1.Preventive intervention in psychiatric area.
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1992;31(4):637-647
No abstract available.
2.Effect of inhibitor of DNA synthesis on replication of adenovirus type 5 in HeLa cells.
Journal of the Korean Society of Virology 1992;22(2):235-238
No abstract available.
HeLa Cells*
3.Effect of hormone on adenovirus type 12-induced transformation.
Journal of the Korean Society of Virology 1991;21(2):179-192
No abstract available.
4.Psychosocial Aspect of Drug Depndence.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1998;41(4):388-393
No abstract available.
5.A Study on the Perceived Stress of Mothers in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 1998;4(1):60-75
The parents have much expectation upon the pregnancy and child birth, and in most cases, they expect the healthy parturient child. However, we can be placed on the high-risk conditions which have the physical, social and immature infant, due to the unexpected results, among the new-born. Accordingly, these high-risk newborn and premature infants will be mostly in NICU, which the concentrated medical treatment can be given, upon their conditions. After their birth and during these periods, they will be divided from the parents, and the nurse will accomplish the bringing-up activities which they can take care of the infant, expected by the parents after their birth. The hospitalization of high-risk newborn including these premature infants is the shocking experience to the parents of family, and thus they can feel the fear and uneasiness, and these reactions of parents are troubled in the behavior at the usual days, and cause the disorder and spiritless status, and these results break the supporting ability of parents, and cause the obstruction. Also, the unavoidable division between the parents and the children as like hospitalization of children can make the parents to feel the alienation emotionally, and this causes the results which the pride on the bringing-up ability of baby gets to be lost. These problems can cause the difficulties on the bonding or the parenting in the further days, and can be related to the neglect and abuse of children. Also, it is gradually increased to study and report which the emotional division by the physical division between the mother and the baby obstructs the normal affection course between the parent and the infant. The stress caused by the birth and the hospitalization of high-risk newborn, as like this, is important in the points which it can uncertainly affect the potential energy for the relationship of parent-child who are finally healthy. Accordingly, the significance and purpose of this study are to understand the contents and degree of stress which the parents of high-risk newborn including the immature child can be experienced from the hospitalization of ICU for their new borns, and thus to offer the basic program to the nursing intervention program for these. The subject of this study is the mother of newborn in NICU of 10 General Hospitals located at the zone of Pusan, Korea from September 1997 to October 1997, and thus makes the subject of 95 person of parents who agreed to take part in the study and it is descriptive study related to the stress of mother having the newborn in NICU. The method is based on the preceding study related to the stress of mother having the experience of child hospitalization and chronic disease child, and then acquires the advice of specialists group as like 5 nursing professors, and then is amended and supplemented. Total number of questions in 43 items and consists of 5 factors as like medical treatment&nursing procedures, disease status&prognosis, role of parents, communication&inter-personal relationships, hospital environment, and is 5 point Likert Scale. The reliability of this study method is very highly shown to be Cronbach alpha=0.95. The collected data is analysed as Average, Frequency, Standard Deviation, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Duncan multiful-range test by use of SPSS/PC (V7.5). The results of this study is summarized as under : 1. Every characteristics of subject is which the party of mother is 28.70age(+/-7.48) in the average ages, 51% in the high-school graduate, 38.5% in the christianity, total monthly income is 212.55 thousand won(+/-1.971), 74.5% in the housewife, 72.9% in the parents and children together living and the number of children to be 1.48 person(+/-0.6) in average, the recognition on the prognosis of baby is 74.0% in "Don't know", the relationship with the husband after the hospitalization of baby is 37.3% in "More Intimate", the relationship with the family of husband to be 48% in "No-change", and the degree which is consulted with the husband about the baby is 55% in "very frequently" and the visiting number per week is 4.59(+/-1.63) in average and the accompanying person in the time of visiting is which is which the number of husband is 56.3% and thus is the highest. The characteristics of baby is which the age is 21. 88days(+/-16.47) after the birth in average, the sex to be 50 person in the female 52.1% and the order of birth to be 54.2% in the first child, and the weight in the birth to be 2770gm(+/-610) and the height in the birth to be 46.26cm(+/-7.62) in average. The medical diagnosis is 37.5% in the premature infant, the career of hospitalization is 96.9% in "None", and the operation plan is 90.6% in "None" and the execution of operation is 88% in "None" and the nursing of incubator is 55.2% in "Yes", and the method of feeding is 50.5% in "Oral" and the contents of feeding is 46.9% in the "Milk". 2. The total stress degree of subject is almost highly shown to be as 3.36(+/-0.86). If it is compared upon each cause, 'stress on disease status&prognosis' is highest 3.79(+/-1.28), and it is in the order of 'stress on medical treatment&nursing procedures' 3.70(+/--.93), 'stress on hospital environment' 3.14(+/-0.86), 'stress on role of parents' 3.18(+/-0.92) and 'stress on communication&inter personal relationship' 2.62(+/-0.77). 3. As the results of checking the notworthiness of stress degree upon each variable of subject, the variable showing the noted difference was the birth weight)gamma=-0.16, P=0.04), birth height(gamma=-0.23, P=0.03), nursing in the incubator(F=8.93, P=0.04), feed method(F=2.94, P=0.04). That is to say, it is shown which the smaller the birth weight is, the higher the stress degree of mother is noteworthily. Also, the smaller the birth weight is, the higher the stress degree of mother is noteworthily. Also, the smaller the birth height baby is, the higher the stress of mother is. In the incubator, it is shown which the mother whose baby is nursing in the incubator is higher in the stress degree than other mothers. Upon the feeding method of baby, that is to say, TPN is the highest, and it is shown in the order of NPO, Tube feeding, and P.O. feeding. When we review the above-mentioned results, as the status is serious, it is thought which we include the supporting nursing for coping with the stress of parents in the setting-up od nursing plan for the baby in the NICU.
