1.Flow Cytometric DNA Content Analysis in uterine Cervical Cancer.
Korean Journal of Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy 1994;5(3):49-53
The DNA ploidy using fresh tissues from 304 cervial cancer were analyzed by flow cytometry in order to evaluate the correlation between DNA ploidy patterns and prognostic factors of uterine cervical cancer. There were l67 diploid cases(55%) and 137 aneuploid(45%). No significant correlation was noted in stage, age and lymph node metastases between diploid and aneuploid tumor. But S-phase fraction and DNA index were higher slightly in cases of lymph node metastases cornpaired to non-metastases. This results suggest that the DNA ploidy cannot be used as an independent prognostic fac- tor, but further evaluation will be needed in order to conclude definite relationship between prognoseic factor and S-phase fraction or DNA index.
Flow Cytometry
Lymph Nodes
Neoplasm Metastasis
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms*
2.The clinical and ultrasonic study of clinically suspected ectopic pregnancy: laying emphasis on 15 provenectopic pregnancies
Myung Ho BYUN ; Yung Sun CHUNG
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1983;19(3):606-615
Ectopic pregnancies are unsuccessful pregnancies that result from implantation of fertilized ovum occurring inan aberrant area. Aside from an emergency case, the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is very difficultparticularly in a case with insidious onset and mild clinical manifestations. Early diagnosis not only reduces thedanger, but also simplifies the management of ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasonography has been an indispensablediagnostic tool in obstetrics and Gynecology. In the authors' experience, clinical suspected ectopic pregnancy wasone of the common indications for performing ultrasonography. Since Kobayashi et al. reported the appearances ofextopic preganancy utilizing bistable B-scan ultrasonography, the ultrasonic findings of ectopic pregnancy havebeen reported by many authors. But, its accuracy and reliablity in the diagnosis of ectopic pregancy are stillopen to controversy. The authors studied 65 cases of clinically suspected ectopic pregnancy with Picker 80 L grayscale ultrasonography from Aug. 1982 to Jun. 1983. There were 29 confirmed cases, of which 15 were proved to haveextopic pregnancy and 14 were proved to have disease other than ectopic pregnancy by surgical andhistopathological study or by laparoscopy and histopatholoigcal study or by laparoscopy and follow up study. 29confirmed cases were reviewed. The resuls were as follows; 1. Among 15 ectopic pregnancies, there were 12ampullary pregnancies, 2 isthmic pregnancies and 1 interstitial pregancy. Among 14 cases of no ectopic pregnancy,there were 5 intrauterine pregnancies, 3 myoma uteri, 2 P.I.D., and 1 case of dermoid cyst, cystic teratoma,h-mole and tubal hematoma due to previous tubal ligation, respectively. 2. The age distribution of ectopicpregnancy was from 22 to 41 years. The common clinical manifestations of extopic pregnancy were lower abdominalpain (73.3%), vaginal spotting or bleeding (73.3%) and amenorrhea(66.7%). 3. Positive results of urine immunologicpregnancy test was 28.6% in ectopic pregnancy. 4. Ultrasonic findings of ectopic preganncy were as follows; 1) Nointrauterine gestational sac was observed in all cases except 1 interstitial pregnancy. Intrauterine fluidcollection was observed in 3 cases. Uterine displacement was observed in 10 cases. 2) Among 5 cases of rupturedtubal pregnancy, we observed predominantly cystic adnexal mass in 3 cases, mixed echogenic adnexal mass in 2cases, and cul-de-sac fluid in all cases. Among 9 cases of unruptured tubal pregnancy, we observed predominantlycystic adnexal mass in 2 cases, mixed echogenic adnexal mass in 7 cases, and cul-de- sac fluid in 3 cases. 3) Anechodense ring like structure was observed outside the uterus in 9 cases of tubal pregnancy. 4) In the case ofinterstitial pregnancy, eccentrically located gestational sac with overlying thin myometrium was observed withinthe uterus. 5) Fetal heart activity was noted outside the uterus with real time scanning in only 1 case of ectoicpregnancy. 5. Of 19 sonographically ectopic pregnancies, a correct positive ultrasonic diagnosis was made n 14cases (73.7%). Of 29 confirmed cases, overall diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound was 79.3%. 6. By demonstrationintrauterine pregnancy or disease other than ectopic pregnancy such as myoma uteri, homole or ovarian cyst,ectopic pregnancy was ultrasonically excluded in 10 cases. Among above 10 cases, 1 case of ultasonically bilateralovarian cyst was proved to have ruptured tubal pregnancy combined with ovarian cyst. The accuracy of ultrasonicexclusion of ectopic pregnancy was 90%. In the authors'experience, ultrasonography was very helpful in theexclusion of extopic pregnancy.
