lung cancer patients
Makoto Nakashima ; Hiromitsu Kato ; Takuya Goto ; Syuichi Matsumoto ; Sayo Ishii ; Toshitaka Suzuki ; Kimiyasu Sano ; Tatsuo Kato ; Masumi Suzui ; Tadashi Sugiyama
Palliative Care Research 2010;6(1):109-118
Purpose: We conducted a group seminar for lung cancer patients. The purpose of the group seminar was to eliminate the negative notions about opioids and to impart the right knowledge about these drugs. Further, we investigated the notions about opioids and the effectiveness of the group seminar. Methods: A pharmacist conducted a group seminar on opioids for lung cancer inpatients who agreed to participate in the group seminar. Moreover, we performed a questionnaire survey before and after the delivery of the group seminar. Results: Sixty patients answered the questionnaire. After completion of the group seminar, the understanding and knowledge about opioids increased, as indicated by the responses of the patients to all of the questions. Conclusion: Complete elimination of the negative notion about opioids could not be achieved through the group seminar. However, the group seminar was thought to be one of the useful methods of educating patients. If a patient resists treatment with opioids, control of pain may be delayed. This in turn would hamper improvement of the quality of life. Therefore, we consider that it is necessary that a patient has the right knowledge about opioids beforehand. Palliat Care Res 2011; 6(1):109-118
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2006;55(Supplement):S25-S28
The aim of the present study is to clarify the improvement of peripheral muscle oxygen consumption after successful renal transplantation. We investigated change of forearm (brachioradial muscle) muscular oxygen consumption in chronic renal failure children before and after renal transplantation. by using near-infrared spectroscopy.Oxygen consumption of brachioradial muscle was increased significantly after succesful renal transplantation. And half recovery time of brachioradial muscle oxygenation in arterial occlusion and exercise were decreased after renal transplantation.These results suggest that increased muscular blood flow and increased oxidative generation of ATP might contribute to the increased oxygen turn over after renal transplantation.
5.17-5 Effects of high concentration carbon-dioxide foot bath on lower extremity function and walking ability in spastic paraplegia: A case report
Keiko IKEDA ; Shuji MATSUMOTO ; Kodai MIYARA ; Tomohiro UEMA ; Takuya HIROKAWA ; Tomokazu NOMA ; Megumi SHIMODOZONO
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 2014;77(5):550-551
Objectives: Recently, it has been reported that the effects of artificial high concentration carbon-dioxide (CO2) on core temperature, cutaneous blood flow, thermal sensation. However, the effect of artificial high concentration CO2 water foot baths for spasticity, lower extremity motor function and walking ability was not identified. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the newly artificial high concentration CO2 water foot bath inhibits spasticity and improves lower extremity motor function and gait speed in spastic paraplegia patient. Case Presentation: The patient was a 37 years old man with spastic paraplegia of human immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy, without signs of cognitive impairment. The patient was able to walk without assistance using a T-cane or an ankle-foot orthosis. He had no medical condition that limited footbath usage (such as uncontrolled cardiopulmonary disease, severe joint disability and severe sensory disturbance), severe aphasia that made it impossible to follow verbal instructions, and cognitive dysfunction that interfered with outcome assessments. Informed consent was obtained from him according to the ethical guidelines of the hospital, after he fully understood the purpose and methodology of the study. This work was carried out with permission from the Ethical Committee of Kagoshima University. Methods: This case study was before and after intervention trial. Six outcome instruments were used at baseline and after the artificial high concentration CO2 water foot bath: the modified Ashworth scale (MAS) score for the gastrocnemius muscles as a measure of spasticity, ankle clonus, muscle stiffness at triceps muscle of calf, deep body and surface skin temperature as a monitor for physical condition, the active range of motion as an assessment tool for motor function, and the 10-m walk test as a measure of walking ability. Lower-extremity movement acceleration was also measured using an accelerometer. The subject rested in a chair for 10 min and the above-noted physiological reactions during the last 5 min of the resting period were recorded as baseline values. Next, the subject received a 20-min foot bath in water at 38 °C, with a 10-min recovery period. The artificial high concentration CO2 water foot bath improved the acceleration of the spastic lower extremities and this improvement in acceleration lasted for 10 min after the footbath usage. Results: The subject experienced no discomfort before, during or after the intervention, and all assessments were completed safely. The deep body temperature and skin temperature increased immediately after and 10 minutes after the artificial high concentration CO2 water foot baths. The MAS score, ankle clonus and the muscle stiffness for the triceps muscle of calf were decreased. The active range of motion for ankle dorsiflexion and gait speed improved after the 20-min intervention. Conclusion: These findings suggest that artificial high concentration CO2 water foot bath is an effective method for controlling spasticity, and improves motor function and walking ability in spastic paraplegia patients.
