1.An investigation and analysis on current status of general practice service teams in urban Sbanghai
Hua YANG ; Sunfang JIANG ; Shanzhu ZHU
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2010;9(1):15-18
Objective To investigate current status of general practice service teams in urban Shanghai to provide practical evidence and lay theoretical basis for sustainable development of general practice service teams in the future. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out for 40 staff members of eight general practice service teams in eight urban districts of Shanghai, as well as 110 local residents, by observation, interview and questionnaire methods during March to April 2008. Results Among 21 general practitioners, 86 percent of them ( 18/21 ) were graduated from medical colleges or universities with three-year curriculum or at levels above it and 52 percent ( 11/21 ) had intermediate professional titles or above.Among the eight general practice service teams, five had full coverage of supervision and management for tuberculosis therapy, six had full coverage of management for tumor patients, four had full coverage of management for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and four had full coverage of management for patients with mental disorders. In all staff members of eight general practice service teams, 38 percent of them (15/40) were satisfactory with their working environment, 40 percent (16/40) with their work activities, five percent (2/40) with their incomes, and 28 percent (11/40) with their professional future.In 110 local residents, 77 percent (85/110) were satisfactory with service environment, 85 percent (93/110) with quality of health-care service and 89 percent (98/110) with the attitude of service teams.Conclusions Implementation of management for chronic diseases and two-way referral, as well as satisfaction of staff members in general practice service teams should be improved further.
2.Survey on training needs for key general practice trainers in Shanghai
Minghui PENG ; Shanzhu ZHU ; Sunfang JIANG
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2016;15(4):258-263
Objective To survey the training needs for key general practice (GP) trainers.Methods The survey was conducted among participants of the first training course for national key GP trainers hold on March 2014 in Shanghai.The contents of questionnaire used for the survey included training needs of GP relevant knowledge,teaching ability and modes of assessment.The differences in training needs between GP trainers from community teaching bases and hospital teaching bases were analyzed.Results Total 151 key trainers completed the questionnaire (male/female:48/103) with average age of (38 ± 6)years.Among them 67.5% (102/151) were from community teaching bases and 29.8% (45/151) from hospital teaching bases;60.9% (92/151) participated in the General Practitioner Structured Vocational Training Program (GPSVTP).According to the survey,general practice clinical kills (72.2%,106/151) and general practice clinical thinking (70.2 %,106/151) were most required relevant knowledge;while general practice basic concept was least required (25.8%,39/151).The rate with need of policy system related GP training in hospital trainers was higher than that in community teaching base trainers(66.7% vs.44.1%,P < 0.05).For teaching ability needs,85.4% (129/151) selected teaching methods,75.5% (114/151) chose teaching assessment and evaluation methods.The participants showed more interesting in new-type teaching and evaluation methods,such as PBL,OSCE,mini-CEX and DOPS,and would use them in future teaching work (P < 0.01).Workshop (58.3%,88/151),demonstration(57.0%,86/151) and experience exchange (50.3%,76/151) were three most interested modes in current training;meanwhile theoretic teaching was lease interested (38.4%,58/151).Study tour was most interested training models for the future (71.5%,108/151),followed by short-term courses (49.0%,74/151),overseas study (39.1%,59/151) and distance learning (27.8%,42/151).Conclusion There are different needs for GP trainers from hospital and community teaching bases.To meet the different requirements,the focused training course and training method should be adapted.
3.Analysis for the needs in general practice training
Zhigang PAN ; Yongming DING ; Sunfang JIANG ; Lilan CUI ; Shanzhu ZHU
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2008;7(3):154-156
Objective To study the changes in needs of standard training for general practice during the period of 2000 to 2006.Methods Sixty-two trainees participated in a municipal training program for general practitioners(GPs)in Zhongshan Hospital,Shanghai were interviewed by questionnaire to understand their recognition of general practice and needs in training for general practice,and compared to other 53 trainees who entered an another training program in 2000.Results Nineteen of 53 trainees(36percent)trained in 2000 could understand all the six aspects of general practice,including medical and health care,preventive care,rehabilitative care,health education and family planning techniques service,51(94 percent)were willing to accept such training,and 30(57 percent)did not satisfy with current conditions in community health care service.As compared,their recognition for general practice,acceptance of training,and satisfaction with their working condition improved obviously in trainees trained in 2006,with proportions of 100 percent,100 percent and 98 percent,respectively.But,main reason for dissatisfaction with community health care service could still attribute to less attention paid to general practice by relevant leadership.Conclusions Nowadays.the needs in general practice training by health care workers in communities increased greatly,but which still should be supported by governmental policies.
