1.The Effect of Morning Stretching on Depression and Motivation of Rehabilitation for Stroke Patients.
Sohyune SOK ; Kyung Soon YANG ; Kwuy Bun KIM
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2005;17(4):573-582
PURPOSE: This study was to examine the effect of morning stretching on depression and motivation of rehabilitation for stroke patients. METHOD: Design of this study was noneqivalent control pre-test post-test design. Subjects were total 62 patients (Experimental: 30 subjects, Control: 32 subjects) being hospitalized for stroke in a national medical center. Measures were CES-D for depression and PAREMO for motivation of rehabilitation. Data were collected from 1st March to 30th July, 2004. Data have been processed using SPSS/WIN 11.0. RESULTS: The results of this study were as followings: 1) Experimental group was showed lower level of depression than that of control group (t=8.934, P=.000). 2) Experimental group was showed higher motivation of rehabilitation than control group (t=-12.43, P=.000). CONCLUSION: As a result, it was confirmed that morning stretching which was intervened in this study was one of the nursing intervention that lowers the level of depression and promotes motivation of rehabilitation for stroke patients, that helps to improve their psychological and mental problems.
2.Comparison with Importance and Performance in Rehabilitation Nursing Needs Perceived by Stroke Patients Admitted to a Rehabilitation Hospital and Nurses.
Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing 2016;19(1):30-42
PURPOSE: This study compared the importance and performance of rehabilitation nursing needs perceived by stroke patients and nurses. METHODS: A total of 275 subjects were divided into two groups. One group was 136 stroke patients and the other was 139 nurses. Data were collected with the Rehabilitation Nursing Service Inventory. The data were analyzed by t-test and ANOVA using the SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. RESULTS: The degree of importance and performance in rehabilitation nursing needs perceived by the stroke patients were 3.69±0.47 and 3.48±0.50, respectively, showing a significant difference (t=21.04, p<.001). The degree of importance and performance perceived by nurses were 3.84±0.42 and 3.60±0.45, respectively, showing a significant difference (t=26.53, p<.001). A significant difference in the degree of importance and performance in rehabilitation nursing needs was also observed between stroke patients and nurses (t=-2.78, p=.006; t=-2.12, p=.035). CONCLUSION: These findings showed that there was a perception gap between stroke patients and nurses. Therefore, it will necessary to identify methods for reducing this perception gap and developing rehabilitation nursing intervention considering the rehabilitation nursing needs of stroke patients.
Health Services Needs and Demand
Rehabilitation Nursing*
3.The Effects of Ward Exercise Program on the Improvement of Activity of Daily Living in Patients Who have Stroke.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 1995;2(1):87-102
This study was conducted with the subject of showing the importance of early rehabilitation and exercise therapy in patients who have stroke, of confirming the advantage of ward exercise conducted by nurse, which had been conducted mainly by physical therapist only in physical therapy room and of developing the exercise program as the independent rehabilitation nursing intervention. A total of 62 patients were selected as object from April, 5th, to May, 17th, 1995, who had been hospitalized in K medical center, and the half of them were assigned to Experimental group in random assignment using a coin. It was ADL check list tool developed by Kang and Ward Exercise Program developed by the researcher that were used as a treatment. Ward Exercise Program was conducted by the researcher and the physical therapist measured ADL score before and after Ward Exercise program. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, pearson correlation, Chi-Square test and the effect of Ward Exercise Program was analyzed by t-test. The result of this study is as follows : 1. The experimental group showed eminent improvement of ADL compared with the counter group with statistical significance. In eating(t=6.10, p=.000), personal hygiene performing(t=4.86, df=60, p=.000), wearing(t=5,86, df=60, p=.000), elimination(t=7.89, df=60, p=.000), mobility on the bed(t=13.36, df=60, p=.000), moving(t=9.11, df=60, p=.000), walking(t=7.45, df=60, p=.000) 2. There was no qualitative difference between experimental group and control group with the significance of p< or =.05. 3. There was no relation between the general condition and the difference of ADL, while there was significant relation between the starting point of exercise and the difference of pre-exercise and post exercise ADL. As a result, it should be emphasized that the early rehabilitation and exercise therapy are important in patients who have stroke, and that it is necessary to extend the exercise therapy to the ward. Therefore, this Ward Exercise Program could be recommended as a independent clinical exercise nursing intervention in rehabilitation nursing of patients who have stroke.