Birth Weight
Chronic Disease
Emigrants and Immigrants
Enteral Nutrition
Feeding Methods
Hospitals, General
Infant, Newborn
Infant, Premature
Intensive Care, Neonatal*
Child Health
6.A Basic Community Health Survey in Rural Korea(Soyang-Myun).
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1973;6(1):133-150
1. Instruction. Community medicine with the concept of comprehensive medical care and an ideal medical care delivery system not only for an individual or family but for the whole community has emerged. In April 1970, the Presbyterian Medical Center started a hospital based community health service project on order to improve the health of the people in rural areas. Prior to commencing a comprehensive medical care system, a family survey was meeded. The major objective of this survey was to obtain information concerning the people and their environment so as to be able to plan and implement a comprehensive medical care program in Soyang-Myum. 2. Survey Method. An interview using a family record form was carried out for each household. This family record form was designed to get information about demography, family planning, environmental sanitation and vital statistics. Prior to beginning, the members of the survey team were trained in interviewing technique for three days. The team consisted of a public health nurse, four nurse-aides, a asnitarian and four health extension workers who are working in our project. The survey was carried out during the period November 1971 to March 1972. 3. Project area. 1) Population of Soyang-Myum was 11,668 ; male, 5,962 and female, 5,706. Sex ratio : 104.5. 2) Households : 1,858. 3) Family size : The average household consisted of 6.3 persons. 4) Education level of householder. a. Illiterate 13%. b. No schooling but able to read 10%. c. Preschool Children 19%. d. Primary School 47%. e. Middle School 7%. f. High School 3%. g. College or University 1%. 5) Occupational distribution of householders. a. Farmer 67%. b. Laborer 13%. c. Office worker 4%. d. Merchant 4%. e. Industrial worker 2%, f. Unemployed 8%, g. Miscellaneous 2%, 6) Religious affiliation. a. No religion 74%, b. Buddhist 12%, c. Protestant 10%, d. Catholic 4%. 4. Survey results. Living Environment : a. Home ownership 95%, b. Kinds of roofing. Straw-thatched house 84%, Tile-roofed house 10%, Slate-roofed house 5%, Other 1%. c. Floor space, Less than 6 pyong 10%, 6-10 pyong 53%, 1-15 pyong 24%, 16-20 pyong 9%, More than 20 pyong 4%, d. Radio ownership 80%. Environment : a. the source of drinking water. public well 49%, private well 30%, drainage water 9%, steam water 8%, well pump 3%, water distribution system 1%, b. Distance between well and toilet. more than 16 meter 38%, 6-10 meter 31%, 11-15 meter 14%, Less than 6 meter 17%. c. The status of well management. Bad 72%, Fair 26%, Good 12%. d. General sanitary of well management. Bad 37%, Fair 51%, Good 12%. e. House drainage system. had no house drainage 77%. Family Planning : a. 24% of the people have used contraceptives, but 12% ceased to use them. 76% have never used contraceptives. b. used methods. loop 68%, oral pill 16%, vasectomy 4%, condom 1%, tubal ligation 1%, two or more methods 10%. Maternal Health : a. The number of conceptions of housewives under 50 years of age. 11 times 26%, 6 times 11%, 5 times 11%, 4 times 9%. b. The place of delivery. own house 88%, hospital 1%, others 11%, Treatment of general sickness. a. The place of treatment, Soyang Health Center 31%, Hospital(Private or otherwise) 26%, Pharmacy 14%, Herb medicine 5%, Private care 5%, No treatment 12%, Miscellancous 7%. b. Usual causes of disease. Unknown 46%, Tuberculosis 29%, Neuralgia 8%, CVA 3%, Bronchitis 3%, Others 11%.
Child, Preschool
Community Health Services
Community Medicine
Contraceptive Agents
Surveys and Questionnaires
Drinking Water
Family Characteristics
Family Planning Services
Health Surveys*
Maternal Health
Nurses, Public Health
Sex Ratio
Sterilization, Tubal
Vital Statistics
7.Enhancement of Adenovirus Type 12 Transformation by N-Methyl-N-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine.
Journal of the Korean Society of Virology 1997;27(2):257-260
Adenoviruses are icosahedral virions containing double-stranded linen DNA. They are 70 nm to 90 nm in diameter and capsid is composed of 252 capsomeres. Several members of this group, including types commonly associated with respiratory disease in man, are capable of producing malignant tumors in young hamsters and a few types have been shown to be oncogenic in young rat. Previous report involving effect of caffein on transformation induced by Adenovirus type 12 [9] has been carried out. The present report represents a continuation of previous study. To obtain evidence concerning the of(tract of MNNG (N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitroguanidine) on transformation, investigation of adenovirus type 12 of this group was undertaken. For practical consideration it was desirable to investigate the effect of MNNG on the adenovirus type 12-induced transformation in L cell. Results were as following 1. Adeno virus type 12 induced transformation was enhanced in the presence of MNNG. 2. Yields of adeno type 12 virus in L cell were slightly inhibited by treatment of MNNG.
Bedding and Linens
8.Effect of caffeine on the adeno-type 12 virus and its antigen induction in HeLa cells and L cells.
Journal of the Korean Society of Virology 1993;23(2):239-245
No abstract available.
HeLa Cells*
9.Longevity and Social Welfare.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(10):1329-1334
No abstract available.
Social Welfare*
10.CpG ODNs for the Treatment of Bronchial Asthma.
Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease 2003;13(4):207-215
No abstract available.