1.Effect of Some Immunosuppressive Agents on the Survival of Experimental Skin Homografts in Rats.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1970;8(2):23-29
Anti-rat lymphocyte rabbit serum was prepared with lymphoid tissue of rat spleen. Prednisolone, Imuran and this antiserum were used to prolong the survival of full-thickness sliin homograft in albino rats. The results were as follows. l. Administratio of tle anti-rat lymphocyte rabbit serum in a dose of 0. 3cc for 2 days before grafting and 0. 3cc every 3 days until rejection resulted in prolongation of the, urvival of the grafts. (Mean, 15.3 days) 2. Administration of preInisolone to the recipients in a dose of 2mg/kg/day from 7 days Iielore grafting to the time of rejection resulted in prolongation of survival of the, rafts. (Mean, 8.4 days) 3. Adminitration of Imuran to the reciipients in a dose of 5mg/kg/day from 7 day defore gvafting to the time cif rejection resulted in prolongation of the survival of ther afts. (Mean,14.6 days)
Immunosuppressive Agents*
Lymphoid Tissue
2.A Study on the Cell - Mediated Immunity of Patients with Apopic Dermatitis.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1981;19(1):69-75
Many investigators have attempted to elucidate the basic pathogenic mechanisms of atopic dermatitis through clinical and laboratory investigations and have no longer attached to the etiological significance to IgE which is known to be a mediator of the so-called atopic diseases. In recent years, many authors have reported some abnormalities not onIy in the humoral but also in cellular immune status of patients with atopic dermatitis. although such findings are more or less controversial. (countinued..)
Dermatitis, Atopic
Immunoglobulin E
Research Personnel
3.Xerderma Pigmentosum: Report of a Case.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1974;12(3):187-190
A case of xeroderma pigmentosum complicated with squamous cell carcinoma is presented. A 15 year old male has had a history of a single walnut-sized tumorous growth of 6 months duration on tip of his nose and multiple light to dark brown pigmented macules on face, ears, neck, upper chest, extensor surface of both foreams and dorsal hands of about 14 years duration, recognizable photosensitivity of the cutaneous lesions and photophobia and lacrimation since early childhood. Xeroderma pigrnentosum was suspected under clinical background. Biopsy was performed on the facial pigmented lesions and on the tumorous mass on the nose, which revealed xeroderma pigmentosum and squamous cell carcinoma, respectively. The tumor was excised totally under local 2% procaine anesthesia, resulting in healing with scar formation and no recurrence was observed during 6 month's follow up. Dermabrasion of the entire face was done, with complete removal of the xerodermic skin lesions, but they all recurred after about 1 month.
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Follow-Up Studies
Xeroderma Pigmentosum
4.Study on the Basement Membrane.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1970;8(2):3-15
One hundred and four biopsy specimens of various dermatoses were stained with Periodic Acid-Schiff and examined. The lesions were grouped into five groups; A. twenty two cases of vesicob-ullous diseases; B. twenty one cases of maculopapulosquamous diseases; C. eighteen cases of chronic granulomatous infection; D. seventeen cases of precancerosis and benign and malignant neoplasms; and E. twenty six cases of miscellaneous skin diseases. Special attention was given to the morph-ological changes of the dermoepidermal junction and the basement membrane. The results were as follows. 1. Among 10 cases of erythema multiforme, partial fraying appeared in 4 cases, partial thicken-ing in 4 and hyperchromasia in 4. Marked convolution was noted in the thickened basement membrane. PAS-positive material was scattered in the edemateus papillary dermis in some cases. 2. All of 6 cases of pemphigus erythematosus and pemphigus vulgaris showed normal basement membrane. 3, In bullous pemphigoid, partial absence in the areas of bulla formation appeared in 2 cases am-ong 3 cases. PAS positive material was present within the bullae and in the upper dermis. 4. All of 3 cases of dermatitis herpetiformis showed partial absence or fraying, 5. Half of 10 cases of psoriasis showed normal basement membrane. Among the remainder, fraying and partial thickening appeared in 3 and 2 cases respectively. 6. Among 6 cases of lichen planus, almsot total absence appeared in 2 cases and fraying in 3 cases. PAS positive material appeared focally in the upper dermis in some cases. 7. Four of 5 cases of pityriasis rubra pilaris showed diffuse thickening and marked convolution ef the basement membrane. 8. Half of 4 cases of lupus vulgaris showed normal basement membrane. Fraying and partial thickening appeared in 2 and 2 cases respectively. 9. All but 1 among 5 cases of lepromatous leprosy showed poor staining and poor visualization of the basement membrane. 10. One case of tuberculoid leprosy showed partial fraying, partial thickening and hyperchromasia with marked convolution, among 5 cases. il. Among 4 cases of condyloma latum, only one showed partial fraying. 12. One of 3 cases of senile keratosis showed partial fraying of the basemement membrane. 13. One case of Bowens disease showed partial thickening and hyperchromasia among 3 cases. PAS-positive material was present focally in the upper dermis in some cases. 14. All of 6 cases of basal cell carcinoma, showed normal basement membrane. PAS-positive ma-terial were present focally in the uppermoet dermis in some vases. 15. All of 3 cases of squamous cell carcinoma showed total absence of the basement membrane. 16. All of the 2 cases of keratoacanthoma showed partial fraying. 17. Among 10 cases of chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, 9 cases showed partial thickening and hyperchromasia with marked convolution of the basement membrane. Two cases showed partial fraying in areas of marked liquefaction degeneration of the basal cells. PAS positive material appe-ared in the uppermost dermis in some cases. 18. All of 3 cases of fixed drug eruption, 2 cases of seborrheic keratosis and 6 cases of verrucae showed normal basement membrane. 19. One case of poikiloderma atrophicans vasculare showed partial fraying, among 2 cases. 20. All of 2 cases of chronic radiodermatitis showed diffuse thickening and hyperchramasia. The thickened basement membrane showed marked convolution focally.