4.Development of evaluation index system for community general practice teaching base
Huiling XIA ; Sunfang JIANG ; Juan SHOU ; Shanzhu ZHU ; Yao LIU
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2017;16(2):94-99
Objective To develop an index system for evaluation index system for community general practice teaching base.Methods A draft of evaluation index system for community general practice teaching base was preliminarily developed on the basis of literature research.Two rounds Delphi consultations with 32 experts of general practice were conducted between July 2014 and May 2015.The results of consultation were analyzed and the evaluation index system for community teaching base was established.Results In two rounds of Delphi consultation,the positive coefficients were both 100%,the authority coefficient of experts were 0.879 and 0.897,respectively,and the coordination coefficient were 0.165 and 0.204 (P <0.01).The established evaluation index system consisted of 4 first-class indexes,8 second-class indexes and 27 third-class indexes.Four first-class indexes were basic conditions,teaching conditions,teaching staff and teaching practice.Conclusion The established evaluation index system may be used to accredit community general practice teaching base and to improve the quality of general practitioner training.
5.Application of standardized patients in training of communication skills in consultation for resident general practitioners
Sunfang JIANG ; Yuan ZHANG ; Rong ZHOU ; Shanzhu ZHU
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2010;09(8):525-528
Objective To assess roles of standardized patients (SPs) in training of communication skills for resident general practitioners (GP). Methods Fifty-two resident GPs were trained for communication skills in consultation with SPs during May to July, 2008, including information feedback from SPs, lectures and group discussion coordinated by instructors on problems developed during residents' clinical encounters. Communication skills of the trainees with patients was assessed before and after training, respectively, including building physician-patient relationship, collecting information and providing feedback, understanding complaints from patients' perspective, sharing information and obtaining informed consents and closing consultation. Assessment was scored and proportion of trainees qualified for consultation with SPs were estimated. Results Total score of the trainees was higher after training than that before it (76 ± 13 vs. 49 ± 12, P < 0. 01 ), and 86. 5 percent of them qualified for their communication skills after training, as compared to that of 15.4 percent before it. Proportions of the trainees qualified for building physician-patient relationship, collecting information and providing feedback, understanding complaints from patients' perspective, sharing information and obtaining informed consents during consultation were higher after training than those before it (90. 4% vs. 59. 6%, 65.4% vs. 5.8%, 38.5% vs. 11.5%, 86. 5% vs.17.3% and 65. 4% vs. 3. 9%, respectively, all P <0. 01 ). Scores of physician-patient communication in the trainees correlated with those of their consultation skills both before and after training ( r = 0. 55 and r =0. 63, both P < 0. 01 ). Increase in scores of physician-patient communication and consultation skills in trainees after training also associated with that in those of clinical skills ( r = 0. 62, P < 0. 01 ). Conclusions Application of SPs can effectively enhance communication skill of resident general practitioners, thus improve their competencies in clinical consultation.
6.Standardized patients in assessment for clinical competencies of trainees in general practice training
Juan SHOU ; Shanzhu ZHU ; Sunfang JIANG ; Xiangjie ZHANG ; Minghui PENG
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2009;8(12):860-863
Objective To assess clinical competencies of trainees with standardized patients(SPs)and explore reform in methods of assessment for trainees at their completion in standardized training for general practice.Methods Totally,52 trainees in clinical training bases for general practice in Shanghai attended the examinations.Their skills in commanication skills,information and data gathering,comprehensive consultation,clinical thinking and decision-making in diagnosis and treatment were examined by rotation of three serial assessment stations in a specified time to perform standardized tasks,including medical history-taking,physical examinations(PE),medial record writing and oral tests.Results Scoresof history-taking,PE and skills of communication with SPs were higher than those agsessed by examiners themselves.but they both correlated each other with a P-value less than 0.01,with the highest coefficient of correlation of 0.774 between score of PE and that assessed by examiners.There was significant difference in average score among all clinical skills(F=9.867,P<0.01),with the lowest one of comprehensive consultation skills of 64±22(P<0.01).Skills of communication with patients had the highest correlation with data gathering ability(r=0.582,P<0.01).Results of analysis for influential factors showed no significant difference in average score for all skills between men and women trainees(P<0.05).Average score of comprehensive consultation ability in those with work experience was lower than that in thoge without it(P<0.05)and no significant difference in scores of all the other skills wag found between those with varied length of working(P>0.05).There was significant difiefence in average scores of communication skills,medical record writing,and case analysis between various trainees(P<0.01).In addition,average scores of information collecting and medical record writing also differed among trainees from varied bases for general practice training(P<0.05).Conclusions Clinical skills,ability to direct teaching work,and improvement of teaching model can be assessed in a comprehensive and objectively way using standardized patients in general practice training.
