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Author:(Suneet Sood)

1.Using Facebook for Medical Education: Will Students Respond?

Suneet Sood

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2015;70(1):59-61

2.Natural history of asymptomatic gallstones: differential behaviour in male and female subjects

Suneet Sood ; Than Winn ; Suraiya Ibrahim ; Anisha Gobindram ; A. Allirani V Arumugam ; Norain Che Razali ; Putri Yasmin ; Norul Hidayu ; Hasri Sani ; Mohd Habib Mustafa ; Anis Fatinah ; Ambigga Devi ; Athifah Abdul Karim ; Kadhim Jawad Obaid ; Nor Hashim Haron ; Henry Fitjerald ; Marymol Koshy

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2015;70(6):341-345

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