1.The Effect of 6 Month Alphacalcidol Treatment or Nutrition Education on the Nutrient Intakes, Bone Mineral Density and Bone Markers in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2006;11(6):793-807
This study was performed to estimate the effect of alphacalcidol supplementation or nutrition education on the nutrient intakes, bone mineral density and bone markers in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients. The 90 CAPD subjects were randomly assigned to 3 groups (alphacalcidol group: AG, nutrition education group: NG, and control group: CG). Alphacalcidol supplementation(0.5 microgram/day) was carried out for 8 months. Nutrition counseling was performed according to the patient's individual question for the first 6 months and scheduled nutrition education with individual counseling was carried out for the last 2 months. In baseline data, there were no significant differences in age, sex, family number, education years and monthly income except the NG showed significantly less duration of CAPD (p <0.05) compared to other two groups. After intervention all three groups showed tendency of lower intakes. NG revealed less decrease in protein, especially in animal protein, calcium from Ca-P binder, dietary calcium, dietary iron and niacin. NG showed significantly more increase in dry weight (p <0.05) and AG in waist circumference (p <0.001) after intervention. The groups did not show significant differences in the changes of biochemical indices related to bone metabolism. NG revealed more increase in trochanter BMD (p <0.05) compared to other two groups. It seems that nutrition education is more effective in preventing deterioration or improving the bone and general nutrition status.
Bone Density*
Calcium, Dietary
Iron, Dietary
Nutritional Status
Peritoneal Dialysis, Continuous Ambulatory*
Waist Circumference
2.The Difference of Lead and Cadmium Concentration of Blood, Urine and Hair between Children with Suboptimal Iron Status and Normal Children.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1998;3(2):167-173
This study was performed to assess the lead and cadmium status of children residing in urbanfactory area and to see if there is a difference of lead and cadmium status between the group with normal iron status. The mean lead concentration of male hair was 9.55ppm which is significantly higher than 6.61 ppm that of female. The mean lead concentration of male urine sample was 0.04ppm, 10.3ppm and 48.14 microgram/L, which is higher than 0.08ppm, 6.08ppm and 20.69 microgram/L of normal group, respectively. In a suboptimal group the proportion of children whose urinary lead is higher than normal(35 microgram/L)was 87.3%, whereas 2.5% for a normal group. The mean cadmium concentration of male hair was 2.58ppm, which is higher than 2.48ppm that of a female. The mean cadmium concentration of erythrocyte, hair and urine was 0.25ppm, 2.65ppm and 38.83 microgram/L, which is higher than 0.20ppm, 2.40ppm and 19.78 microgram/L of the normal group, respectively. The proportion of children whose urinary cadmium level is higher than the low limit of risk of cadmium intoxication(40 microgram/L) was 21.4%, whereas 0% for a mormal group. Urinary lead and cadmium level showed significantly negative correlation with the RBC count, hematocrit, hemoglobin and serum ferritin, whereas they had significantly positive correlation with FEP/Hb(p<0.01). There was no correlation between the IQ and the level of lead and cadmium.
3.Nutritional Status of 5th Grade School Children Residing in Low-Income Area of Pucheon City.
Sook Mee SON ; Chung Sook YANG
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1997;2(3):267-274
The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of 5th grade school children with iron depletion or iron depleted anemia with simultaneously assessing their general nutritional status. The anthropometric measurements, nutrient intake, and biochemical status of iron were measured for 261 school children from 5th grade residing in low income area of Pucheon. The mean height and weight of male were 138.7 cm and 33.6 kg respectively and were significantly lower than those of female. Mean fat percent, triceps skinfolds thickness and arm circumference were 21.4%, 13.7 mm and 22.2 cm for female and were significantly higher than 19.1%, 11.4 mm, 21.4 cm of male respectively. The intake on vitamin A and calcium were 46.4% and 47.7% of RDA for male and 36.6% and 44.9% for male respectively. The energy intake, carbohydrate, thiamin, niacin, ascorbic acid of male were significantly higher than those of female respectively. The mean daily intake of iron were 7.5 mg for male and 7.3 mg for female and were not significantly different. The mean biochemical indices of iron nutritional status were not significantly different between male and female expect free erythrocyte protoporphyrin(FEP) and FEP : hemoglobin ratio. The proportion of male assessed by serum iron(<70 microgram/dl), Hb(<12g/dl), Hct(<36%), FEP(<70 microgram/dlRBC) were 25.4%, 8.4%, 0.8%, 1.8% respectively and 23.2%, 8.4%, 3.4%, 1.0% for female respectively.
