2.Effects of Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis with Knee Joint Capable of Knee Flexion Control on the Gait of Stroke Patients
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2021;58(1):86-94
Objective:The knee joint in patients using a knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) is locked, and the lack of knee flexion can cause some problems in the gait, such as circumduction and excessive pelvic obliquity. Hence, a KAFO with knee flexion control was developed. This study aimed to compare the gait in stroke patients using KAFOs with a locked knee joint and a controlled knee joint.Methods:A newly developed electro-attractive-material (EAM) was used for the knee joint in the KAFO. The knee joint is locked in the stance phase, and released immediately after the manual switch is pushed by a physical therapist.The gait of seven stroke patients in the recovery phase was measured for KAFO with a locked knee joint (locked knee) and a controlled knee joint (EAM knee) . For gait measurement, an inertial sensor, a foot switch, and an EMG sensor were used.Results:The velocity increased and the swing time decreased in the EAM-knee as compared to the locked knee. The abduction, external rotation, and extension of the hip joint decreased in the EAM knee. Increased activity of the rectus femoris muscle in the loading response, and decreased activity of the longissimus doris in the swing phase were observed in the EAM knee.Conclusions:It was suggested that EAM KAFO could improve the gait parameter and reduce the movement on the paretic side by compensatory motions in the swing phase, thereby reducing the muscle activity of the longissimus doris muscle.
3.Effects of Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis with Knee Joint Capable of Knee Flexion Control on the Gait of Stroke Patients
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020;():19031-
Objective:The knee joint in patients using a knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) is locked, and the lack of knee flexion can cause some problems in the gait, such as circumduction and excessive pelvic obliquity. Hence, a KAFO with knee flexion control was developed. This study aimed to compare the gait in stroke patients using KAFOs with a locked knee joint and a controlled knee joint.Methods:A newly developed electro-attractive-material (EAM) was used for the knee joint in the KAFO. The knee joint is locked in the stance phase, and released immediately after the manual switch is pushed by a physical therapist.The gait of seven stroke patients in the recovery phase was measured for KAFO with a locked knee joint (locked knee) and a controlled knee joint (EAM knee). For gait measurement, an inertial sensor, a foot switch, and an EMG sensor were used.Results:The velocity increased and the swing time decreased in the EAM-knee as compared to the locked knee. The abduction, external rotation, and extension of the hip joint decreased in the EAM knee. Increased activity of the rectus femoris muscle in the loading response, and decreased activity of the longissimus doris in the swing phase were observed in the EAM knee.Conclusions:It was suggested that EAM KAFO could improve the gait parameter and reduce the movement on the paretic side by compensatory motions in the swing phase, thereby reducing the muscle activity of the longissimus doris muscle.
4.Differences in the Kinematic and Kinetic Characteristics between Successful and Failed Sit-to-stand Trials in Patients with Stroke
Naoyuki MOTOJIMA ; Toshiyuki KOUNO ; Sumiko YAMAMOTO
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022;59(5):521-531
Objects:Sit-to-stand (STS) interventions are frequently used as part of stroke rehabilitation. This study aimed to clarify the kinematic and kinetic characteristics of patients recovering from stroke, who have difficulties with STS movement.Method:The participants included 26 stroke patients who struggled to complete the STS maneuver. Using a 3D motion analysis system, the kinematic and kinetic parameters during STS were retrospectively analyzed and compared between failed and successful trials. The kinematic parameters of the trunk and lower limbs were obtained within the seat-off phases, and the kinetic indices of the lower limbs were obtained from measurements taken before and after the seat-off phase. The weight-bearing ratio on the unaffected side was calculated from the vertical ground reaction forces.Results:In the successful trials, analyses of the parameters revealed more forward tilting of the pelvic and thoracic regions, a further forward and downward shift of the center of mass, and larger hip and knee extension moments than those of the failed trials. However, there was no difference in the weight-bearing ratio on the non-paralyzed side.Conclusion:This study revealed that the kinematic and kinetic properties of the STS maneuver differed between successful and failed trials among patients with stroke. The study therefore provides useful information for clinical evaluation and rehabilitation.
5.Differences in the Kinematic and Kinetic Characteristics between Successful and Failed Sit-to-stand Trials in Patients with Stroke
Naoyuki MOTOJIMA ; Toshiyuki KOUNO ; Sumiko YAMAMOTO
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022;():21048-
Objects:Sit-to-stand (STS) interventions are frequently used as part of stroke rehabilitation. This study aimed to clarify the kinematic and kinetic characteristics of patients recovering from stroke, who have difficulties with STS movement.Method:The participants included 26 stroke patients who struggled to complete the STS maneuver. Using a 3D motion analysis system, the kinematic and kinetic parameters during STS were retrospectively analyzed and compared between failed and successful trials. The kinematic parameters of the trunk and lower limbs were obtained within the seat-off phases, and the kinetic indices of the lower limbs were obtained from measurements taken before and after the seat-off phase. The weight-bearing ratio on the unaffected side was calculated from the vertical ground reaction forces.Results:In the successful trials, analyses of the parameters revealed more forward tilting of the pelvic and thoracic regions, a further forward and downward shift of the center of mass, and larger hip and knee extension moments than those of the failed trials. However, there was no difference in the weight-bearing ratio on the non-paralyzed side.Conclusion:This study revealed that the kinematic and kinetic properties of the STS maneuver differed between successful and failed trials among patients with stroke. The study therefore provides useful information for clinical evaluation and rehabilitation.
6.Effect of Plantarflexion Resistance of A New Adjustable Oil Damper Joint Ankle Foot Orthosis on Thorax and Pelvis in Gait after Stroke
Hua LING ; Sumiko YAMAMOTO ; Li-fei CAI ; Hao ZHOU
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice 2021;27(6):637-644
Objectives:To investigate the effects of different plantarflexion resistance of an ankle foot orthosis (AFO) on the motion of the thorax and pelvis during the gait of stroke patients. Methods:From June, 2020 to January, 2021, 26 stroke inpatients in Beijing Bo'ai Hospital wore AFO with oil damper (OD) ankle hinge, and measured thorax and pelvis during stroke gait under three plantarflexion resistance (OD1, OD2.5, OD4) of the AFO with a three-dimensional motion capture system. The main parameters were pelvic (P) and thoracic (T) angles at the following time or phases: initial contact (IC), contralateral foot off (CFO), contralateral initial contact (CIC), foot off (FO); the change of thoracic angle in gait cycle (Tcycle