1.Hair Cycle among Healthy Koreans.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1974;12(4):229-232
No abstract available.
2.A Case of Familial Telangiectasia of Face.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(4):459-463
A case of familial telangiectasia of face resembling lupus erythematosus but no having other involved symptoms, except ichthyosis vulgaris of lower legs in all 4 sisters, appeared on 8 months through 2 years after birth is reported Authors suggest this case to be simplified congenital telangiectasia of face, because of not consisted with preexistiong various diseases such as Bloom's syndrome, Ataxia-Telangiectasia, Rothmund-Thomsons' Syndrome, Dyskeratosis congenita, and Cockayne's syndrome, which show the familial telangiectasia of face.
Ataxia Telangiectasia
Bloom Syndrome
Dyskeratosis Congenita
Ichthyosis Vulgaris
3.The Punch Method to Detect The Causative Organisms of Onychomycosis.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1978;16(6):429-433
Onychomycosis can be diagnosed by mycological examination, but it is not easy to detect its causative organisms because the positive rate of culture is lower and its scores are variable due to the contamination inherently introduced in the current method used in sampling the ovychomycosis organisms. It was suggested that the scores depended upon the handicraft of operates and the gainning method of nail material, so we modeled the watch mending drivers into the punching instruments, and holed deeply & widly through the nail plate, from the surface to the bottom. Afterward, the KOH mount & culture were performed to compare this new punch method used with that of standard scrapping method. Through the KOH examination more numerous hypaes were found in the punch methods sample than the scrapping methods sample. Also, the punch methods positive culture rate was found to be 2. 5 times higher than that of the scrapping methods culture rate, with a 5 to 5. 5 times lower amount of contamination. In conclusion, the punch method was found to be a more precise and effective method of obtaining onychomycosis organisms. Although this method required a slight greater time to perform than the standard scrapping method, I believe it will be a valuable aid in the detection of causative organisms of onychamycosis.
4.Clinical and Mycological Studies on microsporum Gypseum Infection.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1980;18(5):369-381
Ringworm infections have been extensiveIy studied in Korea since 1943. However, only two cases of ringworrn caused by Microsporum gypseum were reported until 1975. The authors experienced an increase of M. gypseum infection in recent years, suggesting a further increase in incidence in the future. Therefore, the authors studied the cIinical and mycological findings of 14 cases of M. gypseum infection encountered from 1976 to l978, along with the distribution of various dermatophytoses observed in recert years. To investigate possible sources of infection, mycological characteristics of M. gypseum strains isolated from human and soil were compared. (countinued...)
5.Clinical and Mycological Observations on Tinea Faciale.
Kyung Jae CHUNG ; Soon Bong SUH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1988;26(1):73-81
These clinical and mycological observations were made on 898 cases of tinea facisle diagnosed by the clinical findings and KOH exsmination among the 137,197 out-patients exsmined for five years from Jaunary 1981 to December 1985 at Chilgok Catholic Skin Clinic, Taegu, Korea. Following results were obtained: 1. The annual number of patients with tinea faciale was 159(0.75% of the total outpatients) in 1981, 174(0.56%) in 1982, 181(0.67%) in 1983, 181(0.67%) in 1984,and 203 (0.83%) in 1985. 2. Of the 898 patients, male patients numbered 395 and female 503. Although the age distribution of patients was highest under age 14 in both sexes, males outnumbered females slightly before age 19 and, as age advanced, female predominance became more marked. 3. Of the 898 patients, 7Z6 organisms composed of 5 species were isolated. The species isolated were in the order of decreasing frequency, Trichophyton(T.) mentagrophytea (296,40.8%), Microsporum(M.) canis (218,30.0%), T. rubrum (189,26.0%), M. gypseam (21,2.9%), and Epidermophyton floccosum (2,0.3%). 4. M. canis was the chief cause of tinea faciale in children under 14. The infection due to T. mentagrophytes and M. canis outnumbered T, rubrum markedly in the young age group before 14, but T. rubrum predominated in the middle age group from 20 to 29. In the old age group after 40, T. mentagrophytes reappeared as a major cause of the disease. 5. T. mentagrophytes predominated in rural area and M. cania in urban area but no sexual variation was found. T. rubrum and M. gypseum prevailed slightly more in urban areas than in rural areas. 6. Eczematous annular ringworm (without central clearing) types were seen most frequently in the cases cssed by T. menagrophytes and clsssic ringworm types were seen most frequently in the cases caused by M. cania 7. Coexistent fungal infections were chiefly T. corporis in the csses of T. mentagrophytes and M. canis, but T. pedis and T. unguium in the cases of T. rubrum. 8. As a result of mating studies, 177 strsins of T. mentagrophytes proved to be Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii (51 of the "+" mating type and 126 of the "-"mating type), 12 strains of M. gypseum proved to be Nannizzia(N) incurvata (4, "-" and 8,"-") and 4 proved to be N. gypsea (2, "+" and 2, "-" ).
