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Author:(Sylvain BOET)

2.Sex/gender and additional equity characteristics of providers and patients in perioperative anesthesia trials: a cross-sectional analysis of the literature

Nicole ETHERINGTON ; Michael WU ; Sylvain BOET

Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2021;74(1):6-14

4.Program director and resident perspectives of a competency-based medical education anesthesia residency program in Canada: a needs assessment.

Sylvain BOET ; Ashlee Ann E PIGFORD ; Viren N NAIK

Korean Journal of Medical Education 2016;28(2):157-168

7.A cost-effectiveness analysis of self-debriefing versus instructor debriefing for simulated crises in perioperative medicine in Canada.

Wanrudee ISARANUWATCHAI ; Fahad ALAM ; Jeffrey HOCH ; Sylvain BOET

Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions 2016;13(1):44-

8.Learning with our peers: peer-led versus instructor-led debriefing for simulated crises, a randomized controlled trial

Morgan JAFFRELOT ; Sylvain BOET ; Yolande FLOCH ; Nitan GARG ; Daniel DUBOIS ; Violaine LAPARRA ; Lionel TOUFFET ; M. Dylan BOULD

Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2024;77(2):265-272

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