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Author:(T. Duke)

2.Antibiotic-resistant bacterial sepsis in Papua New Guinea

T. Duke

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2000;43(1-2):82-90

3.Clinical management of diarrhoea in children.

Poka H ; Duke T.

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2013;56(3-4):156-161

4.The role of non-government organizations in supporting and integrating interventions to improve child health

R. Choy ; T. Duke

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2000;43(1-2):76-81

5.Pigbel in the 21st century: still here, and still in need of an effective surveillance system.

Duke T ; Poka H ; Myers S ; Radcliffe J ; Pavlin BI.

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2013;56(3-4):136-140

6.Oxygen supplies for hospitals in Papua New Guinea: a comparison of the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of methods for different settings.

Duke T ; Peel D ; Wandi F ; Subhi R ; Sa'avu M ; Matai S.

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2010;53(3-4):126-138

7.Control measures and the outcome of the measles epidemic of 1999 in the Eastern Highlands Province

J. M. Mgone ; C. S, Mgone ; T. Duke ; D. Frank ; W. Yeka

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2000;43(1-2):91-97

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