Age Distribution
Middle Aged
6.Perfect State of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Their Related Infections.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1984;22(6):610-618
A mating study was performed by crossing 333 isolates of Trichophyton mentugrophytes with+and tester strains of Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii, A. benhamiae and A. simit from January 1980 to December 1983 Three hundred and thiirteen were compatible with A. vanbreuseghemri consisting of 167 of+type and 146 of type and twenty were indeterminate. The cleistothecia formed by crossing the isolates with tester strains of A. vanbreaseghemii were fewer in number and smaller in size than those of tester strains. The sexual dogeneration was observed in all of the isolates compared with tester strains. The colonial morphological features of the isolates of T. mentagrophytes were observed as 24p isolates of the granulosum-asteroides form, 66 of the powdery form and 7 of the downy form on 1/10 Sabouraud agar with salts in culture. The mat- ing type showed the higher type in the granulosumasteroides forrn and + type in the powdery and downy forms. The + type increased from 1981 to 1983, and the type showed a marked increase in 1983. The + type was predominant in tinea pedis et unguim and tinea cruris, and type in tinea faciale and tinea manuurn. The + type showed nearly equal incidence in the spring, winter and summer, and the lowest in the autumn, compared to the highest in the winter and the lowest in the summer in the type.
Tinea Pedis
7.A Ultramicroscopic Study Cryptococcus Neoformans Derived from Pigeon Drops.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(3):297-303
The morphologic differences hetween a mucoid and pasty type of Cryptococcus neoformans derived from pigeon drops were investigated using an eIectron microscope. The following results were obtained: No essential differences in ultramicroscopic structures were noted hetween the mucoid and pasty type of C. neoformans, but the capsule is thicker in the mucoid type than the pasty one and the intracytoplasmic structures were seen more clearly in the mucoid type. These differences seem to he related to chemical components and the difficulty of penetration of fixing solution through thick capsules. There were no differences between C. neoformans derived from pigeon drops and those from pathogenic strains which were reported by others. Therefore, C. neoformans derived form pigeon drops can infect humans.
Cryptococcus neoformans*
8.New Plexiglass Hanging Drop Culture Apparatus.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(1):27-30
The purpose of this paper is to describe a new apparatus which utilizes the principle of Van Tieghems hanging drop culture method. After using various methods of culturing fungi authors have found van Tieghems method to yield the most satifsymg result. Until now, this method has been slightly more tedious due to durability, storage, and quantity of culture necessary for each species. The new apparatus consists of 20mm plexiglass tubing cut in 16mm lengths and attache to a 16cm x12cm x2mm plexiglass plate with paraffin or manicure. These tubes a.re ranged in rows approximately 6cm apart with at least 8mm between tubes. Plates of varying sizes can be made to accornodate specific experimente. The authors developed thse inexpensive unbreakable plexiglass plates to allow for aimultaneous growth of various fungi and therefore more accurate comparison. Since these plates can be stored and handled easily, most af the disadvantages of using van Tieghems hanging drop culture rnethod have been eliminated.
Polymethyl Methacrylate*
9.Clinical and Micological Studies on Microsporum Canis Infections.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(1):7-16
Microsporurn canis was fjrst reportaR m Korea in 1957, but no animal contacts were reported and since then, only sporadic occurrences of M. canis have reported. However, cat and human infections from M. canis have gradually become rnore prevalent lately. Recently author reported 3 cases of T. capitis, 2 cases of Kerion Celsi, 13 cascs of T. e,orporis in human and 4 cases of infected kittens, with M. canis isolated as the causative organisrn. Clinical and mycological observations of both patients and kittens were reported as follows: The infections with M. canis were exclusively reported in kittens, not in adult cats. Two of the infected kittens showed obvious signs of undernourishment, physical retardation and prostration. Infectivity among cats or kittens was very low while cat to human infectivity was very high. The human T. capitis exhibited. round, erythematous lesions with complete 1oss of hair, very similar to lesions of alopecia areata, These lesions were uniformly smaller than a walnut in size. The T. corporis exhibited typical, moderately inflamed ringshaped, singular or multiple lesions. The incubation period was estirnated at approximately 3-7 days. In humans, ectothrix growth was reported while the opposite endothrix growth was observed in the kitten and rabbit. Experimental animal inoculations were performed: Rabbit inocuIated with M. can- is resulted in typical ringshaped Iesions appearing 10 days after inoculation. T4ese lesians were cornpletely gone in 4 weeks but infected hairs still remained. Guinea pig inoculation resultel in non-typical lesions covered with serosanguinous crusts, but rat inoculztion showed no signs of infectivity.
Alopecia Areata
Guinea Pigs
Tinea Capitis
10.The File Method to Detect the Causative Organisms of Tinea Unguium.
Jong Seok HWANG ; Soon Bong SUH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(5):613-617
In order to increase the positive rate of cultre for dermatophyte infections of the nails, the authors devised the new file method. It is to perform the KOH mount arid culture with fine subungual hyperkeratotic debris obtained from the hyponycLium after grinding the nail plate from the surface to the bottom using various files, And we compared the result of this new method with that of conventional scraping and punch methods in 40 toenails and ]1 fingernails. The positive rate of culture for tinea unguium by three different methods was as follows: It was 52.5%(21 cases) through conventional scraping method, 70% (28 cases) through punch method and 80% (32 cases) through file method in the 40 toenai ls. lt was 18.2% (2 cases) through punch method, 27. 3% (3 sases) through scraping method and 54. 6%(6 cases) through file method in the 11'fingernails. In conclusion, the file method was found to be a more effective and successful method to detect the causative organisms of tinea unguium and was also easy to handle.