1.A Case of Subepodermal Calcifid Nodules.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1976;14(2):173-178
Subepiderral calcified nodules is a special form of idiopathic calcinosis circumscripta with its distinct clinical and histopathologic features, which was originally described by Winer(1952) as solitary congenital no3ular czlcification of the skin. Although the lesions are usually solitary and congenital, subs aquent investigators reported multiple lesions and later onset. Clinically, th. leions are small hard. yellowish-white warty nodules developed. usually on the face and mostly in children and histopathologically are subepidermal calcified mass with s cvn4ry epidermal changes. Although the pathogenesis is still unexplained, it s seems that the disease is not associated with any systemic or cutaneous disease or any biochemial abnormalities. We present a first recorded case of subepidermal calcified no3ules developed on the left the a Korasn female, aged 23, which has been present for 7 years. Shave biopsy showed typical histopathologic and histochemical features of the subpidermal calcified nodules. Literature were reviewed.
Research Personnel
2.A Study on the Relationship between the Awareness of Blood Program and the Blood Donation Experience.
Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion 1996;7(2):153-161
In this study, the relationship between the awareness of blood program and the blood donation experience has been studied to know whether they corelate or not. The awareness of blood program was divided into 4 areas of knowledge and measured: the eligibilityt of blood donation, knowledge about blood, blood donation program, and general facts about blood donation. The experience of blood donation was divided into 3 groups: the registered donor, the non-registered donor, and the nondonor. The result in this study shows that the awareness of blood program is related with 3 factors, such as the eligibility of blood donation, blood donation program, and general facts about blnation. The difference in this case is significant at 0.05 level. However the knowledge about the blood is not corelated with blood donation experience, but only with sex(P<0.05). These results suggest that stable blood supply should be realized by securing new donors and by estsablishing of fdonor registration system. This is realized by the stir up the level of awareness and interest of blood program through strengthening public relations.
Blood Donors*
Public Relations
Tissue Donors
3.A Case of Accidental Vaccinia.
Jin Hyok KIM ; Sook Ja SON ; Won Suk KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1979;17(1):87-91
Accidental vaccinia may occur either in a recently vaccinated person through autoinoculation by veticular fluid or in a person who is in close personal contact with a recently vaccinated person. Accidental vaccinia occurs most co@mmonly on the eyelid, lips, nose or vulva. An outbreak of similar lesions in a family is unusual. We presented a case of accidental vaccinia in a 29-year old married woman. She has been relatively well until 5 days prior to visit, when she began developed painful grouped papules with central umbilication around both mammary areolas and nipples and marked painful swelling of both axillary lymphnodes. Family history revealed that her baby has also suffered from vesicopustuIar eruptions on upper lip 10 days before her onset and her nephew had similar skin eruption on left index finger for the last 1 week. Contact tracing revealed her neighboring child who was smallpox vaccinated inoculated her baby and then she was contracted from her baby, so-called, third hand vaccinia. Physical examination was not remarkable and laboratory findings were within normal limit. The biopsy finding showed findings consistent with viral infection. After symptomatic treatment and daily dressing, the akin lesion has completly healed in about 2 weeks.
Contact Tracing
Physical Examination
4.Therapeutic Trial of BCG in Patients with Psoriasis.
Myung sil KIM ; Sook Ja SON ; Won Suk KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1975;13(1):25-31
There have been reported some important findings in immunology of psoriasis, such as lower than normal level of IgM, defective humoral immune, responsiveness to newly administered antigens during cytotoxic drug therapy, lower than normal incidence of active sensitization with DNCB, prolonged skin heterograft survival and presence of anti-IgG antibody in peripheral lymphocytes. These findings are strongly suggestive of some humoral as well as cellular immunne dysfunction in patients with psoriasis. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of BCG, a potent nonspecific immune stimulator, in patierts with psoriasis. Total 41 cases of more than 2 years' duration of illness and with widespread involvement and having had history of various previous treatment were slelcted at the Department of Dermatology, National Medical Center during October, 1973 and October, 1974, Liquid BCG(manufactured by NIH, Korea) was administered intradermally in a starting dose of 0.1 ml(0.01 mg in dry weight) weekly. The dosage of BCG was increased to 0.3 or 0.5ml after 3 or 5 injections and this dosage was maintained until some clinical changes were observed. The mean injection time to each patient was 20. 7.The results were as follows: 1. Eighteen cases showed no therapeutic response or aggravation of the lesions. 2. Six cases showed good therapeutic effect, resulting in only a few small lesions remained on elbows, knees or scalp areas. 3. Fourteen cases showed excellent therapeutic effect, that is complete disappearance of the lesions. During 2 to 6 months'follow up period, 7 cases showed relapse and the remainders are still under observation. The mechanism of influence of BCG on the clinical course of psoriatic patients is not determined, however, possible mechanism was discussed.
