1.A Classification of Death Orientation of Cancer Patient`s Family Members: A Q-Methodological Approach.
Chang Seung PARK ; Soon Ja KIM
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 1996;3(2):153-169
This study was designed to identify, describe and classify orientations of cancer patient's family members to death and to identify factors related to their attitudes on death. Death to the male is understood as a comprehensive system and believed to be highly subjective experience. Therefore attitude on death is affected by personalities. As an attempt to measure the subjective meaning toward death, the unstructured Q-methodology was used. Korean Death Orientation Questionnaire prepared by Kim was used. Item-reliability and Sorting reliability were tested. Forty five cancer patient's family members hospitalized in one university medical center in Seoul were sampled. Sorting the 65 Q-items according to the level of personal agreement; A forced normal distribution into the 11 levels, were carried out by the 45 P-samples. The demographic data and information related to death orientation of the P-sample was collected through face to face in depth interviews. Data was gathered from August 30 till September 22, 1995. The Z-scores of the Q-items were computed and principal component factor analysis was carried out by PC-QUANL Program. Three unique types of the death orientation were identified and labeled. Type I consists of twenty P-samples. Life and death was accepted as people's destiny. They firmly believed the existence of life after life. They kept aloof from death and their concern was facing the end of the life with dignity. They were in favor of organ donation. Type II consists of Nine P-samples. They considered that death was the end of everything and did not believed the life after life. They were very concerned about the present life. Type III consists of Sixteen P-samples. They regarded the death as a natural phenomena. And they considered that the man is just a traveller and is bound to head for the next life which is believed to be free of agony, pain or darkness. They neither feared death nor its process. Their concerns were on the activities to prepare themselves for the eternal-life after death. Thus, it was concluded that there were three distinctive type of attitudes on death among cancer patient family members, and their death attitudes were affected by demographic and socio-cultural factors such as sex, education, and religion.
Academic Medical Centers
Surveys and Questionnaires
Tissue and Organ Procurement
2.The Study on Dietary Behaviors of Elementary School Student in Chungnam Area According to the School Food Service Type, Gender and Grade.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2006;11(5):608-617
This study compared the food habits and attitudes towards dietary life culture in types of feeding management, gender and grade. The subjects were 352 elementary school students who lived in Seocheon, Chungnam. The independently managed school students were better than jointly managed school students in food habits (p < 0.05). In skipping school meals, upper grade students were skipped more than lower grade students (p < 0.05). In rate of eating school meals, boys were faster than girls (p < 0.001). The independently managed school students and the jointly managed school students were different on distasteful food. Boys disliked vegetables and girls disliked cereals and beans (p < 0.05). Upper grade students ate more well-balanced meals than lower grade students (p < 0.05). As for the question "what you will do if the distasteful foods are provided through school meals", they responded. the highest percent of students, "I will try once or twice". And the response "I have them for health" was higher independently in managed school students than the jointly managed school students (p < 0.05), girls than boy (p < 0.05), and the lower grades than the upper grades (p < 0.05). As for the question "what you will do if the distasteful foods are provided, after the guide for school meals was performed", the response, "I will make an effort to have it" accounted for the highest percents, and there were differences in lower grade students who were high percents than upper grade students (p < 0.01). As for the recognition for unbalanced diets, most of the students recognized that it is a "bad habit"; the girl students accounted for more percentage than boys (p < 0.05). The criterion of food choice were different in gender and grade (p < 0.01). As for the factor of influences for the food habits formation, lower grade students were "school education" and upper grade students were "parents" (p < 0.05). Thus, the systematic guide for proper intakes of nutrition should be performed. Also, the time when students can be educated by an expert of nutritional education, which is connected with school meals and students can grow healthily.
Edible Grain
Food Habits
Food Services*
3.A follow up study on patients with traumatic head injury.
Su Yeol KIM ; Soon Ja CHANG ; Yun Hee KIM ; Son Mi CHOI
Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1991;15(4):481-488
No abstract available.
Craniocerebral Trauma*
Follow-Up Studies*
4.Death Orientation of the Korean Adult: Data was focused on residents who were living in urban area.