Activities of Daily Living
Exercise Therapy
Physical Therapists
Rehabilitation Nursing
4.The Effect of the Meridian Massage on the Hand Edema and Function of the Hemiplegic Patient.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2003;15(4):520-530
PURPOSE: The objective of the study was to identify the effects of the meridian massage therapy on hand edema and hand functions in patients with hemiplegia. METHOD: The experiment was conducted in the Oriental Medical ward of "K" hospital during the period of 2000. 12. 15 - 2001. 03. 15. Fifty five subjects with hemiplegia following a stroke participated in the study. Volumetric size of the hand and the circumference of the index finger of each patient was measured and functional points were recorded for pre and post experiment. RESULT: 1. Apparent decrease in volumetric size of the hand and the circumference of the index finger(p=.022. p=.021), and higher functional points(p=.003) in the experimental group in comparison to the control group. 2.Volume of hands & their functions appeared to be irrelevant(r=-.195, p=.154). 3. Circumference of the index finger & their functions also turned out to be irrelevant (r=-.110, p=.424). CONCLUSION: Meridian massage is an effective nursing interventional therapy to relieve hand edema and improve hand functions in hemiplegic patients and has great potential for use in a wide range of medical fields as an efficient supplementary treatment for stroke rehabilitation.
5.Comparison of Motivation for Rehabilitation, Family Support and Adherence to Rehabilitation between Depressive and Non-depressive Stroke Patients.
An Suk PARK ; Eun KO ; Hee Sun KANG
Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing 2016;19(2):138-147
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare motivation for rehabilitation, family support and adherence to rehabilitation and identify factors predicting adherence to rehabilitation between depressive and non-depressive stroke patients. METHODS: Stroke patients admitted to rehabilitation hospitals (n=159) participated in the study. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires including general characteristics, depression, motivation for rehabilitation, family support and adherence to rehabilitation. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, χ² test, Pearson correlation coefficients and logistic regression using the SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. RESULTS: 62.9% of the subjects were identified as depressive patients. Motivation for rehabilitation (F=48.18, p=.020) and adherence to rehabilitation (F=9.68, p=.002) in depressive stroke patients were significantly lower than non-depressive stroke patients. Family support also in depressive group was lower than non-depressive group but there was no statistical significance (F=2.35, p=.127). Motivation for rehabilitation (OR=11.46), family support (OR=1.05) and onset period (less than 2 year)(OR=3.61) predicted the good adherence to rehabilitation in depressive stroke patients. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that health professionals need to identify factors affecting adherence to rehabilitation and provide a nursing intervention considering the depression especially when caring for stroke patients.
Health Occupations
Logistic Models
6.Analysis of Functional Independence Status and Home Care Needs among Stroke Patients.
Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing 2005;8(2):149-156
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze functional independence and need for home nursing care in stroke patients. METHOD: This was a descriptive study. The subjects comprised 117 stroke patients who were supposed to discharge in less than a week. The instruments used for this study were the functional independence measure (FIM) and the need assessment for home nursing care of stroke patients. The data were analyzed using frequency, mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient. RESULTS: Pearson correlation analysis revealed that there were negative correlations between subcategories of the FIM and the need for home nursing care in stroke patients. Especially, in case of the subjects who recorded lower scores at self-care they showed higher needs for home nursing care in the domain of physical problem and rehabilitation. CONCLUSION: For the operation of the home nursing care, the protocol for home nursing care is needed to the stroke patients living at home. The FIM instrument is recommended as a useful scale in order to assess the disability for the stroke patients and the need for home nursing care because this one has correlation with the scale of need for home nursing care.
Home Care Services*
Home Nursing
Self Care
7.The Effects on Home Visiting Nursing Service for Community Based Disabled Persons.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(6):1098-1108
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of planned visiting nursing services for homebound disabled persons in the community who have had a cerebrovascular accident METHODS: One group pre-test and post-test research deign was applied to 61 disabled persons who were undergoing rehabilitation with visiting nursing services to evaluate the effects on the health status (SF-36) and activity daily living (ADL/IADL) from March to August, 2001. RESULTS: The health status score by SF-36 of homebound disabled people was significantly improved; the average score was 28.56+/-21.24 before service, 34.29+/-22.30 at 3 months after, and 40.84+/-=27.41 at 6 months after. The activity daily living score by OASIS II was also significantly increased (z= -6.09, p=.000; z= -6.04, p= .000) at 3 months and 6 months after home visiting nursing services. CONCLUSION: The strategy plan for developing a visiting nursing service in health centers should be prepared to develop community based rehabilitation (CBR) programs as well as to improve the level of health status and ADL/IADL for homebound disabled people in the community.
Disabled Persons*
Health Status
House Calls*
Nursing Services*
8.A Study on Rehabilitation Nursing Diagnoses used for the Clients with Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury in Korea.