Ascorbic Acid
Energy Intake
Nutritional Status*
Vitamin A
4.A Comparative Study on nutrient Intake, Anthropometric Data and Food Behavior in Children with Suboptimal Iron status and Normal children.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1998;3(3):341-348
This study was performed to investigated the difference in the nutritional status of normal children and children with suboptimal iron status. Two hundred and sixty children from 5th grade were divided into 2 groups(normal group and suboptimal group) according to the hematologic parameters of iron(RBC count, hemoglobin, serum ferritin). Normal group was composed of 71 male and 81 female and suboptimal group was consisted of 65 male and 43 female. Fat percentage of children from suboptimal group was 18.9%, which was significantly lower than 22.1% of normal group(p<0.05). TST and MAC of suboptimal group were also lower than those of normal group(p<0.05). Mean intakes of energy, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, iron were lower than those in normal group(p<0.05). suboptimal female students showed 1197.6 kcal of energy intake(63.0% of RDA) and 0.56 mg of thiamin intake(56% of RDA). Mean RBC count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, ferritin(p<0.01) and FEP(p<0.05) of suboptimal group were lower than those of normal group. Thirty-nine point seven percent of children from suboptimal group was observed with having gastrointestinal disease which was significantly higher than 22.1% of normal group.
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Nutritional Status
5.Nutritional and Health Status of Korean Elderly from Low-income, Urban Area and Improving Effect of Meal Service on Nutritional and Health Status - V. The Effect of Meal Service for One Year on Nutritional and Health Status.
Sook Mee SON ; Yaung ja PARK ; Jae Ok KOO ; Yoon Na LEE ; Hye Young YOON
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1997;2(1):63-73
This study was performed to assess the effect of one year's of meal service for home-staying urban elderly with low incole on their nutritional status. One hundred and eighty three subjects, who had already completed the first nutritional survey, were assigned to two group : meal served(served) and non-meal served(non-served). A meal containing approximately on half of the RDA for energy, protein, calcium and iron was served as lunch everyday to served group. After on year of meal service, follow-up-nutritional survey was done and changes of parameters were analyzed with paired t-test. Served female showed signficantly increased intake of riboflavin and calcium, while non-served female showed significantly decreased intake of calcium. Serum total protein, serum albumin and serum cholesterol were significantly increased in female regardless of meal service. Served remale was observed with significantly elevated LDL-cholesterol, whereas non-served female showed singnificantly lowered HDL-cholesterol. Significantly decreased serum iron, serum transferrin saturaion and significantly increased TIBC were observed for female regardless of meal service. But the proportion of anemic elderly according to Hb or serum iron was decreased more in served group. Female showed significantly increased serum zinc and copper regardless of meal service, whereas only served male showed significantly increased serum copper.
Nutrition Surveys
Nutritional Status
Serum Albumin
6.Characteristic of Anthropometric Data and Biochemical Nutritional Status of Hypertensive Patients before Treatment.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2000;5(4):624-632
Nutrition related factors were investigated in one hundred and two hypertensive patients(Male: 44, female: 58) before they started drug treatment or diet therapy. The mean age of men and women were 49.9 and 53.5, respectively. Among the men, their mean SBP and DBP were 165.8 mmHg/108.4 mmHg. Fifty six point eight percent of men was classified as having in stage 3 hypertension(SBP > or = 180 mmHg, or DBP > or = 110 mmHg) and 45.5% was classified as having low renin hypertension (serum renin<2.5 ng/ml/h). The proportion of overweight or obesity assessed by BMI(> or = 25) or body fat percent( > or = 21%) was 47.7% or 80.9%, respectively. Men showed 19.1% of hypertriglyceridemia(serum TG > or = 200 mg/dl), 42.6% of hypercholesterolemia(serum cholesterol > or = 220 mg/dl), and 17.0% was observed as having serum cholesterol higher than 240 mg/dl. The proportion of men with high risk of cardiovascular disease was 72.3% assessed by atherogenic index(> or = 3.4). The prevalence of drinking was 86.4% including a daily drinking proportion of 15.8%. Among women, their mean SBP and DBP were 162.6 mmHg/104.3 mmHg. Less women(43.1%) were classified as having stage 3 hypertension and more women were observed in low renin hypertension(55.1%). The prevalence of obesity or overweight assessed by BMI( > or = 25) was 31.0% and 76.3% with body At percent(> or =28%). Women revealed 24.1% of hypertriglyceridemia and 36.2% of hypercholesterolemia. The proportion of women who showed high risk of cardiovascular disease(atherogenic index > or = 3.4) was 63.8%. The smoking rate was 8.6% and drinking rate was 43.1%.
