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Author:(T A N TAN)

1.A preliminary screening of potentially antimalarial plants against Plasmodium falciparum in vitro

Khaw, L.T. ; Leerach ; N., Yap ; N.J. ; Jaturas ; N. ; Mahboob T. ; Tan, T.C. ; Lim, Y.A.L.

Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(4):676-683

2.Titiwangsa Lake a source of urban parasitic contamination

Azlan, A. Majid. ; Rasid, M.N. ; Richard, R.L. ; Mahboob, T. ; Jaturas, N. ; Tan, T.C. ; Lim, Y.A.L. ; Nissapatorn, V.

Tropical Biomedicine 2016;33(3):594-598

3.Subacute measles encephalitis: A case of long term survival with follow-up MR brain scans

HT Chong ; Norlisah Ramli ; KT Wong ; LM Looi ; T Iwasaki ; N Nagata ; Vimalan Ramasundram ; CT Tan

Neurology Asia 2007;12(1):121-125

4.Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Malaysia landscape: an aborigines study

Brandon-Mong, G.J. ; Abdullah, N.A. ; Shukor, N. ; Jaturas, N. ; Richard, R.L. ; Choo, J.C. ; Majid, M.A.A. ; Mahboob, T. ; Tan, T.C. ; Nissapatorn, V.

Tropical Biomedicine 2017;34(2):363-374

6.Pagdikta (The Dictation): The Meanings In Filipino Mothers’ Experience Of Using Herbal Plants In The Management Of Their Children’s Fever

Michael C. Leocadio ; Alrajii C. Jabail ; Jenylyn A. Rull ; Louise Anne D. Sanchez ; Rica Gertrude T. Sauler ; Apple Mae A. Tan ; Jopheth N. Tapispisan

International Journal of Public Health Research 2011;-(Special issue):169-179

7.Zika preparedness and response in Viet Nam

Dong T Nguyen ; Hung T Do ; Huy X Le ; Nghia T Le ; Mai Q Vien ; Trieu B Nguyen ; Lan T Phan ; Thuong V Nguyen ; Quang C Luong ; Hung C Phan ; Hai T Diep ; Quang D Pham ; Thinh V Nguyen ; Loan KT Huynh ; Dung CT Nguyen ; Hang TT Pham ; Khanh KH Ly ; Huong NLT Tran ; Phu D Tran ; Tan Q Dang ; Hung Pham ; Long N Vu ; Anthony Mounts ; S Arunmozhi Balajee ; Leisha D Nolen

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2018;9(2):1-3

8.Awareness of medical students of the Patient's Bill of Rights

Sheela Mae G. Tan ; Hazael V. Tanael ; Maria Angela C. Tanjuatco ; Lyzka Camille G. Templonuevo ; Eunice Grace D. Vallada ; Yzabel N. Vergel de Dios ; Joseph Louie M. Vicencio ; Alyssa Nina T. Vilaga ; Maria Isabela C. Vilela ; Patricia Jan S. Villa ; Vielka Z. Villanueva ; Jesryph Flor A. Villegas ; Fria Franchesca P. Vitug ; Georgina T. Paredes

Health Sciences Journal 2017;6(2):45-49

10.Clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Sollano José D. ; Romano Rommel P. ; Ibañez-Guzman Leticia ; Lontok Marie Antoinette DC. ; de Ocampo Sherrie Q. ; Policarpio Allan A. ; de Guzman Roberto N. ; Dalupang Carmelita D. ; Galang Augusto Jose G. ; Olympia Ernesto G. ; Chua Maria Anna L. ; Moscoso Bernadette A. ; Tan Jose A. ; Pangilinan John Arnel N. ; Vitug Arnold O. ; Naval Marichona C. ; Encarnacion Danilo A. ; Sy Peter P. ; Ong Evan G. ; Cabahug Oscar T. ; Daez Maria Lourdes O. ; Ismael Albert E. ; Bocobo Joseph C

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2015;53(3):1-17

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