1.Drug abuse pregnancy.
Korean Journal of Perinatology 1993;4(1):3-14
No abstract available.
Substance-Related Disorders*
2.Review of drug addiction related crimes in Vietnam - Causes and Solution
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;(2):29-34
The drug addiction related crimes have been increasing rapidly and drug addiction related crimes caused many serious social outcomes. The addicts were increasingly and occurred in the schools and colleges. The drug smuggle was increasingly. The strike on the criminal control was very bad. This paper introduced some solutions such as strengthen the education and communication of the disadvantages of drug, renovation of socio-economy for making the new jobs and perfection of the law system.
Substance-Related Disorders
3.Primarily results of model of community based drug addiction withdrawal
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):27-29
The Central Mental Hospital combined with communes to establish 6 subdivisions of drug addiction withdrawal. The rate of drug addiction in communes was 0,31 and occurred mainly in Youth. After 10 days of treatment, almost of addicts had no addictive crisis and came their home. However, there were some difficulties for model of community based drug addiction withdrawal, including addict’s management, isolation, participation of social organizations, existance of addictive focuses, which lead the high relapsed addiction.
Substance-Related Disorders
Substance Withdrawal Syndrome
4.Adolescent Substance Abuse.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2003;46(Suppl 3):S487-S494
No abstract available.
Substance-Related Disorders*
5.The contribution to the diagnosis of the infected pseudoaneurysm in drug addicts
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):21-24
The infected pseudoaneurysm in drug addicts was indentified in 48 patients (46 men and 2 women), with a mean age of 39.6 years. The cause of lesions was associated by three elements: vascular trauma, chemical abuse and bacteria. The patients were hospitalized for two clinical presentations: - Non - ruptured pseudoaneurysm (10.2%): the standard diagnostic consisted of Doppler sonography or duplex sonography. - Ruptured pseudoaneurysm (89.9%), the dianostic is generally easy with clinical symptoms.
Aneurysm, False
Substance-Related Disorders
6.Some discussion of clinical features of drug-addictive crisis
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):25-27
Study on 11 men with drug-addiction, the authors showed that clinical symptoms of the drug abusers in the narcotic crisis were very severity (sleep disorders, mood disorders, crispastions, Hallucinations and differential somal disorders), the main drugs being abused now are opium and opioid substances. The authors evaluated primary effects of neuroleptical drugs on the intervention of narcotic crisis such as Haloperidol, Tisercin, and Aminazin…
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Substance-Related Disorders
7.Situation of HIV, HBV and HCV infection among the drug addictive prisoners in prisons in Thanh Hoa province in 2000
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):40-42
This study aimed to determine the rate of HIV, BBC and HCV infection and some risk factors of infections among prisoner in 5 prisons in Thanh Hãa during 4/2000 - 7/2001. The results showed that the rates of HIV, HBV and HCV infection were 15.7%, 22.9% and 61.9%, respectively. The risk factors included tutoring, repeated use of syringe and needle, improper sterilization of syringes and duration of drug addiction more than 12 months. The intercourse before marriage, blood transfusion influenced unclearly on the HIV, HBV and HCV infection
Substance-Related Disorders
8.To learn some social-psychological factors relating to drug addiction of the teenage at Ba vi drug addiction rehabilitation center, Ha noi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;505(3):52-54
A study on 55 people aged from 15 to 20 years old (36 males and 19 females) were conducted at Ba Vi Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Center, Ha Noi and other 45 people (25 males and 20 females aged from 17-19 years) who are at grade 12 Dinh Tien Hoang High school, Dong Da district, Ha noi did not use drug addiction served as control group. The result showed that: they start using drug addiction since too young with reasons as: curiousness, mimic and attracted by friends. If they are drug addiction, they also are cigarette addiction. The abnormal behaviour often seen among them: parents’ opposition and leave home overnight. These teenage often live in the family which there is conflict between parents, lack of pay attention on their children, so crude on education method. Most of them have friends who are drug addiction and live in the area where a lot of drug addiction as well as drug addiction sellers were seen.
Substance-Related Disorders
9.Biomedical and biosocial among HIV/AIDS infected addicts
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):55-28
This study involved 606 HIV/AIDS infected addicts and 371 addicts with negative HIV/AIDS (control) in 8 provinces in the North, Central and South of Vietnam, where have high rate of HIV/AIDS infection and drug addiction. Results showed that the immunodeficiency was a predominant biochemical feature among HIV/AIDS infected addicts. Young age, low of standard of living, poor knowledge of HIV/AIDS and unsafe behaviors were predominant biosocial features among addicts. There was obvious relation between some social features and immune changes among HIV/AIDS infected addicts. There was no significant changes of behavious of HIV/AIDS infected addicts. The model of reduction of bad impact had a good outcome
Substance-Related Disorders
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
10.Some epidemiological features of infected pseudoaneurysm in addicts
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;12():27-31
Infected pseudoaneurysm in drug addicts is a new pathology in our country. Total 48 patients were treated in the Cho Ray Hospital from July 1992 to August 1998. There were 46 men (95.8%) and 2 women (4.2%), with ages ranging from 23 to 49 years (mean 39.6 years). More than half of patients (60.4%) lives in big cities. 83.3% of them had a long history of drug abuse from 10 years to more than 20 years.
Aneurysm, False
Epidemiologic Studies
Substance-Related Disorders