Soon Ja KIM ; Suk Yong KIL ; Chang Seung PARK
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 1998;5(2):237-256
Death and dying of human being is a comprehensive system, and death orientation, the subjective meaning related to every component of the death system is developed throughout life. this study was designed and carried out to identify, describe and classify the orientations of Korean adult toward the death system. In an attempt to measure the subjective meaning of death and dying, unstructured Q-methodology was used. The 65 Q-statements developed by Kim(1994), used by Kim(1994) and Park(1996) were adopted as Q-population and 39 Q-statements were selected by the three researchers for Q-items for this study. Thirty-three P-samples were sampled from P-population of literature Korean men and women, 35 and 55 years of age, lived in urban Korea for the last 10 years. Sorting of the 39 Q-items according to the level of personal agreement, and a forced normal distribution into the 9 levels were carried out by the P-samples. the Z-scores of the Q-sort data were computed, and the principal components factor analysis by PC-QUANL Program were carried out. the demographic, socio-cultural and health-related attributes of the P-samples were descriptively analysed. Eight types of death orientation were identified : Type I ; "naturalist". Six P-samples. Death is a natural phenomena, to be accepted as it is and to follow its natural course. Prefer to be informed of all facts and possibilities concerning the course of dying and death to occur to self. Type II ; "life-after-life negator". Three P-samples. Time and process of death is the destiny of each person. Death means 'darkness' and 'end to every thing, the absolute end'. Yet, wish physical integrity at the dying and after death. Type III ; "life-after-life believer". Six P-samples. Men are travellers passing by this life bound to the life-after-life. Priority concerns are on the activities. to prepare self for the eternal life ahead. Disregard premature and sudden death. Type IV ; "here-now believer". Five P-samples. Positive regard to the cremation of the body and donation of the organs on death. Regard religious and customary post-mortem rituals meaningless. Negate life-after life. Type V ; "believer of rituals". Five P-samples. Death being accepted as a part of a natural end to, and destiny of human life. Concerned to ensure a dignified end to personal life and dignified post-mortem rituals. Type VI ; "Realist"(derived from Type I). Tow P-samples. Life and death as universal reality. The abrupt death at golden age at the peak of happiness is favored to avoid inevitable physical and mental distress of self and the family. Agreed to the cremation of the body. disregard rituals. Type VII ; "Fatalist"(derived from Type II). Five P-samples. Not favored, yet, all man are destined to death, the inevitable end of all living beings. to ensure dignified end by personal consummation, information. on one's dying and imminent death are to be shared. Type VIII ; "reality avoider"(derived from Type III. One P-sample. Negative to longevity, artificial prolongation of, meaningless and distressful life. Highly positive to post-mortem organ donation.
Ceremonial Behavior
Death, Sudden
Tissue and Organ Procurement
5.Decisional balance corresponding to the Stage of Change of Exercise in Elderly.
So In KIM ; Young Ja CHUN ; Pyoung Sook LEE ; Soon Yong KIM ; Sook Ja LEE ; Eun Sook PARK ; Sung Ok CHANG
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 2000;12(1):40-51
PURPOSE: This study was carried out to identify the factor of decisional balance for exercise. This was composed of a set of variables at the level of decision making when the elderly decide to do exercise. It was used to classify and identify the characteristics of the stages of change for exercise to which the elderly belong, and was used to identify the variables of decisional balance which influence the stage of change for exercise in the elderly. METHODS: Convenient samples of 198 subjects over age 60 in Seoul( mean age=70) were selected from community living, mentally competant older adults and the data was collected from April 1, 1999 to May 31, 1999. The research instrument was the Decisional Balance Measure for Exercise(Marcus &Owen., 1992), Stage of Change Measure(Marcus et al,1992). The data was analyzed by SAS Program. RESULTS: 1. According to stage of change measure, without missing data,191 subjects were distributed in each stage of change for exercise: 50 subjects(26.1%), 7 subjects (3.6%), 52 subjects(27.2%), 4 subjects(2%), and 78(40.8%) belonged to the pre- contemplation stage, contemplation stage, preparation stage, action stage and maintenace stage. 2. Factor analysis identified 3 factors of decisional balance as appropriate factors for exercise of the elderly and named by researchers; 1)'Perceived Physical-psychological benefit', 2)'Perceived Physical-psychological burden', and 3)'Perceived time burden'. 3. The analysis of variance showed that the two components Perceived Physical - psychological benefit(F=45.95, P=.0001), and Perceived Physical-psychological burden (F=26.52, P=.0001) were significantly associated with stage of change. 4. Through the discriminant analysis, it was found that both 'Self Perceived Physical - Psychological benefit' and 'Perceived Physical-Psychological burden' were the influential variables in discriminating the three stages of change(pre-contemplation, preparation, and maintenance). CONCLUSION: Results are consistent with the application of the Transtheoretical model, which has been used to understand how people change health behaviors. Even though this study is a cross-sectional, not a longitudinal study, the findings of this study give useful information for exercise intervention about especially the factors relating to decision making for exercise of the elderly in the different stages of change of exercise.