Age Distribution
Dermoid Cyst
Early Diagnosis
Fetal Heart
Follow-Up Studies
Gestational Sac
Ovarian Cysts
Pregnancy, Ectopic
Pregnancy, Interstitial
Pregnancy, Tubal
Sterilization, Tubal
3.A clinical and radiological observation on urolithiasis
Young Sun CHUNG ; Moung Ho BYUN ; I Ho YOON
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1983;19(3):594-605
A clinical and radiological observation was mde on 167 cases of urolithiasis among the number of 150 patientsduring 1 year and 6 months from June, 1981 to Nov. 1982. The results were summerized as follows. 1. There were 101man and 49 women, a ratio of 2:1. The ages of the patients ranged from 2 to 74 years, showing the highestincidence in 31 to 60 years(68.1%). 2. Locational distributions of urolithiasis were 80 cases (47.9%) in theureter, 66 cases(39.5%) in the kidney, 11 cases (6.5%) in the urethra and 10 cases (5.9%) in the bladder. 3. Amongthe 66 cases of renal stone, pelvis stone was 55 cases (83.3%) with staghorn types in 23 cases(34.8%), andcalyceal stone was 11 cases(16.6%). 4. The location of ureteral stone was 47.5% in lower, 40% in upper ureter and12.5% in mid-ureter. 5. The location of urethra stone was 82% in the anterior urethra and 18% in the posteriorurethra. 6. The chief complain of urolithiasis was flank pain in 59.2%, gross hematuria in 20.3%, renal colic in13.1% ,dysuria in 8.3%, nausea and vomiting in 4.7%, and sudden stoppage of urine stream in 3.5%. 7. Onurinalysis, gross hematuria was found in 54.4%, pyuria in 28.7%, bacteriuria in 23.3%, microscopic hematuria in18.5% and normal in 7.1%. 8. The size of urinary stone was 0.6-2.0cm in length in 105 cases(62.8%). 9. On I.V.P.study of renal stones(66 cases), mild and moderate hydronephrotic changes were detected in38 kidneys(57.5%), andthe relationsip between the urinary stasis and renal stone size was relatively good. 10. On I.V.P. study ofureteral stones(80cases), mild to severe hydronephrotic changes were detected in 64 kidneys(80%). 11. On K.U.B.film, paralytic ileus was found in 25 cases (14.9%). 12. Among the urinary stones, the radiolucent stones weredetected in 8 cases (4.7%). 13. Urinary stones diappeared in 11 cases (6.5%) spontaneously or medical treatment.
Flank Pain
Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction
Renal Colic
Urinary Bladder
Urinary Calculi
4.The Prediction Model of the Number of Industrial Injured Persons Using Data Mining.
Kwan Hyung YI ; Ho Keun CHUNG ; Jung Sun PARK
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000;12(4):515-523
OBJECTIVES: This study is to see the transition and pattern of the industrial iureal worker, and to develop the prediction model. METHODS: The data of the study are based on the samples from data-warehouse of Occupational Safety & Health Research Institute and are summed monthly from Jan 1986 to Dec 1999. This study data used data mart and Meta data from DW in KOSHA. The prediction model of the injured worker in Industry is designed by using a winters time series method after data preparing (i. e. sample, explore, modify) from DW. RESULTS: Thls predicted model obtained Winters-method multiplicative in exponential smoothing among applied all models, after the tlme series (total 163 months). It showed that the prediction power was 95.5 %. CONCLUSIONS: In the process of exploring the data, totally the rate of industrial injureal workers reduced, and in the yearly circulation, in February and September the number is the lowest but in June, July, October and November the higher. The number of monthly average injureal workers is 8709 (95 % confidence interval 8277, 9140). From the developed prediction model, since Aug 1999 the industrial injureal worker reduced rapidly in Dec 1999 and first period of 2000. But In second period of 2000 the number of the injured workers is increasing. To conclude, as the total economic situation is becoming better in 2000 than In 1999, its is supposed that the injured workers will increase more than the predictive injured workers because of the increase of production rate and labor force.
Academies and Institutes
Data Mining*
Occupational Health
5.Nimodipine Treatment after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Operation.
Dae Hee HAN ; Young Seob CHUNG ; Sun Ho LEE
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1991;20(1-3):28-35
Fifty-one consecutive 186 patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage were treated from the day of admission with nimodipine which was given first as an IV infusion at 30ug/kg/hr for 1 week and then orally in a dose of 360mg/day for 2 weeks and compared with 135 patients which were treated without nimodipine for the past 2 years. A comparision based on clinical and radiological variables influencing both the coruse and the outcome of the disease showed no significant difference between the nimodipine treated group and the control group except the delayed timing of surgery in the control group. There was no significant difference in the outcome between the nimodipine treated patients and the patients treated without nimodipine, however in Hung & Hess grade IV patients nimodipine treatment was associated with a significantly better outcome. Nimodipine treatment reduced the occurrence of delayed ischemic deficts(DID) in grade III, IV patients. Significant improvement in the outcome occurred in the nimodipine treated patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage of large amount(Fisher classification III).
Intracranial Aneurysm
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage*
6.Study for F wave averaging technique.
Jin Ho KIM ; Tai Ryoon HAN ; Sun Gun CHUNG
Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1993;17(1):51-56
No abstract available.
7.The Effect of Cimetidine in Treatment of Erosive Gastritis.