6.06-2 Effects of a whole body vibration as a means for controlling spasticity in post-stroke patients: A F-wave study
Kodai MIYARA ; Shuji MATSUMOTO ; Tomohiro UEMA ; Takuya HIROKAWA ; Tomokazu NOMA ; Keiko IKEDA ; Megumi SHIMODOZONO ; Kazumi KAWAHIRA
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 2014;77(5):466-467
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the whole body vibration (WBV) inhibits spasticity and improves motor function and walking ability in the hemiplegic legs of post-stroke patients. Patients and Methods: This before-and-after intervention trial examined 13 post-stroke patients (11 male and 2 female; mean age, 54.3 ± 13.0 years; range, 24-72 years). The Brunnstrom Recovery Stage of the hemiplegic lower limb was stage 3 in three patients, stage 4 in 7, stage 5 in three. The modified Ashworth scale (MAS) score for the gastrocnemius muscles was 1 in one case, 1+ in 6 cases and 2 in six cases. All patients had increased muscle tonus of the affected lower limb (MAS score ≥1), and were able to walk without assistance using a T-cane or an ankle-foot orthosis. Exclusion criteria were any medical condition preventing vibratory stimulation (such as uncontrolled cardiopulmonary disease, severe joint disability and severe sensory disturbance), severe aphasia that made it impossible to follow verbal instructions, and dementia that interfered with outcome assessments. Each subjects sat on the chair with hip joint angles to approximately 90° of flexion, and with knee joint angles to 0° of extension. WBV was applied at 30 Hz (4-8 mm amplitude) for 5 min on hamstrings, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles (Figure 1). The parameters measured before and after the intervention were the MAS, the F-wave parameters as a measure of motor-neuron excitability, the active and passive range of motion (A-ROM, P-ROM) as a measure of motor function, and the 10-m walk test as a measure of walking ability. Results: None of the subjects experienced discomfort before, during or after the intervention and all assessments were completed safely in all subjects. The MAS and F-wave parameters were significantly decreased (p < 0.05), the A-ROM and P-ROM for ankle dorsiflexion increased (p < 0.01), and the P-ROM for straight leg raising increased (p < 0.01), and walking speed improved (p < 0.01) after the 5-min intervention. Conclusion: These findings suggest that WBV is an effective method for controlling spasticity, and improves motor function and walking ability in post-stroke patients.
7.Terminal Anguish among Delirious Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Multicenter, Prospective, Observational Study
Natsuki KAWASHIMA ; Takayuki HISANAGA ; Jun HAMANO ; Isseki MAEDA ; Kengo IMAI ; Akihiro SAKASHITA ; Yoshihisa MATSUMOTO ; Keiichi UEMURA ; Takuya ODAGIRI ; Asao OGAWA ; Kazuhiro YOSHIUCHI ; Satoru IWASE
Palliative Care Research 2019;14(3):237-243
Objective: This study aimed to reveal the prevalence and characteristics of anguish among delirious patients with advanced cancer receiving specialized palliative care services. Methods: We conducted a subanalysis of a multicenter, prospective, observational study at 14 inpatient palliative care units and 10 general wards that offered psycho-oncology consultation service in Japan. We consecutively enrolled the patients with advanced cancer who were diagnosed with delirium and prescribed antipsychotics. Palliative care specialists decided whether patients suffered from anguish or not. We assessed patients’ background and severity of delirium with the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised (DRS-R-98). Results: Of 818 enrolled patients, 99 (12.1%) suffered from anguish. We observed a significant difference in the mean age (68.9±12.6 vs. 72.1±11.2, p=0.009), prevalence of dementia (2% vs. 10.4%, p=0.005) between patients with anguish and those without anguish. Patients with anguish had lower DRS-R-98 total scores before medication than those without anguish (15.3±8.1 vs. 17.3±7.8, p=0.018), but higher severity score in lability of affect (1.2±0.8 vs 1.0±0.9, p=0.023). Conclusions: The results of this study suggested that patients with anguish tend to be younger, mostly do not have dementia, and have lower delirium severity score but higher score in lability of affect. Nevertheless, further research, investigating appropriate evaluations and medical interventions for patients with anguish is warranted.
8.Severe hand contracture treated by external fixation after proximal row carpectomy and awake tenolysis after general anesthesia: A case report.
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2022;25(1):54-58
Wide-awake local anesthesia has many advantages. We describe a new method to use wide-awake local anesthesia with more flexibility. A 32-year-old man with a severe right-hand contracture after an iatrogenic tourniquet accident during an anterolateral thigh flap for a partial hand amputation underwent contracture release using external fixation after proximal row carpectomy and subsequent tenolysis. We performed most of the tenolysis procedure under general anesthesia and the final stage with an intraoperative assessment of active finger movement and dissection under local anesthesia. He regained his grip strength 2.5 years post-injury. General anesthesia is useful to treat a surgical site with extensive hard scars, whereas local anesthesia is useful for adjusting tension in an awake patient. The indication for wide-awake surgery is yet to be established; our method of combining general and local anesthesia in the tenolysis procedure illustrates the possibilities in expanding this method.
Anesthesia, General
Anesthesia, Local
Brain Neoplasms
External Fixators
Fracture Fixation