Moon Ju SUH ; Nan Young LIM ; Hyun Soak KANG ; Keum Soon KIM ; Kwang Hee YANG ; Bok Hee CHO ; Myung Hwa LEE
Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing 1999;2(1):22-28
The development of standards and guidelines of rehabilitation nursing has been the major concerns for providing better nursing to the rehabilitation clients. As the patients with stroke and spinal cord injuries are the most prevalent physical disabilities in Korea, this study focussed on the nursing diagnoses of these two groups of patients. In order to identify the nursing diagnoses frequently used in their practice for the patients with stroke and spinal cord injuries, a survey was done with the questionnaire form developed by the research team. The surveyee were the staff nurses working at rehabilitation wards more than 2 years from 8 general hospitals in Korea. They identified and set the priorities of 13 nursing diagnoses from 79 stroke patients and 10 nursing diagnoses from 35 patients with spinal cord injuries during the periods from March 1 to June 2, 1999. The identified nursing diagnoses for the stroke patients are impaired physical immobility, sensory-perceptual alterations, activity intolerance, self -care deficit, altered defecation, altered urination, risk for injury, unilateral neglect, impaired skin integrity, altered thought processes, pain, altered health maintenance, dysreflexia. The identified nursing diagnoses for spinal cord injuries are altered urination, altered defecation, impaired skin integrity, pain, risk for injury, reflex incontinence, impaired physical immobility, self-care deficit, activity intolerance, knowledge deficit.
Hospitals, General
Nursing Diagnosis
Surveys and Questionnaires
Rehabilitation Nursing*
Self Care
Spinal Cord Injuries*
Spinal Cord*
9.A Survey of Caregivers' Knowledge About Caring for Stroke Patients.
Kyeong Woo LEE ; Su Jin CHOI ; Sang Beom KIM ; Jong Hwa LEE ; Sook Joung LEE
Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 2015;39(5):800-815
OBJECTIVE: To investigate how much formal caregivers know about caring for stroke patients, and whether they adequately provide it. METHODS: Formal caregivers, who worked for stroke patients at 8 hospitals (including 4 university hospitals, 2 rehabilitation hospitals, and 2 convalescent hospitals) participated in this study. The survey was based on a self-report questionnaire, with 6 categories containing a total of 48 questions about the specific care of stroke patients: the demographic characteristics of the caregivers, bed positioning, the provision of meals, position changes and transfers, the range of motion exercises, and caregiver training. RESULTS: A total of 217 caregivers were surveyed, and they were distributed as follows: 41% came from the university hospitals, 35% came from the rehabilitation hospitals, and 24% came from the convalescent hospitals. The percentages of correct answers were distributed as follows: 64.3% for bed positioning, 74.3% for providing meals, and 62.4% for position change and transfer. The total and subscale scores of the caregivers working at convalescent hospitals were significantly lower than those of the caregivers working at the other types of hospitals (p<0.05). Only 7.8% of the total participants received training on a regular basis. The caregivers obtained most of the information from caregiver associations (58.1%), and the majority of the caregivers (65.4%) were willing to receive training. CONCLUSION: About one third (33.8%) of caregivers did not have adequate knowledge of how to properly care for stroke patients; in fact, a significant number of caregivers demonstrated inappropriate and insufficient knowledge in several areas. It is assumed that the provision of regular training, by rehabilitation experts, will improve the professionalism and knowledge of the caregivers, and positively affect patient outcomes.
Hospitals, Convalescent
Hospitals, University
Nursing Care
Range of Motion, Articular
10.The Effect of a Movie-Based Nursing Intervention Program on Rehabilitation Motivation and Depression in Stroke Patients.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2017;47(3):345-356
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to develop and measure the effect of a movie-based-nursing intervention program designed to enhance motivation for rehabilitation and reduce depression levels in stroke patients. METHODS: The study used a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group and a pretest-posttest design. The 60 research subjects were assigned to the experimental (n=30) or control group (n=30). The movie-based nursing intervention program was provided for the experimental group during 60-minute sessions held once per week for 10 weeks. The program consisted of patient education to strengthen motivation for rehabilitation and reduce depression, watching movies to identify role models, and group discussion to facilitate therapeutic interaction. RESULTS: After 10 weeks of participation in the movie-based nursing intervention program, the experimental group's rehabilitation motivation score was significantly higher, F=1161.54 (within groups df=49, between groups df=1), p<.001, relative to that observed in the control group. In addition, the experimental group's depression score was significantly lower relative to that observed in the control group, F=258.97 (within groups df=49, between groups df=1), p<.001. CONCLUSION: The movie-based nursing intervention program could be used for stroke patients experiencing psychological difficulties including reduced motivation for rehabilitation and increased depression during the rehabilitation process.
Motion Pictures as Topic
Patient Education as Topic
Program Development
Research Subjects