Adipose Tissue
Cardiovascular Diseases
Diet Therapy
Nutritional Status*
7.Iron Nutritional Status of Female college Students Residing in the Kyungin Area.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 1998;3(4):556-564
The purpose of this study was to assess the iron nutritional status of college women residing in the Kyungin area. The anthropometric parameters, nutrient intake, and biochemical status of iron were measured for 102 college women. The mean height and weight were 160.3 cm and 52.4 kg, respectively. The proportion of subjects whose BMI was less than 20 was 41.3%. The proportion of subjects assessed as overweight(25
Nutritional Status*
8.Effect of 12-week Low Calorie Diet and Behavior Modification on the Anthropomeric Indices and Biochemical Nutritional Status of Obese Woman.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2005;10(4):525-535
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of a 3 week low calorie diet (LCD) and a 9 week of behavior modification (BM) program on the weight loss, mineral and vitamin status in 22 obese women. The subject were healthy, obese (PIBW > 120%) women aged 20 - 50 Yr and not taking any medications known to influence body composition, mineral or vitamin metabolism During the LCD program, subjects were provided commercial liquid formulas with 125 kcal per pack and were instructed to have a formula for replacement of one meal and at least one regular meal per day within the range of daily 800 - 1200 kcal intake. During the BM program the subjects weekly attended the group nutrition counseling session to encourage themselves to modify their eating behavior and spontaneously restrict their energy intakes. The BM program focused on stimulus control, control of portion sizes and modification of binge eating and other adverse habits. The initial mean energy intake of subjects was 2016.9 +/- 129.8 kcal (100.8% of RDA) and dropped to 1276.5 +/- 435.7 kcal at the end of a 3 week of LCD program and elevated to 1762 +/- 329.3 kcal at the end of a 9 week of BM program. Carbohydrate, protein and fat intakes were significantly decreased at the end of the LCD but carbohydrate was the only macro nutrient that showed significant decrease (p < 0.05) at the end of the BM program compared to baseline. Calcium and iron intakes decreased significantly (p < 0.01, respectively) with no significant changes in other micronutrients at the end of the LCD. The mean weight of the subjects decreased from 73.8 +/- 8.0 kg to 69.2 +/- 7.7 kg with LCD and ended up with 67.7 +/- 7.1 kg after 9 weeks of BM. The 3 weeks of LCD reduced most of the anthropometric indices such as BMI, PIBW, fat weight, wast-to-hip ratio and subscapular and suprailiac skinfold thickness. The 9 weeks of behavior modification showed slight change or maintenance of each anthropometric measurements. Weight loss and decreased WHR with the diet program induced significantly decreased systolic blood pressure. SGOT, SGPT and serum insulin levels with improved serum lipid profiles. Biochemical parameters related to iron status such as hemoglobin, hematocrit were significantly decreased (p < 0.01) at the end of the LCD. But their mean values were within normal range. The mean serum 25 (OH) vitamin D3 level significantly increased after whole diet program. Serum folate level significantly decreased after 12 weeks of diet program. In conclusion 3 weeks of LCD brought 4.6 kg reduction in body weight without risk of iron, zinc or vitamin D deficiency and 9 weeks of the BM was effective to maintain nutritional status with slightly more weight reduction (1.5 kg). However calcium intake and serum folate should be monitored during the LCD and BM because of increased risk of deficiencies..