Decision Making
Health Behavior
6.A Prediction Model for Stage of Change of Exercise In the Korean Elderly: Based on the Transtheoretical Model.
Soon Yong KIM ; So In KIM ; Young Ja CHUN ; Pyoung Sook LEE ; Sook Ja LEE ; Eun Sook PARK ; Sung Ok CHANG
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):366-379
The purpose of this study was to identify causal relationships among variables of transtheoretical model for exercise in the elderly. A predictivel model explaining the stage of change was constructed based on a transtheoretical model. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected from 198 old adults over 60 years old in a community setting in Seoul, Korea in April and May,1999. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling (LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationship of variables. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was X2=132.85. (df=22, p=.000). GFI=.88, NNFI=.35, NFI=.77, AGFI=.59 which was not favorable but the fit of modified model to the data was X2=46.90. (df=27, p=.01).GFI= .95, NNFI=.91, NFI=.92, AGFI=.87) which was more than moderate. The predictable variables of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly were helping relationship, self cognitive determination, conversion of negative condition in process of change and efficacy for exercise . These variables explained 68% of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly.
Middle Aged
Models, Structural
Self Efficacy
7.Process of Change Corresponding to the Stage of Change of Exercise in Elderly.
Young Ja CHUN ; So In KIM ; Pyoung Sook LEE ; Soon Yong KIM ; Sook Ja LEE ; Eun Sook PARK ; Sung Ok CHANG
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):354-365
Purpose: This study was performed to identify the factors that change exercise behave. This study will also classify and identify the characteristics of excercise stages to which the elderly belong Also, to identify the processes of change which influence on the changes in exercise performed by the elderly. Methods: Convenient samples of 198 subjects over the age 60 in Seoul Korea(mean age=70) were selected from elderly communities and were all mentally conpetant older adults. The data were collected from April 1,1999 to May 30, 1999. The research instruments were measured the change in exercise (Marcus et al., 1992b), such as Stage of Change measure(Marcus et al,1992a). The data were analyzed by SAS Program. Results: 1. According to the measure of change without missing data, 191 subjects were distributed each stage of change for exercise: 50 subjects (26.1%), 7 subjects (3.6%), 52 subjects (27.2%), 4 subjects (2%), and 78 (40.8%) belonged to the precontemplation stage, the contemplation stage, the preparation stage, the action stage and the maintenace stage. 2. According to the factor analysis, 6 factors of change were identified as appropriate processes of change and were named by the researchers. The names were; 'Supportive helping relationship', 'Self cognitive determination', 'Environmental reinforcement', Consciousness raising', Reinforcement of negative condition and 'Conversion of negative condition'. 3. According to the stage of change, there were significant mean differences in the 'Supportive helping relationship(F=22.04, p=.0001)', 'Self cognitive determination (F=50.87, p=.0001)', 'Reinforcement of negative condition(F=7.84,p=.0006)'. 4. Through the discriminant analysis, it was found that Self cognitive determination is the most influential variable as one of the processes of change which can discrimiate the three stages of change (precontemplation, preparation, and maintenance). Also the next significant variable was Reinforcement of negative condition. Conclusion: The process of the dey change is one of concepts of The transtheoretical model known as strategies and the techniques people use as they go through the different stages of change. Even though this study is cross- sectional not longitudinal study, the finding of this study gives useful information for exercise intervention, by using this strategy of exercise for elderly in different stages of change in exercise.
8.A Prediction Model for Stage of Change of Exercise In the Korean Elderly: Based on the Transtheoretical Model.
Soon Yong KIM ; So In KIM ; Young Ja CHUN ; Pyoung Sook LEE ; Sook Ja LEE ; Eun Sook PARK ; Sung Ok CHANG
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):366-379
The purpose of this study was to identify causal relationships among variables of transtheoretical model for exercise in the elderly. A predictivel model explaining the stage of change was constructed based on a transtheoretical model. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected from 198 old adults over 60 years old in a community setting in Seoul, Korea in April and May,1999. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling (LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationship of variables. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was X2=132.85. (df=22, p=.000). GFI=.88, NNFI=.35, NFI=.77, AGFI=.59 which was not favorable but the fit of modified model to the data was X2=46.90. (df=27, p=.01).GFI= .95, NNFI=.91, NFI=.92, AGFI=.87) which was more than moderate. The predictable variables of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly were helping relationship, self cognitive determination, conversion of negative condition in process of change and efficacy for exercise . These variables explained 68% of stage of change for exercise of the Korean elderly.
