1.A CT Simulator Phantom for Geometrical Test.
Chul Kee MIN ; Byong Yong YI ; Seung Do AHN ; Eun Kyung CHOI ; Hyesook CHANG
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2000;18(4):329-336
PURPOSE: To design and test the CT simulator phantom for geometrical test. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The PMMA phantom was designed as a cylinder which is 20 cm in diameter and 24 cm in length, along with a 25x25x31 cm3 rectangular parallelepiped. Radio-opaque wires of which diameter is 0.8 mm are attached on the other surface of the phantom as a spiral. The rectangular phantom was made of four 24x24x0.5 cm3 square plates and each plate had a 24x24 cm2, 12x12 cm2, 6x6 cm2 square line. The squares were placed to face the cylinder at angles 0degrees, 15degrees, 30degrees, respectively. The rectangular phantom made it possible to measure the field size, couch angle, the collimator angle, the isocenter shift and the SSD, the measurements of the gantry angle from the cylindrical part. A virtual simulation software, AcQSimTM, offered various conditions to perform virtual simulations and these results were used to perform the geometrical quality assurance of CT simulator. RESULTS: A 0.3~0.5 mm difference was found on the 24 cm field size which was created with the DRR measurements obtained by scanning of the rectangular phantom. The isocenter shift, the collimator rotation, the couch rotation, and the gantry rotation test showed 0.5~1 mm, 0.5~1degrees0.5~1degrees, and 0.5~ 1degreesdifferences, respectively. We could not find any significant differences between the results from the two scanning methods. CONCLUSION: The geometrical test phantom developed in the study showed less than 1 mm (or 1degrees) differences. The phantom could be used as a routine geometrical QC/QA tools, since the differences are within clinically acceptable ranges.
Polymethyl Methacrylate
Silver Sulfadiazine
2.Commissioning of a micro-MLC (mMLC) for Stereotactic Radiosurgery.
Dong Hyeok JEONG ; Kyo Chul SHIN ; Jeung Kee KIM ; Soo Kon KIM ; Sun Rock MOON ; Kang Kyoo LEE
Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2009;20(1):43-50
The 4 bank mico-MLC (mMLC; Acculeaf, Direx, Isral) has been commissioned for clinical use of linac based stereotactic radiosurgery. The geometrical parameters to control the leaves were determined and comparisons between measured and calculated by the calculation model were performed in terms of absolute dose (cGy/100 MU). As a result of evaluating calculated dose for various field sizes and depths of 5 and 10 cm in water in the geometric condition of fixed SSD (source to surface distance) and fixed SCD (source to chamber distance), most of differences were within 1% for 6 MV and 15 MV x-rays. The penumbral widths at the isocenter were approximately evaluated to 0.29~0.43 cm depending on the field size for 6 MV and 0.36~0.51 cm for 15 MV x-rays. The average transmission and leakage for 6 MV and 15 MV x-rays were 6.6% and 7.4% respectively in single level of leaves fully closed. In case of dual level of leaves fully closed the measured transmission is approximately 0.5% for both 6 MV and 15 MV x-rays. Through the commissiong procedure we could verify the dose characteristics of mMLC and approximately evaluate the error ranges for treatment planning system.
Silver Sulfadiazine
3.The dosimetric Properties of Electron Beam Using Lyon Intraoperative Device for Intraoperative Radiation Therapy.
Kye Jun KIM ; Kyung Ran PARK ; Jong Young LEE ; Hie Yeon KIM ; Ki Joon SUNG ; Sung Sil CHU
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1992;10(1):85-94
We have studied the dosimetric properties of electron beam using Lyon intraoperative device for intraoperative radiation therapy. The dosimetry data had compiled in such a way that a quick and correct decision regarding the cone shape, energy, and accurate calculations could be made. Using 3 dimensional water phantom, we have got the following data: cone output ratios, surface dose, dmax, dgo, flatness, symmetry, beam profiles, isodose curve, and SSD correction factors. The cone output ratios were measured with straight and bevelled cone, respectively. As the cone size and the energy were reduced, the cone output ratios decreased rapidly. With the flattening filter, the surface dose increased by electron beam to 85.3%, 89.2%, and 93.4%, for 6MeV, 9MeV, and 12MeV, respectively. It is important to increase the surface dose to 90% or more. Inspite of diminishing dose rate and beam penetration, this flattening filter increases the treatment volume significantly. With the combination of the three levels collimation and the flattening filter, we achieved good homogeneity of the beam and better flatness and the diameter of the 90% isodose curve was increased. It is important to increase the area that is included in the 90% isodose level. The value of measured and calculated SSD correction factors did not agree over the clinically important range from 100cm to 110cm .
Silver Sulfadiazine
4.A Comparison of Peripheral Doses Scattered from a Physical Wedge and an Enhanced Dynamic Wedge.