Basement Membrane*
Bowen's Disease
Carcinoma, Basal Cell
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Drug Eruptions
Erythema Multiforme
Keratosis, Seborrheic
Leprosy, Lepromatous
Leprosy, Tuberculoid
Lichen Planus
Lupus Erythematosus, Discoid
Lupus Vulgaris
Pemphigoid, Bullous
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris
Skin Diseases
7.A Case of Subepodermal Calcifid Nodules.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1976;14(2):173-178
Subepiderral calcified nodules is a special form of idiopathic calcinosis circumscripta with its distinct clinical and histopathologic features, which was originally described by Winer(1952) as solitary congenital no3ular czlcification of the skin. Although the lesions are usually solitary and congenital, subs aquent investigators reported multiple lesions and later onset. Clinically, th. leions are small hard. yellowish-white warty nodules developed. usually on the face and mostly in children and histopathologically are subepidermal calcified mass with s cvn4ry epidermal changes. Although the pathogenesis is still unexplained, it s seems that the disease is not associated with any systemic or cutaneous disease or any biochemial abnormalities. We present a first recorded case of subepidermal calcified no3ules developed on the left the a Korasn female, aged 23, which has been present for 7 years. Shave biopsy showed typical histopathologic and histochemical features of the subpidermal calcified nodules. Literature were reviewed.
Research Personnel
8.A Clinical Investigation of Patients with Psoriasis.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(1):43-51
Psoriasis is one of the relatively common cutaneous disorders, affecting 0.1% to 3.0% of the general population in the world. However, it is recorded that the disease is characterized by its highly variable clinical manifestations and incidence influenced by the racial, geographic and environmental factors. There is a dearth of information for the incidence and clinical manifestations of psoriasis, with the exception of two small-scale and one questionnaire surveys in Korea. This study was aimed to investigate the clinical manifestations and clinic incidence of psoriasis and was based on analysis of 301 psoriatics seen between January, 1978 and August, 1981 (3 years and 8 months) at the Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University Hospital. The results were summarized as follows; 1. In this series of 301 patients, 50.5%(152) were male and 49.5%(149) were female. No significance was attached to the sex preponderance. More than three quarters were aged between 20 and 29 years. 2. The mean age of onset in male was 25.7 years and in female it was 23.0 years, indicating a slightly earlier onset in female. The peak age of incidence in male was between 20 and 29 years and in female, between 10 and 19 years. 3. The mean duration of t.he diseases for the total sample was 7.9 years.
9.A case of imflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nervus.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(1):107-111
Inflammatory linear verrueous epidermal nevus (ILVEN) first mentioned by Unna in 1896 is a rare variant of epidermal nevus characterized clinically by early onset in childhood, moderate to marked pruritus and persistent clinical course and histopathologically by predominant features of a chronic dermatitis or psoriasis. We present tbe first recorded case of a typical ILVEN developed in a 20-year-old Korean male, who has had an intensely pruritic linear verrucous patch, involving the entire length of the posterior aspeet of right upper extremity, volar aspect of right thumb and nails of ind.ex and ring finger since 5 years. Microscopic examination of the skin, biopsy specimens from the lesion on the right elbow joint area and the palm showed hyperkeratosis witb focal parakeratosis, moderate to marked acanthosis and elongation of rete ridges and papilla with mild exocytosis and moderate perivascular lymphocytic infiltration. Literature were reviewed.
Elbow Joint
Upper Extremity
Young Adult
10.Study on Peripheral T - Cell Pepulation in Parients with Leprosy.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1978;16(1):3-7
It is generally believed that the defense against mycobacterium leprae is largely mediated through cell-mediated immunity(CMI) and several investigators have reported a defective CMI in patients with leprosy. especially the lepromatous from. This study was undertaken to ennumerate the peripheral T-cell population in leprosy patients for evaluation of one aspect of its immune status. Fiftu-two patients with leprosy(26 tuberculoid, 17 active lepromatous, 9 inactive lepromatous) entered in this study. All the patients are under regular antileprosy chemotherapy for varing periods(10 months to 14 years). Peripheral blood T0lymphocytes were enumerated by the E-rosette technique and compared with normal healthy control. The results were as follows: The mean T-cell percentage in peripheral blood was 50.6% in 17 active lepromatous leprosy patients, 62.2% in 9 inactive lepromatous leprosy patients, 67.7% in 26 tuberculoid patients and 69.5% in 17 normal healthy controls, There was marked decrease in the peripheral T-cell ratio in active lepromatous group (p<0,005) and less marked decrease in inactive lepromatous group (0.01.
Drug Therapy
Leprosy, Lepromatous
Mycobacterium leprae
Research Personnel