1.Food Label Reading and Understanding among Obese Adults: A Population Study in Malaysia
Rashidah Ambak ; Balkish Mahadir Naidu ; Mohd Azahadi Omar ; Nor Azian Mohd Zaki ; Syafinaz Mohd Sallehuddin and Tahir Aris
International Journal of Public Health Research 2014;4(2):449-456
Food labeling regulation has been implemented to enable consumers, including those with chronic diseases to make healthy informed choices before purchasing pre-packaged foods. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of obese adults in Malaysia who practice reading food labels. It explored types of labels read and understanding of the information. Findings presented in this study were captured from the secondary analysis of National Health and Morbidity Survey’s (NHMS, 2006) food label study which focused only on obese adults (BMI > 30 kg/m2) aged 18 and above. This nation-wide cross sectional study was conducted from April to August 2006 using an interview-based questionnaire. Complex data analysis was done using Stata version 12.0. There were 4565 obese respondents with the mean age of 33 ± 9.7 (18 – 60 years old). About 54.7% completed high-school and 9.9% were higher degree holders. Prevalence of obese adults who claimed to read label was 80.5% (95%CI: 79.3, 81.6). Findings showed significant results in reading and understanding labels among all age group categories, Malay, Indian and other Bumiputras, all education categories and married respondents. Expiry date was the highest percentage being read (74.5%), followed by fat content (15.3%), vitamin (11.8%) and carbohydrate (10.9%). The obese population in Malaysia claimed to read and understand the food label but did not focus on specific macronutrients related to their health condition. Findings can be used to implement effective education programmes targeting the relevant groups to instill an awareness to read, understand and use the label information as one of the means in combating obesity.
Food Labeling
2.Malnutrition among Malaysian Adolescents: Findings from National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2011
Azli Baharudin ; Ahmad Ali Zainuddin ; Rusidah Selamat ; Suhaila Abdul Ghaffar ; Khor Geok Lin ; Poh Bee Koon ; Norimah Abd Karim ; Kee Chee Cheong ; Ng Chee Kai ; Noor Ani Ahmad ; Syafinaz Mohd Sallehuddin ; Tahir Aris
International Journal of Public Health Research 2013;3(2):282-289
Malnutrition can be associated as one of the factors which affect health status. The term is used to describe imbalance of nutrients either over- or under-nourished, resulting in measurable adverse effects on body composition, function and clinical outcome. The National Health And Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2011 assessed 4304 individuals aged 10-17 years old through a household survey of Malaysian population. Thinness and obesity are the malnutrition indicators based on Centre for Disease Control (CDC) 2000 classification as recommended by WHO (2007). The findings of the survey showed that the national prevalence of thinness (BMI for age <-2SD), was 9.7% (95% Confidence Interval: 8.4-11.2). The state of Sabah/Labuan had the highest thinness of prevalence, 17.0% (11.1-25.2) and lowest in Penang at 5.3% (2.7-10.0). The prevalence of thinness was higher in urban areas than in rural areas at 10.3% (8.5-12.3). Meanwhile; national prevalence of obesity (BMI for age ≥+2SD) was only 5.7% (4.9-6.7). The state of Perak had the highest obesity prevalence 10.0% (6.2-15.8) and lowest in Sabah/Labuan at 2.4% (1.4-4.1). The obesity prevalence was higher among adolescents in urban areas at 6.3% (5.2-7.6) than in rural areas. Thinness as a form of malnutrition is more prevalent than obesity. Even though the prevalence of obesity is low, the impact affects not only the adolescents, but also the family, the society and the nation in the future. The increasing prevalence of obesity will have significant public health implication related to non-communicable diseases.
3.Sodium and Potassium Urinary Excretion Among Malaysian Adults Claiming to Practice Salt-control: Findings from the Malaysian Community Salt Survey (MyCoSS)
Munawara Pardi ; Syafinaz Mohd Sallehuddin ; Lalitha Palaniveloo ; Norazizah Wong Ibrahim
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2022;18(No.6):5-13
Introduction: Raised blood pressure is associated with diet high in sodium and low in potassium. According to the
Malaysian Community Salt Survey (MyCoSS), Malaysian adults consume a high sodium diet, despite half claiming
that they control their salt intake. The objective of this study was to investigate the association of sodium and potassium with salt-control claims among adults from the MyCoSS study based on 24-h urinary excretion. Methods: Data
of 1,047 respondents aged 18 years and above who completed the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) questionnaire were used in this study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted to acquire information on sociodemographic,
medical reports and KAP on salt intake. Sodium and potassium level were assessed from 24-hr urine specimen, anthropometric measurements were done using WHO criteria, while blood pressure was measured using validated digital blood pressure monitor. Descriptive and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to determine the associations
between urinary sodium and potassium with salt-control claims and practices. Results: The consumption of sodium
was higher than recommended, while potassium was lower among respondents who claimed to control their salt
intake. Significant associations were found between sodium intake with marital status, ethnicity, education level and
employment status. Meanwhile, significant associations were found between potassium intake with ethnicity and
employment status. Conclusion: Sodium intake was high, and potassium intake was low among respondents who
claimed they control their salt intake. Further study with detailed intervention on specific target group is required to
improve sodium and potassium intakes among Malaysian adults.