Alanine Transaminase
Aspartate Aminotransferases
Behavior Therapy*
Blood Pressure
Body Composition
Body Weight
Caloric Restriction*
Energy Intake
Feeding Behavior
Folic Acid
Nutritional Status*
Portion Size
Reference Values
Skinfold Thickness
Vitamin D Deficiency
Weight Loss
9.Association of Bone Densities with Anthropometric Indices and Lifestyles in Elderly People.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2002;7(3):327-335
This study was performed to investigate the relationships among bone mineral densities (BMD), anthropometric data and lifestyle factors in the elderly. Subjects included 138 elderly (male: 38, female: 100) aged over 65 years, who were home-dwelling in a low-income area of Puchon City. The BMDs of the lumbar spines (LS), femoral necks (FN), Ward's triangles (WT) and trochanters (TC) were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. The females showed significantly lower BMDs in four sites (p < 0.0001). The elderly aged over 75 revealed significantly more decreased femoral BMDs than the elderly aged 65 to 74. Female with BMIs of 20 to 25, showed significantly higher BMDs in LS, FN and trochanter than those with BMIs of less than 20. However, males displayed significantly higher BMDs in only LS, with increasing BMIs. THe BMDs of LS correlated with weights (r = 0.543, p < 0.001), heights (r = 0.477, p < 0.001), upper arm circumferences (r = 0.368, p < 0.01), waist circumferences (r = 0.367, p < 0.001), subscapular skinfold thicknesses (r = 0.363, p < 0.001) and hip circumferences (r = 0.231, p < 0.01). Non-smokers and non-drinkers showed significantly higher BMDs in trochanters only in the case of the males. Female milk-drinkers showed significantly elevated LS BMDs. Eighteen percent of the males were assessed as having osteoporosis, as compared to fifty percent of the females. Ninety-three percent of the females and 81.6% of the males responded that they often or always had "difficulty in standing for a long time".
Absorptiometry, Photon
Bone Density*
Femur Neck
Life Style*
Skinfold Thickness
Waist Circumference
Weights and Measures
10.Nutritional Status and Utilization of Public Health Center of Elderly.
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2001;6(2):218-226
This study was performed to assess the nutritional status, frequency of visiting and necessity of nutrition programs for 157 elderly(male:49, female:108) visiting public health centers in Puchon. The purpose of the study was to provide the basic data for developing a nutrition service model. The subject were investigated by interviews with a questionnaire to obtain dietary data and other information related to public health center. Blood tests for analyzing biochemical status were also carried out. The elderly showed low income status. Ninety two percent of them showed their monthly income was less than 400,000 won and 72.6% was observed as having 30,000 won/month as their pocket money. The most frequent disease reported as having or being treated were hypertension(32.6%), rheumatic arthritis(28.5%), diabetes(10.2%), and stomach disease(8.2%) for males and hypertension(33.1%), diabetes(19.4%), rheumatic arthritis(16.7%), anemia(11.1%) for females. The nutrients whose daily intakes were less than 2/3 of RDA were calcium(37.5% RDA),vitamin A(49.9% RDA), iron(60.0% of RDA) and protein(62.0% RDA) for males and vitamin A(27.7% RDA), vitamin B2 (33.3% RDA), calcium(44.1% RDA), iron(53.3% RDA), and niacin(60.0% RDA) for females, respectively. Prevalence of anemia, assessed by hemogloben using WHO definition, were 4.1% for males and 18.5% for females. The percentage of males with hypercholesterolemia( 220 mg/dl) was 2.1% and 19.4% fir females, Two percent of males and 12.0% of females were observed as having a LDL-C higher than 165 mg/dl. The mean fasting blood glucose(FBG) level of males and female was 84.2 mg/dl and 101.7 mg/dl respectively. Two percent of males and 8.3% of females were found with a FBG higher than 140 mg/dl. Seventy one percent of elderly reported they were visiting public health centers at least once per week or more frequently. They were satisfied most with the low medical bills but showed the lowest satisfaction for the facilities of the public health centers. What the nutrition service programs wanted most was nutrition counseling and guidance.
Hematologic Tests
Nutritional Status*
Public Health*
Surveys and Questionnaires