7.Application of standardized patients in consultation skills training for resident general practitioners
Sunfang JIANG ; Yuan ZHANG ; Rong ZHOU ; Shanzhu ZHU
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2010;9(1):19-22
Objective To assess standardized patients (SP) in resident general practitioners training for their consultation skills to explore its role in clinical competence training. Methods SP are employed in standardized training for 52 resident general practitioners in Shanghai during May to July 2008 to assess trainees' clinical consultation skills, including medical history taking and physical examinations, as well as clinical competencies of trainers including medical history taking, physical examinations, clinical thinking (diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment plans), health education, medical record writing,and reception time management. Feedback and appraisal for their consultation skills were provided by SP later. Problems encountered in trainees' consultation were discussed in group manner with their trainers.And two mouths later, assessment with SPs was undergone again for their consultation skills to compare their scores in consultation skills and percentages of them passing the assessment before and after training. Results Trainees were enrolled in the training aged (28±1 ) years in average ( with a ratio of men to women of 19/33 ). Percentage of trainees passing the assessment by SP for consultation skills was significantly higher after training (88.5%) than that before it (46. 2% ) ( P < 0. 01 ). Percentage of trainees with scores passing assessment by trainers was also significantly higher after training than that before it (86.5% vs. 51.9%, P < 0.01 ), with a percentage of those qualified for clinical skills and health education after training of 80. 8% and 88.5%, respectively, as compared to those of 46. 2% and 67. 3%,respectively before it, ( P < 0. 01 ), and with a percentage of trainees qualified for clinical thinking, out-patient medical record writing and reception time management not changed after training (71.2%, 100. 0%,100. 0%, respectively) as compared to those before it (51.9%, 100. 0% and 100. 0%, respectively)(P > 0. 05 ). Conclusions Application of SP can effectively enhance consultation skills of the trainees,especially in their medical history taking and physical examinations. However, there is still rooms to improvein their clinical thinking.
8.Application of standardized patients in teaching of communication skills for medical students
Limin LAO ; Xiangjie ZHANG ; Rong ZHOU ; Sunfang JIANG ; Shanzhu ZHU
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2009;8(12):895-896
The case design,standardized patients(SPs)training and training communication skills for medical students with SPs were illustrated in this paper.And our experiences of SPs using Were summarized.
9.Objective structured clinical examination in assessment for clinical competencies of trainees in standardized training for general practice at its completion in Shanghai
Sunfang JIANG ; Juan SHOU ; Xiangjie ZHANG ; Minghui PENG ; Shanzhu ZHU
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2009;8(12):856-859
Objective To set up methods for objective structured clinial examination(OSCE)for its application in assessment for clinical competencies of trainees in standardized training for general practice at its completion in Shanghai.Methods Trainees in standardized training for general practice in Shanghai were assessed at its completion in July 2009 at Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University,which was organized and implemented by establishment of OSCE management framework and design of assessment stations,including writing-up medical records for cases,training standardized patients,selecting assessment itemsfrom checklists of clinical skills.as well as working-out a form for assessment scoring.Results Six assessment stations were set up for OSCE,including clinical data collection,medical record writing,case analysis,clinical skills,diagnostic decision-making based on electrocardiograms(ECGs)and x-ray films.Totally,32 trainees took part in OSCE and all passed examination.Score of medical record writing Was higher than that of clinical data collection [86(IQR 74-91)vs.79(IQR 67-85),P<0.05].There was no significant difference in scores between medical reeord writing and case analysis [86(IQR 74-91)vs.80(IQR 73-86),P>0.05].Score of X-ray film diagnosis Was higher than that of ECG diagnosis and clinical skills[99(IQR 96-100) vs.95(IQR 91-98),and 99(IQR 96-100)vs.90(IQR 83-94),all P<0.01].Conclusions Clinical competeneies of trainees of general practice Can be assessed by OSCE in multiple aspects,which provides a new examination method for GP training.
10.Application of standardized patients in intensive training of clinical skills for general practice trainees and its effectiveness
Juan SHOU ; Shanzhu ZHU ; Sunfang JIANG ; Xiangjie ZHANG ; Minghui PENG
Chinese Journal of General Practitioners 2011;10(1):17-20
Objective To explore application of standardized patients (SPs) in intensive training of clinical competency for general practice trainees. Methods Fifty-three general practice trainees in Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital were enrolled in the study, randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. Control group proceeded in routine clinical rotation, while intervention group accepted intensive training course with SPs as trainers. Three months after intervention, clinical skills of the two groups were compared in a simulated medical environment. Results There was no statistically significant difference in their baseline characteristics between the two groups (P >0.05). Competency in history taking, physical examinations,communication with patients, comprehensive consultation, medical record writing as well as case-analysis,improved significantly in intervention group after intervention, as compared to those before it ( P < 0. 01 ),with the highest score of communication skill of 82 ± 10. Although competency of history taking, physical examinations, comprehensive consultation, medical record writing also improved significantly three months later in control group as compared to their baselines (P < 0. 01 ), while no statistically significant difference in their communication skills was found ( P > 0. 05 ). Scores of skills in physician-patient communication,comprehensive consultation as well as medical record analysis were significantly higher in intervention group than those in control one after intervention ( P < 0. 01 ), but no significant difference in physical examinations was found between the two groups ( P > 0. 05 ). Conclusions Application of SP in intensive training course for clinical competency can remarkably improve their competency in interpersonal communication and comprehensive consultation for general practice trainees.