Allergy and Immunology
Drug Therapy
Immunoglobulin M
Mycobacterium bovis*
5.The Factors Influencing on Employment Stress of University Students.
Eun Kyung BYUN ; Suk Ja YOON ; Kyung Hee KIM
Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing 2014;23(3):146-153
PURPOSE: This study examined to explore factors influencing on employment stress of university students. METHODS: The data were collected by structured questionnaires to students who agreed to be the subjects of this study. And 230 cases were finally analyzed. T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression were conducted for data analysis using SPSS/WIN 18.0. RESULTS: Significant differences revealed in age, department of major, residental type and school year on employment stress by general characteristics. Also, employment stress showed negative correlation with self-esteem, and satisfaction in major. Self-esteem and satisfaction in major, department of major were confirmed as a factors influencing on employment stress and accounted for 36% of the variance. CONCLUSION: Further studies that discover factors influencing on employment stress of university students are needed, and also practical programs are necessary to decrease employment stress of university students.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Statistics as Topic
6.Serodiagnosis of Syphilis.
Sook Ja SON ; Won Suk KIM ; Sung Ham PARK
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1975;13(4):271-279
The serodiagnostic test of syphilis employed with the greatest freguency in this country is the VDRL procedure which is one of the flocculation test utilizing cardiolipin-lecithin as an antigen. As well known, the immunologically nonspecific nature of this test relegates it only to screening test, so that all the sera displaying weakly reactive or reactive VDRL in the absence of definite evidence of present or past syphilis should be confirmed by using the specific treponemal antigen tests. However, there are only lirnited numbers of institutions at which the specific treponemal antigen tests are carried out, because the tests usually need quite coaiplicatnl technology and specifically trained personnel. The Treponema. pallidum hema.gglutination assay (TPHA) which was first described by Rathlev in 1965 and established as more improved and standardized procedure in serodia,gnosis of syphilis by Tornizaxva and Kasamatsu (1966) has been found to h as sensitive and specific as the technically more complicated Fluorescent treponemaI antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) or Treponema pallidum immobilization (TPI) po cedure by rnany investigators from different parts of the world during these 10 years. The TPHA has also been found to have definite advantage over the other tests because it is easy to perform and economic. The present authors felt. that the TPHA meight be the most reasonable method to be used in this country and decided to evaluate it in the serodiagnosis of problem cases. Sera from 516 presumed normal persons, 686 pregnant women ancl 1345 patients with various diseases other than syphilis were screened with the standard VDRL procedure as described and recommanded by USPHS. Out of these, 475 of t.he presumed normal persons, 646 of the pregnant women and 1243 of the patient group wit;h various diseases other than syphilis v;ere serologically nonreactive and 10, 12 and Rl sera from each of the above groups, respectively, were found to be true syphilitc with definite evidence of clinical signs or history of syphilis. Thirty-one out of the presumed normal persons, 28 out of the pregnant women and 71 out of the patient group with various diseases other than syphilis showed either weakly reactive or reactive VDRI, in undiluted sera without definite evidence of syphilis and these 130 sera from 130 persons were the subject of the present study. The TPHA was carried out on these 130 sera. according to the ma.nual MEA-TP instructed by National Institute of Health, Japan. The reagents used in this study rvere rnanufactured and supplied hy the Fujizoki Pharmaceutical Co. Ten (32.3%) out of the R1 sera from preaumed normal persons, 11 (39.4%) out of the 28 sera from pregna.nt women a.nd 28 (69.4%) out of the patient group with various disea ses other then syphilis showed reactive TPHA. Eighty-seven of the total 130 sera showed weakly reactive VDRL so called rough result and 19 (21.8%) Of these 87 sera showed reactive TPHA, while 30(69.8%) of the 43 sera which showed reactive VDRL were found to be TPHA reactive. These results arc in general agreement with those of other investigators confirmed by the more complicated FTA-ABS or TPI. The overall incidence of syphilis was 3.87%, 3.35% and 4.38% in presumed normal persons, in pregnant women and in patient group with various diseases other than syphilis respectively. Considering the relative lack of study concerning to the false positive reactions in this country, these results may be helpful to the clinician to rnake a cert.ain diagnostic decision when they meet such a patient whose VDRL is weakly reactive or reactive in the absence of definite evidence of syphilis. The authors concluded that: the MHA-TP technique is easy in performance, economic and highly specific in serodiagnosis and that this technique is highly recommanded in this country. * The authors thank Fujizoki Pharrnaceutical Company, Tokyo, Japan which provided the TPHA reagents used in this study.