Middle Aged
Models, Structural
Self Efficacy
9.Process of Change Corresponding to the Stage of Change of Exercise in Elderly.
Young Ja CHUN ; So In KIM ; Pyoung Sook LEE ; Soon Yong KIM ; Sook Ja LEE ; Eun Sook PARK ; Sung Ok CHANG
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):354-365
Purpose: This study was performed to identify the factors that change exercise behave. This study will also classify and identify the characteristics of excercise stages to which the elderly belong Also, to identify the processes of change which influence on the changes in exercise performed by the elderly. Methods: Convenient samples of 198 subjects over the age 60 in Seoul Korea(mean age=70) were selected from elderly communities and were all mentally conpetant older adults. The data were collected from April 1,1999 to May 30, 1999. The research instruments were measured the change in exercise (Marcus et al., 1992b), such as Stage of Change measure(Marcus et al,1992a). The data were analyzed by SAS Program. Results: 1. According to the measure of change without missing data, 191 subjects were distributed each stage of change for exercise: 50 subjects (26.1%), 7 subjects (3.6%), 52 subjects (27.2%), 4 subjects (2%), and 78 (40.8%) belonged to the precontemplation stage, the contemplation stage, the preparation stage, the action stage and the maintenace stage. 2. According to the factor analysis, 6 factors of change were identified as appropriate processes of change and were named by the researchers. The names were; 'Supportive helping relationship', 'Self cognitive determination', 'Environmental reinforcement', Consciousness raising', Reinforcement of negative condition and 'Conversion of negative condition'. 3. According to the stage of change, there were significant mean differences in the 'Supportive helping relationship(F=22.04, p=.0001)', 'Self cognitive determination (F=50.87, p=.0001)', 'Reinforcement of negative condition(F=7.84,p=.0006)'. 4. Through the discriminant analysis, it was found that Self cognitive determination is the most influential variable as one of the processes of change which can discrimiate the three stages of change (precontemplation, preparation, and maintenance). Also the next significant variable was Reinforcement of negative condition. Conclusion: The process of the dey change is one of concepts of The transtheoretical model known as strategies and the techniques people use as they go through the different stages of change. Even though this study is cross- sectional not longitudinal study, the finding of this study gives useful information for exercise intervention, by using this strategy of exercise for elderly in different stages of change in exercise.
10.A Study on Prevalence of Obesity, Eating Habits and Life Styles of 5th Grade Students in Inchon.
Jeong Soon YOU ; Yun Jin CHOI ; in Suk KIM ; Kyung Ja CHANG ; Hee CHYUN
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1997;2(1):13-22
The purpose of this survey was to investigate the prevalence of obesity, eating habits and life styles of children. This survey was carried out anthropometry and questionnaires in 180 male and 141 female students of fifth-grade at Dongmak elementary school. The results are summarized as follows : 1)18.2% of the male and 19.3% of female students were obese. Underweight group was 10.5% of the male and 15.0% of the female students. 2) Average height of male and female students were 142.0 cm, 144.0 cm and weight of those were 35.8 kg and 37.1 kg respectively. The height and skinfold thickness of the triceps in female students were significantly higher than those of male students and body fat content in female students was significantly lower than that of male students. There was no difference in BMI, RW and RI between male and female students. The average BMI, RW, RI were 17.7, 25.4, 124.0, respectively. 3) The student's height was positively related to parent's height and moth's weight. There were significantly positive correlation between mother's and subject's weight. BMI, RW and RI were positively related to parent's BMI. 4) 78.3% of male and 51.8% of female students had prejudice for special food, and 45.5% of male and 34.5% of female students had an overeating habit. Male students had significanthy higher rate than female in both cases. Average eating time per meal was 18.9 minutes for male and 21.0 minutes for female students. Experience for taking nutrient supplement in male student was more than that in female. Obese group had prejudice for special food, overeating habit and rapid eating rate more than any other groups. The prevalence of obesity among the children is gradually increasing. Therefore, in order to prevent progress into adulthood obesity, nutrition education including the right perception for obesity and eating behavior modification was needed.
Adipose Tissue
Feeding Behavior
Life Style*
Skinfold Thickness
Surveys and Questionnaires