Jong Min PARK ; Hee Jung KIM ; Je Soon MIN ; Je Hee LEE ; Charn Il PARK ; Sung Joon YE
Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2007;18(3):107-117
In order to evaluate the radio-protective advantage of an enhanced dynamic wedge (EDW) over a physical wedge (PW), we measured peripheral doses scattered from both types of wedges using a 2D array of ion-chambers. A 2D array of ion-chambers was used for this purpose. In order to confirm the accuracy of the device, we first compared measured profiles of open fields with the profiles calculated by our commissioned treatment planning system. Then, we measured peripheral doses for the wedge angles of 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees at source to surface distances (SSD) of 80 cm and 90 cm. The measured points were located at 0.5 cm depth from 1 cm to 5 cm outside of the field edge. In addition, the measurements were repeated by using thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD). The peripheral doses of EDW were (1.4% to 11.9%) lower than those of PW (2.5% to 12.4%). At 15 MV energy, the average peripheral doses of both wedges were 2.9% higher than those at 6MV energy. At a small SSD (80 cm vs. 90 cm), peripheral dose differences were more recognizable. The average peripheral doses to the heel direction were 0.9% lower than those to the toe direction. The results from the TLD measurements confirmed these findings with similar tendency. Dynamic wedges can reduce unnecessary scattered doses to normal tissues outside of the field edge in many clinical situations. Such an advantage is more profound in the treatment of steeper wedge angles, and shorter SSD.
Silver Sulfadiazine
5.LiF TLD in TLD Holder for In Vivo Dosimetry.
Sookil KIM ; John J K LOH ; Byungnim MIN
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2001;19(3):293-299
PURPOSE: LiF TLD has a problem to be used in vivo dosimetry because of the toxic property of LiF. The aim of this study is to develop new dosimeter with LiF TLD to be used in vivo dosimetry. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We designed and manufactured the teflon box(here after TLD holder) to put TLD in. The external size of TLD holder is 4x4x1 mm3. To estimate the effect of TLD holder on TLD response for radiation, the linearity of TLD response to nominal dose were measured for TLD in TLD holder. Measurement were performed in the 10 MV x-ray beam with LiF TLD using a solid water phantom at SSD of 100 cm. Percent Depth Dose (PDD) and Tissue-Maximum Ratio (TMR) with varying phantom thickness on TLD were measured to find the effect of TLD holder on the dose coefficient used for dose calculation in radiation therapy. RESULTS: The linearity of response of TLD in TLD holder to the nominal dose was improved than TLD only used as dosimeter. And in various measurement conditions, it makes a marginnal difference between TLD in TLD holder and TLD only in their responses. CONCLUSION: It was proven that the TLD in TLD holder as a new dosimetry could be used in vivo dosimetry.
Silver Sulfadiazine
6.Development of Phantom and Comparison Analysis for Performance Characteristics of MOSFET Dosimeter.
Jin Beom CHUNG ; Jeong Woo LEE ; Yon Lae KIM ; Doo Hyun LEE ; Kyoung Sik CHOI ; Jae Sung KIM ; In Ah KIM ; Semie HONG ; Tae Suk SUH
Korean Journal of Medical Physics 2007;18(1):48-54
This study is to develope a phantom for MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductors Field Effect Transistors) dosimetry and compare the dosimetric properties of standard MOSFET and microMOSFET with the phantom. In this study, the developed phantom have two shape: one is the shape of semi-sphere with 10 cm diameters and the other one is the flat slab of 30 cm x 30 cm with 1 cm thickness. The slab phantom was used for calibration and characterization measurements of reproducibility, linearity and dose rate dependency. The semi-sphere phantom was used for angular and directional dependence on the types of MOSFETs. The measurements were conducted under 10 x 10 cm2 fields at 100 cm SSD with 6 MV photon of Clinac (21EX, Varian, USA). For calibration and reproducibility, five standard MOSFETs and microMOSFETs were repeatedly irradiated by 200 cGy five times. The average calibration factor was a range of 1.09+/-0.01~1.12+/-0.02 mV/cGy for standard MOSFETs and 2.81+/-0.03~2.85+/-0.04 mV/cGy for microMOSFETs. The response of reproducibility in the two types of MOSFETs was found to be maximum 2% variation. Dose linearity was evaluated in the range of 5 to 600 cGy and showed good linear response with R2 value of 0.997 and 0.999. The dose rate dependence of standard MOSFET and microMOSFET was within 1% for 200 cGy from 100 to 600 MU/min. For linearity, reproducibility and calibration factor, two types of MOSFETs showed similar results. On the other hand, the standard MOSFET and microMOSFET were found to be remarkable difference in angular and directional dependence. The measured angular dependence of standard MOSFET and microMOSFET was also found to be the variation of 13%, 10% and standard deviation of +/-4.4%, +/-2.1%. The directional dependence was found to be the variation of 5%, 2% and standard deviation of +/-2.1%, +/-1.5%. Therefore, dose verification of radiation therapy used multidirectional X-ray beam treatments allows for better the use of microMOSFET which has a reduced angular and directional dependence than that of standard MOSFET.