False Positive Reactions
Flocculation Tests
Indicators and Reagents
Mass Screening
Pregnant Women
Research Personnel
Serologic Tests*
Treponema pallidum
United States Public Health Service
7.Computed tomography in the evaluation of thoracic and lumbar spinal fracture
Byung Tae KIM ; Chi Ja CHO ; Jeung Suk LEE
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1983;19(4):882-890
The accurate diagnosis of spine trauma is essential to its proper management, since therapeutic decisionsdepend on radiography and clinical data. Failure to recognize significant injury to the spine can lead to severeneurological deficit in the previously neulogically intact patient. The developmemt of CT has open a new demensionin evaluation of spinal column. In our experience CT not only offer the accurate and thorough evaluation of spinalinjury, but does so in a rapid and more efficient manner when compared with conventional radiolgraphy. CT hasbecome the diagnostic procedure of choice when screening plain film and clinical examination indecate that acomprehensive radiographic evaluation is necessary. Eighteen patients with thoracic and lumber spinal fracturewere studied with CT. Four had multiple level injuries. The resuls are summerized as follow; 1. Among the 18patients, 4 had multiple level injuries and other 14 patients had single spinal injury. 2. 8 patients (11 spines)had simple compression fracture and 12 patients (13 spines) had burst fracture of vertebral body. 3. 15 spinesamong the 24 involved spines are located at T12 and L1 level. 4. Spineal canal narrowing and bony fragment in thecanal are defiend only 7 of 13 spines (53.8%) of burst fracture in conventional radiography. However CT showed inall spines of burst fracture. 5. Spinal posterior element involvement is suggested only one of 12 spines of burstfracture, but correctly interpretated by CT in 7 spines(11 anatomical position).
Fractures, Compression
Mass Screening
Spinal Fractures
Spinal Injuries
8.Computer tomography (CT) finding of normal pancreas
Chi Ja CHO ; Byung Tae KIM ; Jeung Suk LEE
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 1983;19(4):767-775
Conventional radiology of the pancreas are too often unsatisfactory. It is well known that the whole body CTis very useful in identifying retroperitoneal pathology. The authors intended to present normal pancreaticmorphology and data for preparation of basis for interpretation o abnormalities. We results were as follows; 1.There were 36 male and 24 female patients, and their ages ranged fro 7 to 78 years. 2. 1) The organs adjacentpancreas were stomach, inferior vena cava, duodenum, caudate lobe of the liver left kidney, left adrenal gland,superior mesenteric vessels, spleen. 2) In 19 patients, pancreatic tail at the level of left kidney in thetransverse plane, it was either ventral in 13(68%), ventromedial in 2(19%), ventrolateral in 4(21%) to leftkidney, in the other ventral in 13(68%), ventromedial in 2(19%), ventrolateral in 4(21%) ot left kidney, in theother 41 patients, it was cranial to the upper pole of left kidney, ventral in 15(61%), ventromedial in 1(2%),ventrolateral in 15(37%). 3) Pancreatic tail was cranial to the pancreatic body, 3cm cranial in 2(4%), 2-3cm in5(8%), 1-2cm in 6(10%), less than 1cm in 11(18%). In the other, caudal in 3(5%). 3. Pancreatic shape was uniformtapering form in 37(62%), lobulated form in 23(38%). 4. Pancreatic orientation was horizontal in 13(22%), vertical56(76%), S-shaped in 1(2%). 5. Pancreatic margin was smooth in 22(37%), lobulated in 38(63%). 6. In most patients,pancrease was uniform in density. 7. Pancreatic size was 0.5+-0.1 in measurement ratio of the head in 48(80%),0.4+-0.1 of the body in 49(88%), 0.5+-0.1 of the tail in 47(78%).
Vena Cava, Inferior
9.A statistical analysis of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus.
Yong Woon PAIK ; Ji Suk KIM ; Yun Joo CHEUNG ; Suk Ja PARK ; Hung KIM
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(5):645-653
No abstract available.
Methicillin Resistance*
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus*
10.Nitroblue Tetrazolium dye Reduction Test (NBT) in Patients with Pulmonary and Skin Tuberculosis.
Eun Sook BANG ; Sook Ja SON ; Myung Sil KIM ; Won Suk KIM ; Choong Sang KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(1):21-26
No abstract available.
Nitroblue Tetrazolium*
Tuberculosis, Cutaneous*