1.Job Satisfaction and Customer-oriented Service Performance of University Foodservice Employees.
Sunim WON ; Hyeyoung PARK ; Yukyung CHANG
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2002;8(4):359-371
The aims of this study were to estimate the level of job satisfaction and customer-oriented service performance in university food service employees Two hundreds-six food service employees working in Seoul were enrolled and the response rate was 85.8%. Of respondents, 85.9% was female and most of the respondents were 40 years up (70.8%). Generally, respondents had approximately 5 years job experience and high school level. Mean score of job satisfaction was 3.23 score out of 5.00. The highest and lowest items on job satisfaction were responsibility and commitment(4.00). and promotions opportunity(2.69), respectively. Considering job satisfaction; relationships of supervisors, employment and career were significantly different in age(P<0.05), job-system and wage(P<0.05), respectively. Mean score of customer-oriented service performance was 3.75. The highest and lowest items on customer-oriented service performance were delivering on time(4.02) and service information for customers(3.21), respectively. Customer-oriented service performance was significantly different in age and wage(P<0.05). Job satisfaction had positive correlation to customer-oriented service performance. Relationship of supervisors was positively correlated with relationship of coworkers and career.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Food Services
Job Satisfaction*