Silver Sulfadiazine
7.Study on the Reduction of Electron Contamination with A Cobalt-60 Gamma Ray.
Tae Kyu KIM ; Ha Chung CHUN ; Myung Za LEE
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1989;7(2):293-298
Electron contamination due to the interaction between radiation beam and material was analyzed for the factors such as source-skin distance(SSD), field size, tray characteristics and position of filter, which can affect the surface dose in Cobalt teletherapy. Surface dose in open beam was more influenced by SSD with increasing field size. Relative surface charge(RSC) increased with the use of tray(solid, circular hole, slotted), compared with open beam, which is thought to be doe to increased electron contamination of the tray. To reduce the surface dose, 0.4mm thick Lipowitz metal filter was used. Compared with open beam, RSC decreased by 8.8%, 11.3%, 13.3%, 16.6%, 19.3% and 21.7% for the field size of 5x5, 10x10, 15x15, 20x20, 25x25 and 30x30 cm2, respectively. On the contrary, use of Lipowitz metal filter increased RSC at 60cm or less SSD. Suface dose was effectively reduced with Lpowitz metal filter placed right below solid tray in Cobalt teletherapy.
Gamma Rays*
Silver Sulfadiazine
8.High Energy Photon Beam Modeling Using Transport Theory for Calculation of Absorbed Dose Distribution.
Dong Rak CHOI ; Ha Chung CHUN ; Myung Za LEE
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1992;10(1):115-120
A mathematical model is presented for the calculation of the depth absorbed dose in water phantom irradiated by high energy Photon beam(10MV X-ray), based on transport theory. The parameters of this model are obtained from the experimental values which were simulated by non-linear regression process method. The calculated absorbed dose distribution is extended to 3-D by using trial function from beam profile field sizes, SSD and depth in water phantom irradiated by high energy Photon beam. The calculated values using this model are in good agreement with the measured values.
Models, Theoretical
Silver Sulfadiazine
9.The experimental measurements of the effects of field size and shadow tray on the relative surface doses for Co-60 and 10 MV X-ray beams
In Wook CHOO ; Cham Il PARK ; Man Chung HAN
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1981;17(3):555-561
It is well known that high energy X and r-ray have high penetration power in tussue, but have lower survacedose which is called the “skin sparing effect”. However, the surface dose can be increased significantly by excessive electron contamination and it is an important factor intreatment planning in the presence of a blocktray, especially in isocentric set-up. So relaltive surface doses for 10MV-X-ray and Co-60 r-ray were measuredwith various field sizes and SSD with or withoug 1/4" lucite shadow tray, present in the beams, using pancakechamber and polystylene phantom. The results obtained are as follows. 1. A rapid increase in surface dose isapparant with increasing field size in 10MV X-ray and Co-60 r-ray. 2. high surface dose is evident for smallerdistance from the tray, so at least 25cm of skin shadow tray distance for 10MV X-ray and 20cm for Co-60 are desirable. 3. Utilization of either bolus for treatment field or electron boost should be considered in treatmentof superificial nodal disease. 4. A tray using an intermediate or high z No. filter can be reduced the surfacedose significantly.
Polymethyl Methacrylate
Silver Sulfadiazine
10.A Case of Recurrent Pancreatitis Induced by Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Re-Exposure.
Tae Young PARK ; Hyoung Chul OH ; Jae Hyuk DO
Gut and Liver 2010;4(2):250-252
A 32-year-old man presented with epigastric pain. He had a previous episode of acute pancreatitis of undetermined cause 2 years earlier. The patient had taken trimethoprim (80 mg) and sulfamethoxazole (400 mg) twice daily because of acute urethritis 3 days prior to admission. No definite cause of acute pancreatitis could be identified on baseline studies. A thorough history-taking revealed that the patient had an episode of acute pancreatitis while taking trimethoprim (80 mg) and sulfamethoxazole (400 mg) twice daily for 2 weeks for prostatitis prior to the previous admission. Therefore, a cause-and-effect relationship between trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) and repeated episodes of pancreatitis was highly suggested. The patient was presumably diagnosed as TMP-SMX-induced pancreatitis. The final diagnosis was TMP-SMX-induced pancreatitis. Since drugs are rare causes of acute pancreatitis and the diagnosis of drug-induced pancreatitis is difficult to establish, we report this interesting case along with a review of medical literature.
Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole Drug Combination