In Sik CHUNG ; Ho Sun LEE ; Chang Don LEE ; Kyu Won CHUNG ; Hee Sik SUN ; Whan Kook CHUNG
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1985;5(1):17-22
In an attempt to evaluate the efficacy ef cimetidine in treatment of erosive gastritis, a praspective study wras done in 9 cases of heworrhagie gastritia, 4 cases yunctiform gastritis, 9 caees verrueous gastritia, and 9 caseis mixed type, Four hundred mg of cimetidine was given in the morning and at bedtime for 3 weeks. Evaluation ef the efficacy was assessed by clinical syinptoms acoring and by endoscopic findings of erosion before treatment, on the 8th day, on the 15th day, and on the 22th day of treatment in all patients. The results were as follows; 1) Clinical sytnptoms in patients with erosive gastritis were epigastric discamfortness(83. 9%), heart burn(80. 0%), indigestion(77, 6%), hunger pain(74.2%), belching(71.0%), anotexla (48.4%) and nausea(45.5%). There was no differenees of symptoms among the type of erosion. 2) Percent decrease in clinical eyxeptoms were; 45% on the 8th day, 68% on the 15th day, 81% on the 22th day of treatment. Ciinical symptoms in patients with punetiform gastritis lasted longer than other typea. 3) Disappearance of the gastric mucossl erosion was seen in 8 cases of hemorrhagic gastritis, 6 case of mixed type, 5 cases of verruceous gastritis, 2 cases of punctiform gastritis, and overall 21 Cases(67.7%) on the 22th day of treatment, endoscopieally. Faur eases af punctiform gastritis were transformed into verrueous gastritis during the treatment. 4) Disappearance of the erosion was observed more frequently in the mueosa of oxyntic area than that of antrum. This study suggests that cimetidine appears to be effective for relief of elinical symptoms in patients with erosive gastritis, and for treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis and erosions in the mucosa of oxyntic area,
Mucous Membrane
8.Repair of Posttraumatic Tricuspid Regurgitation Using Artificial Chordae and an Annuloplasty Ring.
Kuk Hui SON ; Ho Sung SON ; Jae Ho CHUNG ; Won Jae CHUNG ; Kyung SUN ; Sung Ho LEE
The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2008;41(4):489-491
A 52-year-old man was taken to the emergency room following a motor vehicle accident. An echocardiogram showed moderate to severe tricuspid regurgitation due to rupture of the anterior chordae. An operation to repair the traumatic tricuspid regurgitation was recommended; however, the patient refused because he was asymptomatic. Two years later, he developed mild generalized edema and dyspnea. The echocardiogram revealed progressive severe tricuspid regurgitation and annular dilatation. We treated the posttraumatic tricuspid regurgitation successfully using artificial chordae and ring annuloplasty.
Middle Aged
Motor Vehicles
Tricuspid Valve
Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency
9.Efficacy of Ferritin - folate - cyanocobalamin Supplementation during Pregnancy for Prevention of Anemia.
In Hyun KIM ; You Bong SONG ; Jin Young BAEK ; Hye Sun JUN ; Jim Ho CHO ; Chung Woong KAY ; Chung No LEE
Korean Journal of Perinatology 1999;10(4):453-459
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of ferritin-folate-cyanocobalamin supplementation for prevention of anemia during pregnancy. METHODS: The authors conducted a clinical investigation on 50 pregnant women from 20th to 36th gestational weeks. The cobination of cyanocobalamin coenzyme 500mg, folic coenzyme 800mcg, and ferritin 20mg constituted the supplementation. The parameters examined in first trimester as baseline, before treatment(at 20th weeks), and after treatment(at 36th weeks) were : hemoglobin, hematocrit, ferritin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration(MCHC), mean corpuscular volume(MCV), red blood cell count(RDW), folic acid, and vit. BPaired sample t-test was used for comparison. RESULTS: The results indicated a significant increase in the value of hemoglobin(p<0.05) and hematocrit(p<0.01) in comparison to before and after the treatment. The values of serum ferritin, folic acid, vitamin Bwere increased after the treatment compared to those of before the treatment, though there was no statistical significance. The results of MCV, MCH, MCHC, and RDW showed no statistically significant in comparison to before and after the treatment. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that supplementing ferritin 20mg-folate 800mcg-cyanocobalamine 500mcg per day from 20th to 36th weeks' gestation can increase values of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and ferritin concentration and can be cosidered as an appropriate method to prevent iron deficient anemia. It also might increase the value of folic acid and vitamin B12, concentration, but further study is stiU needed to determine whether the supplementation of folate and cyanocobalamine in combination with iron can have better eflicacy than iron alone in prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
Anemia, Iron-Deficiency
Erythrocyte Indices
Folic Acid*
Pregnancy Trimester, First
Pregnant Women
Vitamin B 12*
10.Malignant neuroectodermal tumor of ovary(immature teratoma).
Young Ran CHUNG ; Seung Kuk KIM ; Ho Sun CHOI ; Ji Soo BYUN
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1993;36(7):2699-2705
No abstract available.
Neural Plate*
Neuroectodermal Tumors*