4.Calcium and iron intakes of adolescents in Malaysia and their relationships with body mass index (BMI): Findings from the Adolescent Nutrition Survey 2017
Syafinaz Mohd Sallehuddin ; Ruzita Abd. Talib ; Ruhaya Salleh ; Rashidah Ambak ; Munawara Pardi ; Nur Shahida Abdul Aziz ; Norazizah Ibrahim Wong ; Mohd Azahadi Omar
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2021;27(No.2):317-326
Introduction: Adolescent health is a priority considering they represent the future generation. Data from the Adolescent Nutrition Survey 2017 were analysed to determine the prevalence of micronutrient inadequacy, particularly calcium and iron, and the relationship with body mass index (BMI) among Malaysian secondary school students. Methods: This cross-sectional study included students aged 13 to 17 years old studying at public and private schools. Twenty-four hours dietary recall via face-to-face interview was conducted by trained nutritionists to obtain data on dietary intake. For nutritional status, BMI-for-age z-score (BAZ) was analysed using WHO Anthroplus software. Results: From 999 respondents, 449 were boys and 550 were girls. Overall findings indicated that both boys and girls had inadequate intakes of calcium and iron in their daily diet. Mean intakes of calcium (695.7±463.2 mg/day) and iron (23.4±21.0 mg/day) were higher among boys aged 16 to 17 years old. Mean intake of iron were higher among the older age groups. Majority of the respondents (boys: 94%; girls: 97%) did not meet the recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for calcium and more than half (boys: 50%; girl: 80%) did not achieve the RNI for iron. Current findings also found significant positive but weak correlations between calcium (r=0.112, p=0.001) and iron (r=0.084, p=0.008) intakes with BMI-for-age. Conclusion: BMI-for-age was related to calcium and iron intakes among secondary school students in Malaysia. Thus, intervention strategies should focus on early screening and nutrition education on food choices of high calcium and high iron contents, including iron supplementation programmes, if needed.
5.Prevalence Of Carbonated Soft Drink Consumption And Associated Factors Among Malaysian Adolescents: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study 2017
Ruhaya Salleh ; Rashidah Ambak ; S. Maria Awaluddin ; Mohamad Hasnan Ahmad ; Noor Safiza Mohamad Noor ; Syafinaz Mohd Sallehuddin ; Norlida Zulkafly
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(3):156-162
Carbonated soft drinks (CSD) consumption is one of the contributing factors to weight gain, dental caries and non-communicable diseases among adolescents. This study aims to determine CSD consumption among Malaysian adolescents and their associated factors. The Adolescent Health Survey 2017, was a nationally representative survey sampled school-going adolescents aged 13 to 17 years. Findings reported that 36.9% of adolescents reported CSD consumption at least once daily in the past 30 days, and the prevalence was higher than a similar study conducted in 2012. Boys, schools in rural areas, lower secondary schoolers, not physically active, consuming fast food, having food insecurity, and truancy problem reported significantly higher odds of consuming CSD compared to their counterparts. By ethnicity, Bumiputera Sarawak adolescents showed the highest odds of consuming CSD and followed by Bumiputera Sabah. Thus, interventions to limit CSD consumption among Malaysian adolescents should consider the factors highlighted in this study.
6.Nutritional and Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Status Association with Fall among Older Persons in Malaysia: Findings from National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) Malaysia 2018
Jayvikramjit Singh ; Mohamad Fuad Mohamad Anuar ; Azli Baharudin ; Suhaila Abdul Ghaffar ; Cheong Siew Man ; Lalita Palineveloo ; Syafinaz Mohd Sallehuddin ; Nur Shahida Abd Aziz ; Norsyamlina Che Abdul Rahim ; Munawara Pardi ; Nur Hamizah Nasaruddin ; Ahmad Ali Zainuddin
International Journal of Public Health Research 2021;11(2):1448-1454
Fall is a health problem for older persons. This study investigates the potential
factors of concern: the nutritional status of older persons and non-communicable
disease association with incidence of falls.
This study used data from NHMS 2018, and conducted a cross-sectional design
by applying two-stage stratified cluster sampling. Descriptive statistics such as
the percentage of each variable were done. Factors associated with falls were
determined at both univariate and multivariable levels using simple logistic
regression and multiple logistic regression. The data were presented as standard
values for each analysis and adjusted odds ratios with 95% CI with p values
A total of 3,867 from 3,977 elderly (mean age 68.2+ 6.85) were recruited with
the response rate of 97.2%. Factors associated with fall were 70 years old and
above (AOR= 1.34, 95% CI: 1.09, 1.64), obesity (AOR=1.55, 95% CI: 1.21,
1.98), undernutrition (AOR=1.59, 95% CI: 1.30, 1.94), persons with 2 NCDs
(AOR=1.49, 95% CI: 1.15, 1.92) and persons with 3 NCDs (AOR=1.63, 95%
CI: 1.23, 2.16).
Advanced age, malnutrition, obesity, and having two or more NCDs are
associated with falls in the NHMS 2018 study. In conclusion, falls are prevalent
among older persons. There is an urgent need for public health strategies and
programmes to decrease the incidence of modifiable risk factors and early
identification of those at risk. Implementation of fall preventive programs which
includes multifactorial interventions at hospitals and homes can also
significantly reduce incidence of falls among older persons